Why Natural Therapeutic Medicine Is Needed More Today Than Ever Before

Flickr - Orange - árticotropicalDr. Eldon Dahl, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

Our world is broken and in dire need of repair, and humanity’s created toxicity is starting to show its effects in our declining health and well-being. Preventative decisions made today can completely change how we live out our final years, but this change must be done from power rather than need.

Society functions on the premise that the system–even with its flaws–is functioning just fine, as long as our daily needs are met. The blanket of disguise and deception keeps getting pulled over our eyes, and those doing the pulling get richer by the day, skimming profits straight from the top without accountability. We can’t look to our politicians for help; this seems to be a wasted effort, for they have become nothing more than jokes for late night comedy. It appears that the frivolity of these elected officials takes up most of the national news, and is almost set as a staged diversion from addressing critical issues like the continued radiation toxicity being leaked by Fukushima, which is 16 million times above the limit and with a half-life of 30 years.

The combined contaminants from pollution and low-dose radiation are beginning to show in our declining state of health. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 1 in 5 Americans now suffer from some form of mental illness. An estimated 5.2 million have Alzheimer’s disease, with a new case discovered every 68 seconds. By 2050, that rate is estimated to be 1 every 33 seconds. In care homes, it is estimated that 42% have Alzheimer’s or dementia, and it is the 5th leading cause of death for those 65 years and older. In 2011, diabetes affected 25.8 million Americans or 8.3% of the population. Currently, 1 in 3 Americans–33% of the country’s population–is living in chronic pain. In Canada, the rate is 1 in 5, which is 20% of the population. The ratio of children suffering from autism is 1 in 888; this is a 23% increase since 2009, and according to my research, this is a clear connection to the side effects from vaccinations.

  • We need support for almost everything, from clean air to clean food and water. We first begin to notice the need when our mental faculties begin to decline; this is associated with fatigue and despondency. Our desperate way of getting through the day is by consuming more caffeine or sugary energy drinks. The first to go is our short term memory: where are my keys…does this sound familiar? Even young people are quickly being affected by short-term memory loss, due to lack of sleep and the unconscious stress of constant social contact with friends.

    If we examine history, we discover that these diseases only appeared in the last few decades. Many of the main diseases we have today were previously unknown on a large-scale: diabetes, hypertension, breast and prostate cancer, and clinical depression are some of these. One in ten is estimated as having depression; not very long ago, this was simply unheard of. Are these new epidemics evolving into the thread of humanity on their own, or have we created them as a society? I am under the persuasion that collectively, it is of our own doing. We are living lifestyles today that no human being has lived before. If you look into the world’s petri dish of toxins, America would be the epicenter for the most disturbance. Let’s take a look and discover why.

    Average Western diets are full of empty toxic calories that steam from hormone-saturated animal fats, refined sugars, and packaged processed foods void of nutrients. Our bellies become full, but in fact our bodies are starving and so are our minds. Mental illness comes from inflammation, oxidative plaque, and lack of oxygen. Disease travels in packs and its companions are anxiety, cancer, and thyroid disease. Leading the way is coronary heart disease, which is the leading cause of death.

    Our golden years are no longer viewed by society as welcoming. In fact, more fear is based on where and how we will end up than on adequate retirement financing. Aging has now become an ugly word for its association with sickness, dependency, and the loneliness of being placed in a retirement home. Why have we allowed ourselves to be victims? Have we lost our perspective, embracing the fear of the unknown instead of changing things while we can? The conclusion to our lives has not yet been written; we have the ability today to make the right choices and turn the fear into regained authority.

    First we have to start making changes in the basics, like our selection of food. Has it been processed, refined, and filled with negative-producing properties, such as saturated fats? A better choice would be to limit salt intake and non-GMO food, as well as refined sugars, which are the drug of choice. Why else would we consume an average of 72 kilos per person per year of sugar?

    Prevention has always been the key when dealing with health, and especially mental illness. From the position of power, avoid diseases as much as possible before they begin to take a grip: diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer’s–all three have a connection. If we delay, it may be too late to reverse the damage; damage already done can be helped, but not by conventional means. There is a disease connection linked to diet, lifestyle and a positive mental approach. Like stepping stones, failure in these areas escalates from high blood pressure to high glucose, to increased need for insulin, to insulin resistance, to diabetes and mental illness.

    We all know how to read sign posts for warnings, and the signs are very clear today. We all have choices in life; the question is what choice do we make at the time of decision?

    Here are some tips to get started on these changes: you must become a label reader–learn the difference between refined sugars and natural organic cane sugar; regular honey and pure maple syrup; and processed GMO foods and non-GMO or organic. Drink plenty of pure water. Start your day with a squeezed lemon in water before breakfast. Also consider the amount of food consumed per meal: do you eat like a wood cutter, then sit behind a desk for 8 hours? Leave the table when you could still eat more. Begin to exercise; start small, but just start. And watch for hidden dangers like aluminum in baking powder, deodorant, and cooking supplies. Also beware of radiation toxicity: throw out the microwave, and get a toaster oven.

    Aging can be a wonderful blessing; plan on healthy aging by being proactive and preventative. When you are the only benefactor, a healthy lifestyle is the best life insurance policy that you can ever contribute to. Isn’t it time you start contributing now?

    Proactive products to consider for longevity and protection:

    Neurotransmitter Support – protects and restores healthy brain function, benefits those with neural deficiencies such as ALS, MS, MD, and Parkinson’s, and early signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s

    Raw desiccated Thyroid gland – protects the thyroid, influences circulation, respiration, and tissue growth and repair and first line of defense from radiation toxicity

    Raw desiccated Adrenal gland – protects from adrenal fatigue, recurring infections, low blood pressure, and dizziness upon rising, constantly tired

    Thyroid Support, homeopathic – safe for children and seniors and if one is on medication

    HgH+ homeopathic – endocrine balance, in a safe way releases growth hormone, noted benefits include restoring hair color and growth, regaining bone tissue, increasing energy and significantly reducing body fat, improved muscular strength, endurance, skin tone and texture, disappearance of wrinkles, greater immune response, body flexibility, and even sexual potency, are but a few on this very long list of impressive results

    P5P Complex – supports all immune deficiencies, carpal tunnel syndrome, also, people such as: pregnant and nursing mothers, the elderly, the autistic, and babies at risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). P5P is the only form of B6 that the fetus and newborn baby can use

    DMSO and Sweet Relief cream – a completely natural way to deal with chronic pain

    Colloidal Silver, homeopathic and 20 ppm – a known infection fighter

    Dr. Eldon Dahl, ND is the Founder and CEO of Life Choice TM nutraceutical product line www.lifechoice.net.

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