Search Results for pineal gland

The Second Coming of Psychedelics

Don Lattin, Spirituality & Health Waking Times Ric Godfrey had the shakes. At night, his body temperature would drop and he’d start to tremble. During the day, he was jumpy. He was always looking around, always on edge. His vibe scared the people around him. He couldn’t hang on to a job. He started drinking

Consciousness and the Direction of Structure

Tony Wright, Guest Writer Waking Times Solving the mystery of human evolution using Darwin’s basic theory required no more than a simple reinterpretation of existing data and the application of basic biological principles. The same approach simultaneously resolves several other major enigmas in disciplines rarely considered within the same context. By following in the footsteps

Awakening the Higher Mind of Cellular Consciousness

Peter Borys, Jr, Guest Waking Times As we continue to receive and resonate with the higher dimensional galactic and solar energy that is communicating with the Earth and humanity, we are awakening to Divine awareness.  This awareness of infinite consciousness is who we are as a Divine human consciousness in incarnate expression. Our journey is

Plant/Human Symbiosis and the Fall of Humanity

Trevor Smith, Guest Writer Waking Times There are many mysterious anomalies about human evolution yet to be adequately explained. These include the human brains rapid expansion in size and complexity, why this accelerating expansion suddenly stalled roughly 200,000 years ago and our brains have been shrinking ever since, and why our rare glimpses of genius goes

Unlocking the Intuitive Intelligence of the Human Heart

Waking Times When discussing big ideas like global peace and a global shift into a higher state of consciousness, most people are either skeptical of these possibilities, or uncertain of how this could possibly come to pass in a world as riddled with challenges as ours. In these scientifically driven times, some people are discovering

Reverse Engineering the Soul

Christina Sarich, Contributor Waking Times “What is my life if I am no longer useful to others?” ~ Goethe The reason technological advances should matter to us is because they can help to unleash a soul that has been caged in the modern matrix for millennia. This isn’t hocus pocus, or new age jargon. It’s

How One Simple Breathing Technique Can Prolong Your Life: Nadi Shodhana

Christina Sarich, Contributor Waking Times In a recent six-year study conducted on over 2800 men from Copenhagen, Denmark, scientists discovered that the resting heart rate has a whole lot to do with the length of our lives. Ancient yogis knew this too, when they pointed to elephants and other large mammals with slow breathing rates

Peyote as Medicine – The Power of Native Plants to Heal

Ruth Hopkins, Indian Country Waking Times Most people in the United States are unaware of what an important role plants play in the field of medicine. Plants are the original source material for nearly 40% of all pharmaceutical remedies in the United States. In other words, there are prescription and over-the-counter drugs on the market

Can Medical Cannabis Stop The ADHD Epidemic?

Kent Mao, Contributor Waking Times ADHD seems to be a touchy subject among many doctors, as it remains one of the most controversial yet most common diagnoses in today’s society. It’s interesting to note that, although ADHD is believed to affect 5% of the adult population, it is most often diagnosed in school-age children, leading

Your Body Is A Mirror Of Your Life

Martin Brofman, Guest Writer Waking Times Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life, and everything that happens in your body, begins with something happening in your consciousness. Your consciousness is who you are, your experience of Being. You decide what ideas to accept and which to reject. You decide what to

Reality is Beyond Our Perception

Rene’ Descartes, Contributing Writer Waking Times An enlightened conversation… Everything in the Universe is vibrating. Even light is vibrating (different frequencies of vibration give us the different colors, just like different frequencies of vibration give us the different notes in an octave of sound). The so-called 5 physical senses, touch, smell, hearing, taste, and sight,

Healing With Subtle Energy

Dr. Linda Lancaster, Reality Sandwich Waking Times  In the rising awareness of consciousness, we realize that there exists an invisible world within the visible. Before changes are registered in the physical body, healing takes place on these subtle realms. For this reason, as healers, it is essential that we concern ourselves not only with the

Astral Projection Technique – Lucid Dreaming

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times Here’s a simple technique through which to become conscious in the astral plane by waking up in a dream, which is commonly known as lucid dreaming. With it, you can carry out exactly the same investigations in the astral world as you would do when you project from your bed.

The Spiritual Nature of Hair

Deva Kaur Khalsa, 3ho Waking Times “Our hair fashions might be just a trend, but if we investigate, we may find that we have been depriving ourselves of one of the most valuable sources of energy for human vitality.” –Yogi Bhajan Consider the possibility that the hair on your head is there to do more than

The Scientific Proof of the Existence of the Soul

Debbie West, Guest Writer Waking Times Michael Hathaway, author of 10 books on psychic development, past lives, regression, hypnosis and spirituality, and a board certified Past Life Regression Therapist is one of the most respected hypnotists in the country. He published a book entitled, “It’s Time to Simplify Your Soul’s Code”, an easy how-to guide

Studies Reveal Yoga Benefits People with Psychiatric Disorders

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Over the last few decades, yoga has become quite popular, even trendy, outside of the Eastern Buddhist and Hindu cultures. For example, Harris Interactive Service Bureau reported in February 2012 that 16.5 million US adults practice yoga. (source) With so much hype, it is easy to get carried away about

Mysteries, Miracles & Parapsychology

Robert Schoch, New Dawn Waking Times Parapsychology is full of anecdotal accounts of strange occurrences, which cause many people to simply shake their heads in disbelief.1 The phenomena of parapsychology grade into the mysteries and miracles that are the boon and bane of much religion. After all, to use a Christian example (and in no way

25 Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

Amber Higgins, Guest Writer Waking Times Apple Cider Vinegar should be a staple in every home. It has a wide variety of uses and you can’t beat it as far as low price for health care! ACV is anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial. To aid internal health: 2 Tbsp ACV 2 Tbsp Raw Honey/Raw Organic Maple Syrup

Fluoridegate—Why is Poisoning of Children Considered a Valuable Public Health Policy?

Dr. Mercola Waking Times The debate over the dangers of fluoride has been ongoing for more than six decades. Study after study confirms that fluoride is a dangerous, toxic poison that bioaccumulates in your body while being ineffective at preventing dental decay. Dr. David Kennedy’s documentary film Fluoridegate — An American Tragedy,1 exposes the sordid truth about

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