Search Results for fluoride

5 Big Signs The Global Engine of Deceit, Lies and Control Are Coming To End

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times If you don’t see it coming, you may have been hiding in a very dark place for the last decade. The lies, deceit, fear-mongering and illusions portrayed by elite controlling entities of the world are slowly crumbling right in front of their eyes as the world is awakening. Here

Do You Know How Hot Dogs Are Really Made?

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times We all know that hot dogs are not the healthiest food, but many people will consume them regardless. What’s the harm in consuming a few frankfurters here and there at BBQs, sporting events and gatherings right? Everything in moderation right? Unsuspecting consumers have no idea what really constitutes a

Third Rock From the Sun – The Devolution of Consciousness

Jack Williams, Contributor Waking Times Cause and effect, chain of events All of the chaos makes perfect sense When you’re spinning round things come undone Welcome to Earth 3rd rock from the Sun (Joe Diffie) “What must we destroy at all cost, sir?” “Their consciousness, of course.” For eons man has been held in bondage

8 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Detoxify

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Given what we are now exposed to through our food, air, and water, detoxification has become a modern-day necessity. Without the daily activation of ancient, effective physiological pathways designed to remove environmental toxins, we are bound to get sick. So, what are some simple, effective ways we rid our body

Transformation – Our Deepest Purpose

Linda George, Contributor Waking Times  What, if not transformation, is our deepest purpose? -Rainer Maria Rilke One of the reasons we are here, perhaps the most meaningful reason, is to transform ourselves. But what does that really mean? To transform is to change the shape or character of……. according to my dictionary. I love this definition

13 Things in Your Water That Shouldn’t Be There & What to Do About It

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times You’ve heard the expression, ‘I’m dying of thirst,’ but it might just be the water you are drinking that is causing disease in your body.  Companies like BASF, IBP, AK Steel Corporation, BP, Exxon, Monsanto, Dow, Tyson Foods, and Johnson & Johnson, among others, have been known to dump all

Just How Toxic Are We?

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Bathing in untainted waters is just one way to detox naturally.Most of us know by now that we live in a highly polluted world. We have come far from the days of living in an Edenic paradise, where all our needs were provided by nature, and this is due,

13 Things Sure To Slow Down Your Metabolism

April McCarthy, Prevent Disease Waking Times Every cell in your body plays a role in energy metabolism — the process of turning the food you eat into energy that keeps your heart beating, lungs pumping, and muscles moving. The faster your basal metabolic rate, the more calories you burn. And just like there are ways

5 Ways the Matrix Feeds Your Addiction to – the Matrix

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. ~ Morpheus, The Matrix As long as you are plugged into the computer program that is running your reality, you can’t escape its hold over your life. You

Juicing Supports The Body’s Effort to Detoxify

Erin Schumacher, Guest Waking Times What is detoxification and why MUST you do it?! Detoxification is a normal process within the body as it neutralizes and eliminates toxins through the major organs such as our colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system and skin. Our bodies do it naturally every day; in fact it is one of

4 Reasons Why Juicing Helps With Weight-Loss

Erin Schumacher, Guest Waking Times Would you like to lose some weight in a healthy and delicious manner? I work with a large variety of clients, and one of the most common concerns is weight-loss. It’s no wonder considering the fast-paced world we live in, full of fast-food, convenient meals, and drive-through everything! We really need

10 Foods You Should Never Eat

Erin Schumacher, Guest Waking Times We indeed are what we eat and what we are eating in many ‘first world nations’ is quite scary. The chemicals added to these ‘foods’ are disrupting our hormones, causing cancer and leading to a variety of health issues. “In the 21st century our tastes buds, our brain chemistry, our

All Corn Syrup Contains MSG

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times Processed free glutamic acid (MSG) is deadly and it’s unlabeled in hundreds of foods. One of the tricks played by the food industry is the deceptive insertion of “no MSG added” on food labels. While there may be no “extra” MSG added, there is sufficient amounts through processing and

How To Deprogram Yourself

Gregg Prescott – Society has undergone a mass brainwashing, and it is time for us to deprogram ourselves in order to be completely immersed in the evolution of consciousness.

The Growing Epidemic of Thyroid Disease and What To Do About It

Dr. Zoltan P. Rona, Prevent Disease Waking Times It is estimated that over 200 million people globally (about 35 million people in North America) suffer from at least one of the many forms of thyroid disease. In fact, thyroid problems are increasing so much in frequency that scientists are calling it an epidemic. The incidence of

Top 10 Natural Health Remedies of Coconut Oil

Waking Times The popularity of coconut oil has skyrocketed in the Western world over the last several years. However, its many health benefits have been known in other regions of the world as part of their ancient history. Better late than never! Coconut oil is finally taking center stage, and is much needed in our

How to Stop the Rise of Superbugs

Waldemar Ingdahl, American Waking Times The rise of ‘superbugs’ is causing tens of thousands of deaths a year in the United States alone. A problem as complex as antibiotic resistance will require several solutions. Increasing antibiotic resistance is of great concern — the health of millions is dependent on our ability to defeat the threat

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