NESARA: The Legislation that Almost Freed us from Debt Slavery

Debt Clock 2016 2Christina Sarich, Staff
Waking Times

There are many rumors about what NESARA or the National Economic Security and Recovery Act of the 1990’s actually entail, but in short, they are a set of economic and social reforms which were intended to set you free from private debt slavery and the greedy hands of the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel families.

Harvey Francis Barnard proposed in Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform that the national income tax should be replaced with a national sales tax, also called the Fair Tax, that compound interest rates, otherwise known as usury, were to be abolished on secured loans, and that our currency should be replaced, changing from one backed by amorphous 1’s and 0’s in a Federal Reserve Bank computer system by a bimetallic currency (one backed by gold and silver) which would stabilize the economy and make it nearly impossible for continued Big Bank bail outs, the ceaseless creation of war for profit, and crimes against the public.

  • Barnard actually sent the proposal to Congress, expecting that it would be adopted because it made so much sense, but of course, this never happened because the elite engineered our fraudulent banking system, along with the stock markets, latest forex bonus, etc. to be complete and utter scams that do not respond to law. Interestingly, because the ideas within NESARA were so succinctly put forth, they have become influential to the New Age movement, and the ideas within have been spread by Shaini Candace Goodwin, a former student of The Ramtha School of Enlightenment, and Sheldon Nidle, the founder of the Planetary Activation Organization who claims to be in touch with extraterrestrials.

    NESARA Itself is no joke, even though it has been widely circulated in various odd forms though the New Age networks. Ron Paul even suggested that Congress give it a serious look. Others criticize that it is not a sweeping enough set of reforms to keep all the world’s wealth from being concentrated in just a few people’s hands.

    There are many different explanations of NESARA both true and untrue, that flourish on the internet. Many believe that NESARA will be part of peace and prosperity agreements reached once the cabal has been rendered helpless on this planet, as well as any of their (probable other-worldly) handlers.

    Here is a brief overview of what the NESARA agreements described in the ’90’s, including debt forgiveness, otherwise referred to as a ‘jubilee’:

    1. Approximately $1 trillion of public debt (imposed upon us by the Federal reserve banking cartel families) would be eliminated.
    2. Some private debt, including debt in the form of mortgages by home owners or car loans would be forgiven.
    3. Common Law would become the law of the land, forcing the government to resign from its business-as-usual tactics utilizing military force.
    4. Student loans would be forgiven in full.
    5. The Federal Reserve System would be abolished and replaced by a new Treasury Reserve System.
    6. Inflation would be abolished.
    7. Several alternatives for currency would be provided, instead of the fiat currency which is now the US petro-dollar. Gold or silver backed currencies are expected.
    8. Much stricter banking controls would be put in place.

    Preston James from Veteran’s Today explains the “secret global reset” involved with NESARA.

    Read more articles by Christina Sarich.

    About the Author

    Christina Sarich is a staff writer for Waking Times. She is a writer, musician, yogi, and humanitarian with an expansive repertoire. Her thousands of articles can be found all over the Internet, and her insights also appear in magazines as diverse as Weston A. Price, NexusAtlantis Rising, and the Cuyamungue Institute, among others. She was recently a featured author in the Journal, “Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and Healing Arts,” and her commentary on healing, ascension, and human potential inform a large body of the alternative news lexicon. She has been invited to appear on numerous radio shows, including Health Conspiracy Radio, Dr. Gregory Smith’s Show, and dozens more. The second edition of her book, Pharma Sutra, will be released soon.

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    This article (NESARA: The Legislation that Almost Freed us from Debt Slavery) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution toChristina Sarich and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

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