Is Miami on the Brink of A Nuclear Disaster?

Flickr-fukushima-Abode-of-Chaos - frameSayer Ji, Founder, GreenMedInfo
Waking Times

Concerns over the possibility of a Fukushima-like nuclear meltdown event in the US have been growing, with the most likely next disaster predicted in 2011 to be surprisingly close to Miami Florida, at the Turkey Point facility 41 miles south near Homestead.

According to a July 23rd NPR story, the Turkey Point facility was found to be (literally) in hot water, over its cooling system, which caused federal regulators to be so concerned, that they upped the nuclear plant’s cooling system allowable temperature to exceed the 100 degree limit for 10 days – up to 103 degrees if necessary. The plant has come close to 100 degrees, which should mandate an immediate shut down. But instead of exercising precaution, regulators simply increased their legal limit causing environmental groups in nearby Biscayne National Park to express grave concern. Read or listen to the NPR story, Nuclear Plant May Be In Hot Water Over Its Cooling System, to learn the alarming details, which includes the following highly disturbing fact:

The Turkey Point facility has a canal-based cooling system, like something out of the Dark Ages, with moted castles. What happens if that system fails as it appears to be doing now? Will the non-canal based cooling back up system (diesel-based) work? These questions need to be asked and answered, but the most poignant question of all is: is a core infrastructure failure occurring and responsible for the insufficient cooling system the plant is experiencing?

  • According to the original Miami Times expose published in 2011, the Turkey Point nuclear facility has serious infrastructure issues that make it an extreme risk for a radiation leakage event, or worse:

    ” It’s old. When Turkey Point went into operation in 1972, it was licensed for 40 years. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recently “rubber-stamped” another 20 years, allowing the plant to operate until 2033. “This is uncharted territory,” Saporito says. “They cannot dispute that those reactors may crack from being bombarded with high-level radiation.”

    The most concerning evidence was provided by Erin Elizabeth, founder of HealthNutNews, who reported and documented earlier today that the closest radiation monitor to the Turkey Point station far north was the highest in the country at 100, which is very close to ALERT level, the highest parameter the real-time independent radiation monitoring site has in their gradient of concern. See screen shot below taken at 10 am EST:


    Strangely, the monitoring station’s readings have fluctuated today, from as low as 30 back up to 100, indicating at the least a federal investigation is justified. But what is clear is that it is so far away from the Turkey Point plant, that this anomaly must be taken seriously and an explanation must be provided by those whose responsibility is to protect the public and secure the safety of this facility.

    What are the implications of this?

    We don’t truly know. Following the global suppression of coverage on Fukushima – have you heard anything about it lately? – we can expect similar silence on the subject of this reactor, and all the others that should have been decommissioned decades ago. This is citizen activism at its finest. We need to spread awareness, raise concern, and hope for the best. At the least, we need to acknowledge the significance of a potential meltdown event here in the states. As reported by the Miami Times, Thomas Saporito, a Jupiter-based former instrument control technician at nuclear power plants in Florida, Arizona, and Texas, who spent three years at Turkey Point, and who now works as a consultant and nuclear watchdog, the plant’s spent fuels are brimming with danger. In recent interview he stated that the increase in temperatures indicate that, “This is uncharted territory.” Also, that, regulators and plant operators “[C]annot dispute that those reactors may crack from being bombarded with high-level radiation.”

    Thomas Saporito also revealed in the Miami Times report:

    “Last June, FPL was fined $70,000 for violations regarding Turkey Point’s spent fuel pools. The negligence “could have resulted in a severe nuclear accident,” Saporito says. “That could be a horrific disaster all by itself.”

    If Turkey Point melts down, Miami is doomed. Saporito says there will be no time to evacuate the city to protect ourselves from radiation. If there’s a meltdown, “people are going to die,” he says, “and the entire city of Miami could become a ghost town that nobody can go back to for 50,000 years.”

    To confirm the inevitable danger of a nuclear disaster in Florida, A Huffington Post article published in 2014 revealed how “How Rising Seas Could Sink Nuclear Plants On The East Coast,” featured the Turkey Point plant as an inevitable victim of sea level rise, making it seemingly inevitable that this plant will undergo a disaster:


    About the Author

    Sayer Ji is the founder of, an author, educator, Steering Committee Member of the Global GMO Free Coalition (GGFC), and an advisory board member of the National Health Federation.

    He founded in 2008 in order to provide the world an open access, evidence-based resource supporting natural and integrative modalities. It is widely recognized as the most widely referenced health resource of its kind.

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