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Religious Exemptions to Vaccines are Life or Death Rights

Sandor White, Contributing Writer Waking Times Over many years, the media and corporations have mounted a concerted effort to demean religious faith and to portray certain religious groups as dangerous to modern society. Darwin and evolution are often the means, pitting “modern science” against “religious dogma.” The problem is that “science” has become the pawn

The Final Battle of the Iron Age: The Caretakers vs the Takers

Cosmic Convergence, Contributing Writer Waking Times Is there any doubt that there is a war being waged all over Planet Earth 24/7? A truly epochal war has been raging on every square inch of land, in every body of water and in every continental airspace for centuries. James Michener is credited for bringing awareness to

Who Determined That the Mayan Calendar Ends on December 21, 2012?

Cosmic Convergence, Contributor Waking Times  Where did the “Long Count” End Date really come from? Who would deny that there is a LOT of conflicting and confusing information regarding the end of the Mayan Calendar? Complex, complicated and convoluted is the only way to describe the overwhelming number of narratives surrounding the date December 21, 2012. How

War is a Racket

Waking Times Written by Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient – Major General Smedley D. Butler, USMC, Retired, 1935 CHAPTER ONE – WAR IS A RACKET WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope.

2012 and the Great Awakening

“The matrix” is “the morphogenic field”, also defined by Carl Jung as the “collective unconscious.” It is essentially the unified higher awareness that connects with creation and manifests global scenarios. This extraordinary force field plays a crucial role in shaping our perceived reality. For this reason, it has been severely manipulated to serve the elite few who, unlike the majority, have always been keenly aware of the matrix and its power of manifestation.

The Right to Self-Defense

We have a moral right to defend ourselves against violation; there’s no doubt in my mind about that. Persons and groups have boundaries for a reason, and integrity generally requires that we defend them. Gandhi said that this is an obligation that trumped his call to experiment with nonviolent action; if you can’t think of a way to defend yourself nonviolently, he said, use violence.

Are Earthlings an ‘Invasive Species’ Soon to be Exterminated?

An important new study in the realm of astrophysics has revealed that up to 40 percent of red dwarfs (a type of star or “sun”) may harbor a large Earth-like planet orbiting at just the right distance to support life as we know it. The study was led by Dr Xavier Bonfils of the Grenoble University in France.

German Village Achieves Energy Independence … And Then Some

Even before the village council crafted a mission statement, many people were already thinking greener. As a pilot project in the fall of 1994, the third generation owner of Schellheimer, a local landscape company, built the first private natural wastewater system for his home. At the time, flooding was a big issue in Wildpoldsried and it was a constant concern for the citizens.

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