Search Results for new world order

Cycles of Time

Elva Thompson – Remove the anchors from your spirit and know that you incarnated at this time to take part in whatever is coming.

Will You Obey the Criminal Authoritarians?

Dr. Mercola – In 1962, in a now infamous experiment shown in the video above, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram tested the limits of human obedience to authority.

Why Lockdowns Don’t Work And Hurt The Most Vulnerable

Dr. Mercola – An April 2020 report estimated 3 million Britons had gone without food at some point in the previous three weeks. An estimated 1 million people had by then already lost all sources of income.

Step Forth Divine Human

Julian Rose – The human being must now stand-up straight, mask-free and proud.

COVID-19 Destroys The Weakest And Poorest

Dr. Mercola – While the media and political and economic institutions claim the pandemic narrative is based on scientific consensus, this clearly isn’t the case.

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