Search Results for new world order

The Shady Past of The Rockefeller Family & Its Haunting Effect on the World

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times  Perhaps you have heard of the Rockefellers, and the often romantic tale told of the riches that accompany their mark on Americana. John Davidson Rockefeller, (1839-1937) the patriarch of the family, was the first billionaire in the United States. Often we are told he lived the American dream, pulling himself

4 Fresh Water Ideas That Could Change The World

Jonathan Parker, Guest Waking Times 2013. The year of flying cars and private space travel right? My broken phone that’s lying on the floor next to the chair has more computing power than existed in the whole world 40 years ago  We are no longer talking about how to reach space, but what mundane tasks

Who Really Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas & the Plan for World Government

Andrew Gavin Marshall, New Dawn Waking Times So, who runs the world? It’s a question that people have struggled with since people began to struggle. It’s certainly a question with many interpretations, and incites answers of many varied perspectives. Often, it is relegated to the realm of “conspiracy theory,” in that, those who discuss this

Monsanto Planting New GM Soybeans in 20 Locations Despite Recent Activism

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Waking Times The imperative nature of marching this Saturday, May 25th, in the March Against Monsanto couldn’t ever be more stressed than now, with recent news that Monsanto keeps forging ahead with its repugnant plans to poison us all by planting more altered seeds – yet again. Monsanto and other mega- pharmaceutical companies, with

A New Look at the Five Rites of Rejuvenation

James Borges, Borderlands Waking Times The Five Rites are a form of simple stretches that among many things stimulate the gland of the body to increase in vitality and stamina. The Rites are not rigorous exercises. The Five Rites are simple postures that activate the body’s nervous system on the etheric level to restore optimal

Colony Collapse Disorder Is a Fraud: Pesticides Cause Bee Die-Offs

Heidi Stevenson, Green Med Info Waking Times Years ago, Gaia Health informed that bee dieoffs are a direct result of pesticide nerve agents called neonicotinoids. The term, Colony Collapse Disorder, is fraudulent, designed to direct attention from the known cause. Agribusiness, the poison manufacturers making death-producing pesticides, is the other face of Big Pharma. The

New Wind Power Design Results in 600x Increase in Power Production

Christina Sarich, Contributor Waking Times While it isn’t free energy just yet, wind power is one of the many clean’er’ energies that can help to eliminate our dependence on the petro dollar and the many environmental and social problems that accompany an oil based society. Just one example of new advances in wind production engines

New Study Links GMO Food To Leukemia

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times A new study, yet to receive any media attention, reveals the “leukemogenic” properties of the Bt toxin biopesticides engineered into the vast majority of GMO food crops already within the US food supply. Last September, the causal link between cancer and genetically modified food was confirmed in a

Our World: Shamans and Spirits

Michael Harner, Guest Writer Waking Times The following is excerpted from Cave and Cosmos: Shamanic Encounters with Another Reality, published by North Atlantic Books, featured at Reality Sandwich. Close your eyes, then you will find the way. –from a Puyallup Indian myth Based on archaeological and comparative ethnological evidence, shamanism is believed by many scholars to be at least

Brave Mad World: The Control of Mind and Body

Douglas Chapman, Strange Mag Waking Times People who believe they have been targeted by mind control technologies have often been met with skepticism or outright disbelief. However, recent revelations concerning very real ongoing scientific research by the government, coupled with technologies under development in the private sector, make it harder than ever to completely dismiss these

The Renewal Is For Them

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times “Whenever I saw my grandmother, she would look me right in the eyes and say, ‘Are you home, Barbara?’ I would look right back into her eyes and we would smile… ‘Yes, I’m home Grandma.’ We’d give a big hug. Grandma could always bring me back to myself.” A friend

Is Hemp a Miracle Plant That Can Save the World?

Jeffrey Green, Guest Writer Waking Times Hemp is perhaps the answer to most problems in the world. Ambitious, yes.  An exaggeration, no. If grown extensively, its diverse uses can be of significant value to the environment, the economy, world hunger, personal health, and so much more. For the environment, hemp can reduce deforestation, pesticide use,

The New Scientific Revolution

Rupert Sheldrake, Science Set Free Waking Times  Before 2012 slips away it’s worth remembering that this is the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Thomas Kuhn’s hugely influential book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, which was itself revolutionary, and has sold more than a million copies worldwide.  Almost every time you hear the word ‘paradigm’, Kuhn’s book

We Must Question These 10 Scientific Dogmas in Order to Evolve

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times “The Science of Delusion is the belief that science already understands the nature of reality in principle, leaving only the details to be filled in.” –Rupert Sheldrake The default scientific worldview of physical materialism is a paradigm that is being challenged in these paradoxical times. Technology continues to support

Americans Die Younger: US Ranks Low in World Health Report

Ginger Garner, Guest Writer Waking Times A report published last month by the Institute of Medicine entitled, U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, Poorer Health, was released on January 9, 2013.   CNN originally covered the Institute’s release of the report, and now the nutrition industry is chiming in, “The first obvious issue that arises from this report

Studies Reveal Yoga Benefits People with Psychiatric Disorders

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Over the last few decades, yoga has become quite popular, even trendy, outside of the Eastern Buddhist and Hindu cultures. For example, Harris Interactive Service Bureau reported in February 2012 that 16.5 million US adults practice yoga. (source) With so much hype, it is easy to get carried away about

2013 Year of the Snake – New Year Message of Hope

Hua-Ching Ni, Integral Way Waking Times Editor’s Note: This message comes from the revered Taoist master, Hua-Ching Ni, teacher of The Integral Way. His works are numerous and noble and his timely message of hope about the condition of mankind is worth reflecting upon.  Beloved friends of the Integral Way, New Year 2013 is the

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