Search Results for new world order

10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical Material World

Arjun Walla, Collective-Evolution Waking Times Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Swami Vivekananda was

A Brave New Reflection – 8 Examples of the Science of Nature’s Wisdom

Lewis Herridge, Contributor Waking Times In Aldous Huxley’s enduring master piece Brave New World, you find that world controllers have created an ‘ideal’ society. They cleverly use genetic engineering, brainwashing, recreational drugs and sex to keep all it members happy consumers. Many people draw comparisons as to where our society presently is and where it

6 States Where Fracking Earthquakes are a New Feature of Reality

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times The movement against hydraulic gas fracturing, or ‘fracking,’ is becoming mainstream as this toxic and rapidly expanding technique by the oil and gas industry affects more and more everyday people. Essentially, fracking is the process of forcefully injecting different blends of chemicals, fresh water, gasses, sands or other materials

8 Steps to Constructing the New Reality

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times We who engage in postulating solutions to the dominant issues of this time, use much energy speculating on unknown outcomes. But how much energy do we use in laying the ground for a future of our own making? How much time do we give to devising the template for the

Common Core – The Business Side of the New Modern Global Education System

Jamie Lee, Contributor Waking Times Editor’s Note: This is part II of James Lee’s series on the state of modern education. Part I can be found here. “We are not speaking of education in the narrower sense, but of that other education in virtue from youth upwards, which makes a man eagerly pursue the ideal

Turmeric’s Heart-Saving Properties Confirmed In New Diabetes Study

Sayer Ji, Founder, Green Med Info Waking Times “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” ~ Thomas Edison A remarkable new study published in the Journal of Nutritional

The Hidden World of Faerie

Elva Thompson, Guest Waking Times “Come fairies! Take me out of this dull world,? For I would ride with you? Upon the wind and dance ? Upon the mountains like a flame.” – W.B. Yeats Time is speeding up, the sand in the hourglass of our lives is flowing, and our everyday existence is a challenge,

Food Revolution: The Real Takeaway From the Natural News Garden of Life & Subway Agreements

Jefferey Jaxen, Contributor Waking Times It seems the tide is rapidly turning towards the true empowerment of humanity. First, due to the independent findings from the Health Ranger’s Forensic Food Lab combined with an “organic” social media blitz, Garden of Life, Sun Warrior, and Boku Superfood protein products have come to a mutual agreement regarding the quality of their protein

7 Tactics to Trick the World into Higher Consciousness

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer Waking Times In a culture where “thinking outside the box” is a common cliché that gets tossed around by people who simply do not think outside the box, we sometimes need ways to jump-start our world views, to stimulate our weltanschauungs, and to kick open our third eye. Here are

New Study Renews Roundup ‘Weedkiller’ Toxicity Concern

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times A new study published in the January issue of International Journal of Toxicology titled, “Glyphosate Commercial Formulation Causes Cytotoxicity, Oxidative Effects, and Apoptosis on Human Cells: Differences With its Active Ingredient,” raises renewed concern that formulations of the world’s most popular herbicide glyphosate (e.g. Roundup), used primarily in the production of

Revised Laws and Urban Farming Projects Provide New Opportunities for Urban Gardeners

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Interest in urban agriculture is growing locally as well as nationally—a trend that is truly a cause for celebration. In fact, I’ve been encouraging everyone to plant a “Victory Garden” as a step toward fixing our broken food system. During the previous Victory Garden period Americans produced over 40% of the vegetables

Parallel Worlds Exist And Will Soon Be Testable, Expert Says

Dick Pelletier, IEET Waking Times Is there another you reading this article at this exact moment in a parallel universe? Dr. Brian Greene, author of The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, believes that this freakish quirk of nature may exist; and he discusses its amazing possibilities in this 3-minute TV interview.

This New Finding Explains Why Bees Are Disappearing

Amanda Froelich, Guest Waking Times The secret is out – bees have been disappearing for almost a decade now, and scientists are scrambling to understand why. Some sources relay that the colonies all across the world are vanishing due to pesticides, electromagnetic frequencies, mites, and even GMO crops, but what researches have recently found to be the cause of the

Inner Alchemy: A Bridge Between Worlds

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times A new paradigm of being is opening up. It is here all around us. But sometimes it’s extremely hard to balance the connection to this ‘new world’ with living day-to-day in society, especially because not everyone is yet reading from this divine ‘script’. It can sometimes feel like it’s

Brave New Year

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times “We can, if we so desire, refuse to cooperate with the blind forces that are propelling us.” –Aldous Huxley So here we are, moving into 2014. And no doubt with that sense of expectancy and promise which comes with all ‘New Years’. But maybe also with that nagging sense which

The Inter-Dimensional Entities Behind the Dark Agenda That’s Taking Over the World

Angela Pritchard, Guest Waking Times Many feel that there is a multidimensional cause behind the sinister agendas afflicting the world (such as the New World Order). But it is possible not just to sense, but to actually know and uncover its root through firsthand experience. And, unless the root is uncovered, its octopus like tentacles

Embracing Uncertainty: Spiritual Lessons from Anxiety Disorders

Barry John Johnson, Guest Waking Times In the field of mental health, there is a concept relating to tolerance for uncertainty, most specifically relating to treatment of anxiety disorders; People with high anxiety have a low tolerance for uncertainty, whereas people with low anxiety have a high tolerance for uncertainty. An extreme example is someone

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