Search Results for pineal gland

Seven Habits for Effective Spiritual Cultivation

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times Spiritual cultivation is our responsibility and gift as human beings. At it’s core it means that we live properly, in harmony with nature and with principles that support life. The definition of spirituality is growing as we now have access to such a vast range of information and ideas in

Chiron – Shaman of the Skies

Linda George, Contributing Writer Waking Times  I talked in ‘Living in an Ensouled Universe’ about the energetic imprint we each receive from the stars (shorthand for Sun, Moon and planets) at our birth, by way of electromagnetic energy affecting our energy fields. As well as our unique natal pattern of cosmic energy, we are each

Transcending Language and the Leap of Faith

Zen Gardner, Guest Writer Waking Times Don’t you love dreams, especially the trippy ones where you’re sure you were there? I just had another one, and it brought up so many significant concepts and emphasized something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. Manifesting the next level with all that is in us. The main

Just Say No to GMO Hemp!

Barbara H. Peterson, Farms Wars Waking Times  Let’s get this straight. There is cannabis, and there is CANNABIS. One has relatively no THC levels, and the other does. It’s like two dogs – one a Chihuahua, the other a Great Dane. Same species, different breeds. The one with higher levels of THC is normally referred

85 Percent of Major Brands of Chewing Gum Still Contain Aspartame and Sucralose

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times If you are still purchasing chewing gum from conventional manufacturers, STOP TODAY! Don’t buy another pack or even chew another piece until you read this report. The following is a comprehensive list of major brands to avoid due to their toxic formulations containing the two very deadly sweeteners aspartame

The Sun – An Essential Element of Good Health

David Huting, Guest Writer Waking Times  “Along with food, air, and water, sunlight is the most important survival factor in human life.” -The National Institute of Mental Health In the past 100 years, the majority of people around the world have transitioned from working outside all day to being stuck inside, with artificial lighting. 100

Spirit Meets Science Through Yoga

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times Yogic saints and sages as diverse as Matsyendranatha, Svatmarama, Patanjali, Sri Aurobindo, Sri Ramakrishna, and the more contemporary Paramahansa Yogananda, as well as others have long pointed to the effects of yoga on consciousness and biology. Is it possible that science is finally catching up to the memory of

Do You Still Believe Fluoride Is Good For Our Teeth?

Joe M, Guest Writer Waking Times The fluoride used in dental practices and in our water supply is not a chemical made in a laboratory nor is it approved as a safe drug. To understand fluoride further, we can look at it scientifically. Technically the name fluoride is scientifically inaccurate. Fluoride is a naturally occurring compound

The War on Drugs and The War on Consciousness

Graham Hancock, Waking Times You Are STILL Being Lied To We are told that the “War on Drugs” is being waged, on our behalf, by our governments and their armed bureaucracies and police forces, to save us from ourselves. “Potential for abuse and harm” are supposed to be the criteria by which the use

Fluoridated Water – The Ultimate Evil

Dr. Sircus, Guest Writer Waking Times Sodium fluoride is commonly used as a rat poison. Globalists and eugenicists have decided to add it to water supplies with the message to the public that it is good for teeth, despite warnings from the ADA stating that young children risk a disease called dental fluorosis. Water actually is a

Transcending Extra Sensory Perception

Soren Dreier, Waking Times  I would like to go a little upstream on the subject of ESP – psychic powers or extra sensory perception by stating: It is not “extra”, it’s our basic ability. We come with it and have the potential to use it. Or not. So it’s basic: “BSP” –Basic Sensory Perception.

Why 80 Percent of People Worldwide Will Soon Stop Eating Wheat

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times The future of wheat is certain, and it’s toxic. There are as many health risks associated with the consumption of wheat as there are nutritional benefits claimed by the wheat industry. Why is there such a strong emphasis on the development of wheat products all over the world when

Homo Divinicus – The Shape of Things to Come

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times These are monumental times we’re blessed to be living in. Humanity is waking up from eons of amnesia. Gaia has centred in the Fifth Density and powerful evolutionary transitions of consciousness will unleash the earth from the restrictive and exploitative karmic energies of our past. To many, in these early

The Metaphysics of a Paradigm Shift in Consciousness

Stuart Wilde Waking Times When people talk about a paradigm shift, they mean a shift in the recognized pattern of things, which we can say is the ‘standard model’ that forms the basis of people’s comprehension and understanding. We are in the process of mankind’s biggest consciousness shift in history. The reason being, as I

Spiritual Change is Upon Us

Dr. Eldon Dahl, ND, Prevent Disease Waking Times For a difference of opinion, many tragedies have been committed in history, and when society looks back, it clearly sees the injustices done and justifies it by saying it would not be repeated again, for we as a people have become more enlightened. I, on the other

Is Your Cosmetic White Dental Filling A Toxic Fluoride Bombshell?

Lester Sawicki, Guest Writer Waking Times Urgent News For Supporters Of Anti-Fluoridation: Your Dentist Could Be Hiding A Fluoride Releasing “Dirty Bomb” Under Your Filling! What Now? What you are about to read might be the most important article that could bust wide open hidden truths about fluoride under your tooth colored resin bonded composite

The Seven Human Energy Chakras

Zazenking, ZazenLife Waking Times According to the tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, the human body has seven “force centers” or energy focal points that are used for the reception and transmission of energies. These are known as chakras. It is typical for chakras to be depicted as either flower-like or wheel-like centers

Orgone Energy

Dave R. Gahan, Guest Writer Waking Times This term orgonite derives from “orgone”, the term provided by Wilhelm Reich for essential energy discovered everywhere throughout nature. Also known as “Chi”, “Prana”, “Ether”, “Élan Vital”, or “fifth element”, this vital energy exists in an organic way within a variety of types. It may be neutral (OR),

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