Search Results for new world order

Children Worldwide Are Contracting The Very Diseases They Are Being Vaccinated Against

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times After a recent failed publicity stunt involving disgraced CNN and British journalist Piers Morgan, the public continues to question the so-called science behind vaccines. In a desperate attempt to demonstrate the “safety and effectiveness of the shot,” he received his very first influenza inoculation live on air from vaccine

Who Really Controls the World?

Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran, New Dawn Waking Times  Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so

Creating A Better World

Laura Grace Weldon, Guest Writer Waking Times  “We become what we think about all day long.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Long before I became an adult I launched a quest. This was inspired by a something that weighed on my childish mind, an urgent calling to alleviate the suffering of others. Even when I was a

New Study Shows Deception of Whole Grain Food Labels

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times Barley, spelt, millet, and quinoa are just a few examples of healthier whole grains. However, the food industry is inconsistently classifying foods as “whole grain” and, in many cases, misleading consumers according to a new study by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers. One of the most widely

Why The Apple Is One Of The World’s Most Healing Superfoods

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times This commonly overlooked superfood protects the body from nuclear fallout, kills a wide range of cancers, and keeps the arteries unclogged — to name but a few, experimentally confirmed ways in which the apple awakens your inner physician. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This age old

A World In Denial: Underestimating Japan’s Nuclear Disaster

Richard Wilcox, Guest Writer Waking Times  cognitive dissonance – noun – Mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information…. when confronted with challenging new information, most people seek to preserve their current understanding of the world by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding the new information or by convincing themselves that no

The Virtue of Dissent: A New Concept of Moralism

Z, Contributing Writer Waking Times “Disobedience, the rarest and most courageous of the virtues, is seldom distinguished from neglect, the laziest and commonest of the vices.” – George Bernard Shaw “At this point in history the capacity to doubt, to criticize and to disobey may be all that stands between a future for mankind and the

We Want To Live In A World That Is…

Marco Torres & Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease Waking Times Free from the limitations that currently exist on Earth. A world of endless possibilities filled with nations of cooperative families and communities who have one goal–to function as a unit. One that can only survive through the purest, positive intent to benefit humanity. This is our

Marijuana Legalization is Not Enough! Envisioning a Post-Prohibition World

Martin A. Lee, Reality Sandwich Waking Times  Pot-smokers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your pipe dreams. Marijuana legalization is a beginning, not an end. When residents of Colorado and Washington voted to legalize the adult use of cannabis, it felt like a momentary rush of sobriety in a country dazed

New Frontiers in Free Energy: The Gravity Light

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times The need for free, non-extractive energy sources is paramount to the health of our planet and its inhabitants. It seems that the fossil fuel industries have for decades succeeded in suppressing the most promising alternatives to dirty fuel, and there appears to be no end in sight to big

The Coming World Government

Adrian Salbuchi, New Dawn Waking Times Lucid and aware people observing world events unfold over the past decade or so – say, since September 11, 2001 – will have surely asked themselves what on Earth is going on here? We see ever-growing violence, war, outright lies, invasions, false flags, social upheavals, poverty, ruin and the

Are Corporations Masquerading as Government in Australia & World Wide?

Andy Whiteley, Wake Up World Waking Times Would you be surprised to find a company with the same name as your country registered with theSecurity and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Washington DC? Well, guess what?! Among those listed as corporate entities by the United States SEC are: Israel, Turkey, Italy, Hungary, Sweden, Finland,Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, The Philippines, South Korea, Japan, Jamaica, South Africa, Canada,Australia… and my personal favourite (and I

Scientists Discover New Technique to Remove Fluoride from Drinking Water

Andrew Puhanic, Guest Writer Waking Times Around the world, it is estimated that tens of millions of people are affected by both dental and skeletal fluorosis. In many cases, it is the addition of fluoride into drinking water supplies by governments that is the primary cause of both dental and skeletal fluorosis. Common techniques used

Transcending Our Brain Created Reality: A New Call to Lift Nature’s Veil

Bernardo Kastrup, Ph.D., New Dawn Waking Times The study of non-ordinary states of consciousness is quickly becoming an established area of scientific and philosophical inquiry. Yet, all the enthusiasm about finding out what these non-ordinary states are somehow obfuscates much bigger, important, and urgent questions: What as-of-yet unknown aspects of reality do they give us access to?

Canadian Researchers Discover New Evidence That Vitamin D Shuts Down Cancer Cells

Mae Chan, Prevent Disease Waking Times Researchers at McGill University have discovered a molecular basis for the cancer preventive effects of vitamin D, whereby its active form essentially shuts down cancer cells. People with higher blood levels of vitamin D live significantly longer than people who have low blood levels of the vitamin. The team, led by

Is ‘The New Normal’ Total Control?

Anne Gordan, RN Waking Times It appears that food, air, water, power, pets, and your physiology, etc., are targets for control. Think about it. We have already unknowingly eaten GM food, been victims of toxic environmental disasters, un-leashed depleted uranium upon the earth, yet we sit on the sidelines watching total control unfold. Today we have diseases that did not exist in

Foundations of a New Medicine We Can Not Afford to Ignore

Capt. Randall, Green Med Info Waking Times  Life at its core is a phenomenon that requires energy in the form of electrons to operate and to keep its structures intact. Living cells are internal combustion engines that must have the right fuel and lots of oxygen to produce energy. Visualize life’s molecules snatching/donating electrons, electrons

Tokelau – First Country to Achieve 100% Renewable Solar Power

Staff Writer Waking Times Tokelau, a small country in the middle of the Pacific Ocean created from a chain of islands called “atolls,” has become the first nation to meet all of its electricity needs through renewable solar power. The country is administered by the government of New Zealand, which invested $7 million to transition

Research Draws Link Between Personality Disorders and Animal Instincts

Frank Huguenard, Staff Writer Waking Times  According to new research in the field of consciousness, the traits and tendencies associated with the ten major personality disorders defined by modern psychologists have been found to be closely linked to any other types of natural instinctive animal and plant behavior seen in the world. Human beings are

Genetically Modified Humans? New Gene-Altering Drug Paves Way for Mass Modification

Mike Barret Waking Times  We’ve seen genetically modified mosquitoes, genetically modified plants, and genetically modified cows, but could we soon be dealing with our own genetic alterations – genetically modified humans? As the months and years pass, scientists seem to be getting closer to ‘manufacturing’ humankind, with some of the most recent ‘advancements’ revolving around a

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