Is This Creepy UNICEF Commercial a Teaser for ET Disclosure?

UNICEF ADJennifer Sodini, Contributor
Waking Times

UNICEF is an international program under the United Nations that “provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.”

Their chapter in Chile recently put out a video on their Facebook page, which they cryptically titled “To meet someone different is a great opportunity to live valuable experiences. Let’s say yes to integration!” While the message of the video is important (universal acceptance and love for ALL), we can’t help but wonder what they may really be trying to tell us?

Each post on their Facebook page linking to the video contains similar captions such as:

“Soon, a true story in UNICEF. CL”

“Do not miss the opportunity to accept someone else let us say yes to integration!”

“We do not lose the opportunity of enrichment with the culture of others. Let us say yes to inclusion!”

“Meet someone different is a great opportunity to live experiences valuable. Let us say yes to integration!”

  • Is the video a ploy for a viral conversation on what acceptance truly means on a larger scale, or is there something deeper yet to be revealed? What is fascinating about the video is that this release comes only a few weeks after an emergency press conference was held with NASA and SETI to discuss the discovery of another Earth-like world called Kepler 452B. Whatever the case may be, the conversation is certainly interesting.

    As our consciousness as a human species begins to expand, and we find more acceptance for one another – perhaps the conversation should expand beyond us into the “other” – for we may also be the other, and the other may be one of us.

    If love is love, then love is love for all.

    About the Author

    Jennifer Sodini is a born empath, and spiritual intuitive that has been a life-long student of conscious enlightenment. Her grandmother taught her Tarot at the age of 8, and submersed her in the mystic side of art, music, culture, and spirituality. In 2013 she founded the website, and is the author of a children’s book on consciousness entitled, The Unity Tree.

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