Hypnosis for Wellness

Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, Guest Writer
Waking Times

You are your mind/emotions/body; you can’t have one without the other. Mind affects body; body affects mind. Your thoughts effect your wellness. It makes sense. After all, every organ in your body is connected with your brain. A main benefit of hypnosis is that it alleviates stress. It helps you go with the flow in this moment. Do you hold your breath when stressed? If so, take a deep breath and go with the flow and suggest to yourself; “relax, relax, relax.”

Very good.

In the 1920s Hans Selye noted weakened immune responses in animals under stress and Harvard professor, Dr. Walter Cannon, associated emotion and perception with your physical fight, flight, fright response. This idea led to studies of mind/body inter-relationship and the science of psycho-neuro-immunology. Hypnosis literally stops the stress and what stresses. Nicholas Hall, a neurophysiologist at George Washington University Medical Centre in America found people actually increase the number of white blood cells, and the immunity hormone called Thymosin-alpha-1, in their bloodstream by simply using hypnotic visualization exercises.

Here is what we know about stress:

One foot on the brake, and one full throttle on the accelerator can over-rev your body/mind into a giant “stress fracture.” Better to take your foot off the brake and step on your “exhilarator.”

  • Past events often become hardened souvenirs in the physical body that bring about or exacerbate illness.

    Hurtful suggestions you give yourself when traumatized can bring stress and illness.

    Stress handled incorrectly can cause illness and illness can cause stress.

    Stress sustains pain with the chemical climate you create within yourself.

    Hurtful habits, upset and conflict stresses.

    Too much stuff stuffed in your mouth can make you sick; so can not eating or eating the wrong things.

    We don’t know exactly how mind and body influence illness or wellness, but we know it does. Scientific studies prove overwhelmingly that deep imagining and the process we call hypnosis or self-hypnosis turns “ow” to “wow,” a wheeze to ease, and toxic cravings to a natural high.

    Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are stand-alone holistic interventions and popular complements to mainstream medicine. Hypnosis is mesmerizing and gets terrific results for everything from asthma to chronic pain. Hypnotism is a legal health-care, help-care wellness profession & not a licensed healing arts profession. This proud discipline is wildly popular because of its profound positive results.

    Every day clients and professional members of our organization, the International Hypnosis Federation, call me to say, “Thank you for the wonderful tool of hypnosis… It is life changing!”

    The word hypnosis comes from the Greek “hyp” meaning “behind” and “gnosis” meaning “knowledge.” When we use it we are “hip” and we “knowses” everything. There are as many definitions of hypnosis as there are people who give the answer. You naturally enter hypnosis just before going to sleep, upon awakening and many other times throughout the day. Any time you suspend critical thinking, you enter hypnosis. Once you enter this sacred territory of your inner wisdom, you achieve your dreams and goals.

    Here is my definition of hypnosis:

    “Hypnosis is a natural state of heightened awareness where you easily accept suggestions, listen to inner wisdom, replace limiting imprints and get high with your higher self.”

    So take a deep breath and relax. You deserve it!

    About the Author

    Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD, CHt., is President and Founder of the International Hypnosis Federation. She is the author of 14 books on hypnosis and the mind, including “Hypnosis How to Put A Smile On Your Face and Money In Your Pocket,” and “Stockwell’s Hypnosis Dictionary Script Book.” She was the contributing editor and wrote 22 chapters of “Ormond McGill’s Hypnotherapy Encyclopedia.” For over thirty years she has worked as a practicing Professional Hypnotherapist and has certified thousands of Professional Hypnotists. A popular media personality she has appears on hundreds of talk shows and was the award winning star of cable televisions “The Shelley Show.” Dr Shelley may be reached at (310) 541-4844 or at shelley@hypnosisfederation.com

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