The Orbo PowerCube ‘Free Energy’ Charger is Available for Pre-Order
Pao L. Chang – The Orbo PowerCube can supposedly generate energy without using any fuel or conventional electricity.
Pao L. Chang – The Orbo PowerCube can supposedly generate energy without using any fuel or conventional electricity.
Joe Martino, Collective-Evolution Waking Times Watching this video was quite an experience. It’s perhaps because I’ve been following this topic for so many years now and amidst all the doubt and negativity from mainstream science, amazing scientists have put together devices that time and time again show that our current understandings of science and physics …
Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times There’s much being spoken currently about so called “Free Energy”. In other words manifesting energy from the zero point field and how this might be the solution to mankind’s energy problems; how it might help heal Planet Earth by developing a sustainable solution. To me it is a deceptive …
Dr. Brian O’Leary Prevent Disease The global ecological crisis demands radical changes in the way in which we use energy. Traditional renewable approaches such as solar, wind and biomass are attractive but can be capital and materials intensive, diffuse and intermittent. My own research and travel reveals an increasingly large number of experiments suggesting that …
Dylan Charles
– The author of Brave New World left a warning for those who love liberty.
Dylan Charles – Waking Times is evolving, so thank you for being part of this journey and stay tuned for more great things to come.
Waking Times – Qigong is the foundation for a life lived with more flow, bliss, and balance.
Jon Rappoport – It all starts with the IDEA of the germ. Once people buy the idea and the story, everything follows.
Children’s Health Defense Team – From the moment of “COVID-19’s” naming and the imposition of unprecedented restrictions on life and liberty—some people have smelled a rat.
Olivia Rosane – Savage made the comments while speaking on a Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors podcast.
John Vibes – Just this week, the US Navy announced a successful test of their most powerful iteration of laser technology to date.
Mac Salvo – Using the mainstream media, politicians and others can inject fear into the public, making them easy to manipulate and control.
Phillip Schneider – 5G technology is widely being criticized for its ability to give government tremendous powers of control.
John Vibes – The largest waste dump in Ethiopia has been converted into an energy plant that turns trash into power.
John Vibes – The planet is overflowing with energy, and humans are just in the beginning stages of figuring out how to harness that energy.
Olivia Rosane – Imagine painting your home with a special paint that also powers your lights using renewable energy drawn from the air.
John Vibes – Experts are finding that there are more efficient and sustainable ways to organize our cities, but there aren’t many real-life examples of these ideas in action.
Waking Times – Learn to heal your body by tapping into your life force energy.
Jeremy Naydler – It is surprising how few people are aware of the enormity of what is now just beginning to unfold all around us.
Alex Pietrowski – A new study discovers a subtle process of communication relying on electricity.