Search Results for pineal gland

2012 and the Great Awakening

“The matrix” is “the morphogenic field”, also defined by Carl Jung as the “collective unconscious.” It is essentially the unified higher awareness that connects with creation and manifests global scenarios. This extraordinary force field plays a crucial role in shaping our perceived reality. For this reason, it has been severely manipulated to serve the elite few who, unlike the majority, have always been keenly aware of the matrix and its power of manifestation.

Ayahuasca – The Vine of the Soul

Most people who experience Ayahuasca report some sort of spiritual experience. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to describe the spiritual effects due to the lack of spirit in our language. Western culture is simply ignorant of the science of spirit that is still practiced today in the Amazon Rainforest.

Decriminalization is a Farce, It’s Time to Legalize All Drugs

I have a right to ingest/smoke whatever I want and to explore the contents of “my own mind” in the process, so long as I am not hurting anyone else, even if it kills me. This is a basic human right, albeit one that few people think of. Imagine if you had the right to have a shed in your backyard, but you didn’t have a right to explore the contents of that shed. That would be a little insulting, wouldn’t it?

Why Are So Many People Gathering to Hear David Icke?

One of the greatest things we can do is get rid of the fear of “What will people think [of me]?? It doesn’t matter, they’ll think something different tomorrow. We have to let go of that fear.” Sometimes the biggest war is between the program of the head against the openness of the heart. Fear looks to the external, very limited. As Icke shows us, realizing who you really are and releasing your fear allows you to take back your power.

Which Spiritual Gift is Your Strongest?

Tanaaz – Deciphering which spiritual sense is your strongest can help you tune in and strengthen your intuition more. Here’s how to find out what is your spiritual gift.

How To Exit The Reincarnation System

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times We have all heard about the tunnel of light that our soul follows upon leaving the physical body, but what is the true meaning of the life review?  Why does a life review almost always involve having us continuously looping back into this 3rd dimensional reality, and what

How Time and Space Clues Point To Who We Are and Where We Are Going

Brad Olsen, In5D Guest Waking Times Is it possible that some races have traveled back from the future in order to change the outcome of their physical evolution? If so, can we follow the clues to find out how our future will unfold and how would the present affect the outcome? “Give up worrying about

Sorrow At Its Source

Linda George, Contributor Waking Times “The deeper sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.” -Kahlil Gibran Sorrow, grief, the heart squeezing pain surges in waves that spill over eyes and down cheeks. We all know the feeling. In the wake of a loved one’s death, the end of a significant relationship, twins

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