Search Results for Soren Dreier

Karma Yoga

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times I haven’t been writing that much lately. I decided to go stealth for a bit. So I contemplated a while under the Bougainvillea. Sometimes the best way to plug-in into the vastness of the universe is to go introvert, which pretty much could support the reality I subscribe to: It’s all

Staying Power Will Get Us There

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times Some people have that quality of Staying Power. I consider it to be a warrior’s valor. We need it more than ever, now that thunderous clouds are once again gathering in a 360-degree approach. Nearing in on the stargazers in search of a somehow brighter light. When the glue vaporizes

Stealth Oneness – The Rise of a New Spiritual Paradigm

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times “You are divine… you’re love.” Naaa, I’m not… just trying to be nice and do the right thing. “Yes, you are divine, you’re love, we all are, and we are one.” Oh no, if we were, things would be different… we need to know the love of God. “You are

The Universal Pulse Of Truth

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times There is a sacred pulse that you have. It often follows the pulse of your biological heartbeat. It makes sense, since the Pulse comes from the biological pulse of the heartbeat is in sync with the Celestial Pulse. It can tear down outside walls and if it does, it manifests

Lovers Transcending the Duality Void

Ida Lawrence and Soren Dreier, Contributors Waking Times There is much conversation today about gender equality, sensuality, sexuality. We talk about these things because our very deep and ever-present desire is to experience ourselves through love. We want to know love in all of its forms and manifestations… true lovemaking. But to know this, we

Hungry for Beauty

Charlotte Whitelock, Guest Writer Waking Times We are living in a time of global starvation. According to World Hunger, 13% of the world population are hungry and malnourished. Even more startling, is the global starvation of the soul. People are forced to rummage in the metaphorical rubbish bins of the Matrix, for the next fix, to

The Sweet Sweet Pull of Unwanted Gravity…

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times Feeling a bit aerie fairy lately? Feeling a bit like: Shiiit, I went real cosmic there, say for almost 4 weeks and now 3D reality kicked in…. What happened? Had my karma, dharma, downloading new software, high frequency charged master cleansing going on, so nothing should predictably go wrong here…Was

The Uncharted Territory of Remote Healing (Part 2)

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Part 1 of this series on the phenomenon of remote healing can be read, here. If I experience something that heals me… really helps me live with less physical and psychological pain, then that’s my experience and it happened. And if it happened because a healing energy arrived from someone

Maneuvering The Cosmic Karaoke Bar

Soren Dreier, Contributor Waking Times A couple of years ago I went to a health fair where I was giving a talk. In the corridor this woman came toward me and said: – You are like me. – Okay, what are we? – We are the chosen ones , we’ve got a propeller in the brain inserted by the space

The Uncharted Territory of Remote Healing

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Part 2 of this series on the phenomenon of remote healing can be read, here. There was a time in the US when chiropractors were looked at with suspicion, homeopaths and herbalists were considered quacks, and naturopaths, acupuncturists, ayurvedic medicine practitioners, rolfers… these were unheard of. Well, things change. Alternative medicine

A New Chivalry

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times When it comes to spiritual warriors on assignment, it does seem to me that men and women show up to battle with different weapons. Men are tremendously skilled at wielding true information driven by love, and women hold the disarming weapon… love driven by true information. It doesn’t just work

The Currency Of Kindness

Soren Dreier, Contributing Writer Waking Times A most powerful force is kindness. It seems to have a life of its own. It´s like a manifested organism multiplying on the inside and the outside. Highly contagious. There are levels to the value of it of course. Some manifested kindness is not kindness. It´s selfish. It comes

Seasoned in the Warrior’s Way

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times “I’ve gone inside to find myself and I see a lot of my life swirling around in here. I don’t know what to make of it – seems kind of disconnected… you know? Please look in and tell me what you see, if you would. I’m having difficulty pulling it together

How To Know What You Want

Soren Dreier, Contributing Writer Waking Times There are a lot of different angles out there, more or less new age, more or less sober, that bend the law of attraction into a washed-out cliché of a non-working law. In order to attract or manifest what we want in this life, I think a very good

Infinite Self – Reclaiming Your Inner Power

Stuart Wilde, Contributing Writer Waking Times Twenty-five thousand people were attracted to my spiritual teacher over the few years that he taught, and at each level of progress, the teachings and disciplines got harder and harder. After a period of about three years, almost everyone had dropped out; near the end, there were only 72 people

Been Down So Long…

Soren Dreier, Contributing Writer Waking Times It seems to be increasingly obvious on a daily basis that the western society is getting divided into: Those who have and those who don’t. The West is rolling time back to its feudalistic roots, and the gap between the rich and poor is widening disproportionately, something we are

Rambunctious Souls

Soren Dreier, Contributing Writer Waking Times Are you one of the: “Freedom loving, fear fighting, pattern breaking, don’t give a shit anymore, sweet and loving rambunctious souls?” Be proud, stand strong and keep on keeping on. True freedom first step is: Not giving a rats ass of attention to whatever people are thinking of you. People

Transcending Extra Sensory Perception

Soren Dreier, Waking Times  I would like to go a little upstream on the subject of ESP – psychic powers or extra sensory perception by stating: It is not “extra”, it’s our basic ability. We come with it and have the potential to use it. Or not. So it’s basic: “BSP” –Basic Sensory Perception.

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