Search Results for chi energy

The Renewal Is For Them

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times “Whenever I saw my grandmother, she would look me right in the eyes and say, ‘Are you home, Barbara?’ I would look right back into her eyes and we would smile… ‘Yes, I’m home Grandma.’ We’d give a big hug. Grandma could always bring me back to myself.” A friend

Increasing Numbers of Meteorites Bringing Life Forms To Earth

Liz Bentley, Prevent Disease Waking Times If it were not scientifically verified, it would be a great storyline for a sci-fi flick, but NASA says alien microbes are hitching rides on meteorites. Some experts are stating that debris from outer space will only be increasing in frequency as they impact Earth in the coming year.

Mysteries Of The Pineal Gland

Dr. Swami Karmananda Saraswati, MB, BS (Syd), YogaMag Waking Times Scientists have been mystified by the pineal gland for centuries. As the brain and central nervous and endocrine systems were progressively unravelled by the anatomists, physiologists and biochemists, the pineal gland resolutely refused to yield up its secrets. Until recently the scientific community regarded it

The Convenience of Plastic Is Killing Our Oceans

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times About 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year. In the US alone, about 30+ million tons of plastic waste is dumped into the solid waste system, including various plastic containers, bags and other types of packaging, with only about 10% being recycled. Plastic, which was once regarded

10 Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Charlotte Whitelock, Guest Writer Waking Times Hypnotherapy is a powerful and effective tool for making massive improvements to your health and wellbeing, and providing you find a caring, professional Hypnotherapist, it can also be extremely relaxing and refreshing, a bit like having a massage for your mind. Hypnotherapy has come a long way since the

Your Body Is A Mirror Of Your Life

Martin Brofman, Guest Writer Waking Times Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life, and everything that happens in your body, begins with something happening in your consciousness. Your consciousness is who you are, your experience of Being. You decide what ideas to accept and which to reject. You decide what to

How We Create Reality

Al Smith, Contributing Writer Waking Times Do you wonder why life is a chaotic roller coaster of both positive and negative events?  Have you, like most, earnestly tried positive thinking, meditation or prayer without any tangible beneficial results?  Do you stress over your quietly desperate realization that you have little control over your own life? 

The Cosmic Pattern of Creation That Builds Our Illusions

Rene Descartes, Contributing Writer Waking Times Editor’s Note: As a primer, please enjoy the first part of this article, Reality is Beyond Our Perception.  Looking to outer space you find countless stars, suns, like the star of this solar system, with planets of their own in orbit. Constantly moving and vibrating, they follow the same

Is Hemp a Miracle Plant That Can Save the World?

Jeffrey Green, Guest Writer Waking Times Hemp is perhaps the answer to most problems in the world. Ambitious, yes.  An exaggeration, no. If grown extensively, its diverse uses can be of significant value to the environment, the economy, world hunger, personal health, and so much more. For the environment, hemp can reduce deforestation, pesticide use,

Being The Change, Tipping Points and Monkeys On the Loose

Zen Gardner Waking Times So many are asking, “What can I do? How can I make a difference? How do I go about helping to effect the changes the world so direly needs?” Good questions. I repeatedly say to people to get conscious and you’ll know what to do. What does that mean? Gain empowering

Taking 100% Responsibility For the World We Have Created

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times “Work in the invisible world at least  as hard as you do in the visible.” – Rumi Inaction is not acceptable anymore in a world that poisons our food, pollutes our land, air, and water and commits atrocities against, man, animal and nature that would be too horrid even to

Seasoned in the Warrior’s Way

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times “I’ve gone inside to find myself and I see a lot of my life swirling around in here. I don’t know what to make of it – seems kind of disconnected… you know? Please look in and tell me what you see, if you would. I’m having difficulty pulling it together

Human Devolution

Michael A. Cremo, Guest Writer Waking Times The question of human origins has always been a hot topic among philosophers and scientists. Today, most of them accept the Darwinian account that humans like us came into existence about 100,000 years ago, having evolved from more apelike ancestors. But the Vedic literature gives us another account

Universal Consciousness

Rene’ Descartes, Contributing Writer Waking Times Separate Consciousness It may be easier for you to understand Universal Consciousness if you first understand Separate Consciousness, which is what physical consciousness actually is. You will then at least have an idea what Universal Consciousness is not. And you will be able to relate more to, and understand,

The Many Medical Uses of Silver Throughout History

Dr. Tom O’Brien, Guest Writer Waking Times Medicinal use of silver predates recorded history, and can only be guessed. It is fairly certain, however, that the use of silver vessels for storing and carrying water made use of one of its important properties… which was that of destroying the water-borne bacteria and pathogens, thus allowing

Trust and Connect

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times We do get a bit bruised by life. How could we not? We’re here at a profound time; a time when people are in need of an actual ray of hope. While we can’t offer a solution to another’s life, we can offer our calmness, our encouragement, and whatever information

Why Choosing Nature Will Only Advance Human Societies

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times  We all have our opinions, principles and philosophies about life and we must be very careful about infringing on those of others. Every person should be able to follow that inner voice without external influences constantly telling them they’re wrong. However there is one choice we could all make

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