Listen Up Truth-Seekers: We’re on the Same Team

Phillip J. Watt, Contributor
Waking Times

The justice-seeking community are a funny bunch. We’ve all got our differences, including the various ‘beliefs’ we have, but ultimately we’re on the same team. You’d think we would be acting like it too, but unfortunately we’re not.

It’s clear that the divide and conquer strategy is in full swing, even among the truth and freedom movements. What’s the D&C strategy I can hear some of you ask? It’s when the powers-that-think-they’re-the-overlords use informational tactics to divide the people so they fight one another, instead of collectively facing the real issues.

And god dammit they’ve been successful.

There’s covert powers who are in control? I would suggest we engage some simple logic with this one. To start, money rules the world. So, who owns the money? The banksters of course. Their scam is so brilliant that they can create money out of thin air, or better put, they can digitally punch numbers into a computer and POOF, currency is created.

Now these banksters control the central banks and therefore control the governments. Enter the two-party tyranny system we call democracy. Both sides work for the same financial interests, which are not just limited to the banking industry, but the energy, pharmaceutical and media corporations too, among many others.

Essentially, we are ruled via a highly integrated corporatocracy, regardless if you understand it, or believe it to be true.

This control-system is a sick beast. It’s out of alignment with natural law, which essentially means that it disrespects the golden rule. In layman’s terms, this universal law is to do no harm, respect each others shit, honor your contracts; that sort of thing.

Because the matrix of control aims to impose their centralized global dictatorship on all of us, including the disgraceful methods they’re choosing to achieve it, they’ve broken this divine contract. Therefore, their so-called ‘power’ is undermined by their own actions.

  • They essentially make themselves obsolete.

    But we cannot keep our heads in the sand and do nothing; we still have to deal with this layer of truth in one way or another. After all, no great organizational change occurred by riding unicorns and staring at pretty fucking rainbows.

    Simply, we have both a material and energetic responsibility to face this cancer of an order and replace it with something truly made out of justice and honor.

    What then, should we replace it with? Well, this is one of the million dollar questions.

    Some people are fundamentalist anarchists who want zero government. Now I might be off target, but at least hear me out and then disagree with me if you wish. Personally I find that proposition unrealistic, especially until every person in every country is at some stage of enlightenment where they won’t try to monopolize, tyrannize, subjugate or apply an array of other tactics of suppression, coercion and control.

    In other words my view is that we need to utilize the current operational system, at least in the transitional phase, because groups of people still exist who will fuck others over given the chance. So it makes more sense for ‘the people’ to ethically take control of the governmental system and transform it into one that honors the golden rule, at least initially.

    Now I might be wrong about this, and I’m perfectly okay with that. And that’s my point; we can disagree about exactly where we go from here, but we still need to mobilize a voluntary team otherwise we’re all likely to be royally fucked.

    I also see the inherent value of a money-less society because money itself is an evidence-based tool of scarcity, and therefore enslavement. It also naturally breeds excessive competition, inequality and greed. This approach could be achieved via some form of abundance-based economy, but I do realize this futurist design is unrealistic, at least in the short term.

    But once again, I don’t have all the answers. No one does. I would suggest that most of us don’t want to be ruled, and therefore we’re all anarchists in the pure sense of the word, and that’s the first principle we can unite on. But how we transition to a ruler-less world is yet to be determined.

    After all, oligarchical and tyrannical systems have been the norm throughout our so-called civilized history, not the exception.

    So, given we need to integrate to undermine the mechanisms of the control-system, where are we at?

    Unfortunately, the alternative media is in tatters. We’ve recently had a couple of big names surrounded by big controversy, causing further division. Many people are violently arguing about the shape of our reality. The conspiracy rabbit hole and it’s multiple tunnels of truth and untruth have left many people poorly focused, as well as the truth-seekers significantly divided. The competing views on Trump has also resulted in more infighting.

    In addition, many people think they have their shit sorted and are ‘enlightened’, but few appear to remember they’ve continuously changed their minds and behaviors since birth. Even if they have a good idea of what the fuck is going on, many fail to realize that this ride of ‘waking up’ is a journey, not a destination.

    For example, there’s a couple of quotes which have been shared tens of millions of times, which say something like ‘be the change’ and ‘I’m wise so I change myself’, but they’ve been disgraced by all those who don’t bother to truly live by them.

    The hypocrisy and inaction among the truth-seekers is painfully obvious.

    Yet, we’re all hypocrites to one degree or another. We’re all going to evolve our beliefs in some way too. If we truly accept that we all have our weaknesses and contradictions, and that we’ve got philosophical and behavioral refinements that we’re yet to undertake, then it makes it very easy to accept one another as comrades.

    And it’s absolutely necessary at this point too. The concerning reality is that the entire freedom movement is in danger of becoming a running joke, not just to the outsider curtain hangers, but internally as well.

    That’s one of the reasons why we really need to start fresh. If we begin by accepting that none of us 100% know what has, is and should be, then we will create a level playing field where we all have an opportunity to volunteer as equals on the team of truth and freedom.

    If so, we will actually have a strong shot at finally unifying, which is the only bloody way we’re going to get anything seriously done.

    Of course we’re already moving in a general direction, and there’s many agreements already subtly made. For example, it’s fairly clear there are certain concepts and primary targets that have manifested as a pattern within the independent media and the progressive mindsets. What follows, therefore, is a simple merger strategy that’s based on a few core values, and a few core systemic areas.

    So let’s see how this resonates. In terms of values, do you personally agree with the following?

    1. We value love over hate.
    2. We value truth over lies.
    3. We value freedom over enslavement.
    4. We value happiness over suffering.
    5. We value honor over disrespect.
    6. We value cooperation over competition.
    7. We value family and community over money.
    8. We value health over business.
    9. We value peace over war.
    10. We value justice over injustice.

    Sound fair? I’m going to assume that’s a yes, because otherwise you need some serious self-healing. Sorry (not sorry) to be so blunt, but your-self and your fellow-man are not your enemy.

    In addition, if we agree on these values, they must be applied in every area of discourse. Of course there are areas where competition for example has its place, such as sport, but there is still cooperation first and foremost otherwise the game wouldn’t even be played. So if these values can stand the test of time, that also means they will naturally dissolve any so-called rules and laws that contradict them.

    In terms of the systemic issues, let’s see if we can at least agree on the Four M’s as our primary targets for change, which are Money, Medicine, Media and Management:

    1. Money should be a sovereign public utility, not hijacked by private stakeholders and converted into a transnational banking cartel.
    2. Medicine (including food) should be as natural as possible, as well as be inexpensively available to all who need it, not monopolized by the multinational giants and perverted into the toxin-rich, addictive and unnatural substances we have today.
    3. Media should be based on truth, authentic journalism and what’s best for the people, not propagandized to create minions of the failing system.
    4. Management of our society should be designed by and for the people, not by and for the corporate and oligarchical structures.

    Is that fair too? Does the whole lot sit well with you? Let’s bloody well hope so.

    So in saying all this, and of the thousands of people who read it, what will actually change to unite the world’s justice-seeking communities?

    To be straightforward and realistic, most likely fuck all. In truth, I actually could care less if it’s this proposal either; if a group would like to design a basic unification strategy that we can agree on, please do so. No matter how it happens, it just needs to happen, and that’s the most important thing.

    However, we really do need to show some solidarity, so this has been created as an opportunity for the fragmented independent media to stand together on some core values and systemic focal points. We’re all in the position to share this information through our networks too, so if you more or less agree with this strategy for unification then there is nothing stopping you from doing so.

    In addition, the recent issues arising from two key voices in the independent media has further shown that we shouldn’t be rallying around individuals, but instead be binding around some very simple and key agreements. If so, we could use them as a framework for publicly debating how they relate to the behavior of governments, corporations, oligarchs and the system itself.

    By continuously saturating our agreements and discussions into the collective consciousness, more and more people – working both inside and outside of the system – will be emancipated from the delusions they’ve been programmed to have. After all, people are just people, and most of them deep down want the best for their fellow-man.

    It would then continue as an education process for everybody who needs it, based on any agreements made. And as Max Igan suggests in the below interview, we could also organize a global day of protest to show unification around our quest for truth and freedom.

    In any case, I primarily wrote this as an energetic injection because I know that somewhere lurking just beyond the veil, the many movements for truth and freedom have an innate capacity to put their differences to the side and come together as a peaceful force to radically transform our world into one of honor and justice.

    Could this happen soon? Who knows; we’ve all been pleasantly surprised before.

    For further information regarding where we’re at, and where we’re going, watch this new interview with the infamous Max Igan.

    About the Author

    Phillip J. Watt lives in Australia. His written work deals with topics from ideology to society, as well as self-development. Follow him on Facebook or visit his website.

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    This article (Listen Up Truth-Seekers: We’re on the Same Team) was originally created by Phillip J. Watt and is re-posted here with permission. 
