Hyper-Toxicity Syndrome: The Human Body Has Become Polluted

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer
Waking Times 

Here’s the law of the land which must first be understood, if we are to heal what ails us.

As human beings, we come from Planet Earth. Our bodies are made from earthstuff. All of the constituents which comprise the human body come from the earth. All of the vital components which circulate through our bodies moment to moment come from and go back to the earth. So far so good, yes?

Nothing we eat or drink does not find its origin from on, in, or of the earth. Truly, the human body is a product of the Planet Earth, and all the other ‘stuff’ that goes on here.

What’s the point?

Listen closely … please?

The chemical profile of the human body will ALWAYS reflect the very same environmental profile of the location in which you live. Of course, if you have lived in many different places over a long lifetime, your body will reflect the aggregate enviro profile of each of those locations.

For example, if you live near a nuclear power plant, the extent to which the plant leaks radioactive stuff, your body will eventually reflect that radiation.

If you live next to a biomass incinerator, your body will take on much of the mix of pollutants associated with those nonstop operations.

  • If you work right next to massive electrical power transmission lines, you will receive much EMR output into your body.

    If you play all your sport activities downwind from a mountaintop coal mine, guess what you’re gonna breathe a LOT of?

    We’re sure, we all get the point. Each of our bodies reflects to an extraordinary degree what we have been exposed to throughout our lives.

    However, the way that each of our bodies deals with those exposures is an entirely different matter.

    Many who grew up next to the dioxin disaster known as Love Canal in Niagara Falls, NY got different forms of leukemia. Others have developed pernicious forms of cancer. There are also many who grew up there who didn’t, some of whom have lived a long and healthy life.

    What’s the real point of this discussion?

    None of us has control over what we are exposed to within the greater environment(s) in which we live(d). The global environment has never been so permeated with chemicals, pollutants, contaminants, toxins, poisons, etc. However, what we can do is control what we put into our bodies so that we do not unnecessarily contribute to the total toxin body burden.

    True, the food and the water is not any where near the purity which once existed on our blue orb. Even organic farming is vulnerable to chemtrail fallout, downwind exposures to industrial operations, acid rain, nuclear contamination from multiple sources including radon gas, as well as polluted runoff from any area of higher ground which is consistently contaminated (e.g. neighbors’ weekly insecticide spraying regimen).

    Surely you understand that if regional bee population collapse in places like Florida is due directly to the systematic, indiscriminate, wide-area spraying of endocrine-disrupting insecticdes, what these same highly toxic airborne synthetic chemicals might do your sensitive child.

    Not To Worry

    We do not mean to paint a grim picture; we only mean to show you a snapshot of your reality … our reality on Planet Earth in 2012. Be aware that this predicament is moving in the same direction faster and more furiously each and every day. Therefore, it’s a good time to take compensatory measures to offset the exposures.

    Hyper-toxicity is almost always something that we have total control over. Except in cases where we may have slept in an asbestos-laden room as a child, most of our ongoing toxic environmental exposures come from what we put into or on our bodies with habitual regularity. This is where the true problems lie.

    What we ingest can have the wonderful quality of facilitating the natural detoxification process. For instance, eating beets on a regular basis really mobilizes the gallstones in the liver, as well as stimulates peristalsis to move out the sloughed off chaff, coagulated bile and other unwanted stuff which clogs up the bile ducts. When the detoxification pathways of the liver are operating at peak efficiency, this major detox organ of the body can perform its primary function of keeping the body clear of all the aforementioned toxicities.

    As food is our best medicine, if we know how to identify and properly combine those dietary choices which consistently support a daily process of detoxification, we’ve put the odds in our favor. In this regard there are certain laws which should not be broken, as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine tell us.

    In Ayurveda it is known as Hitabhuk, Mitabhuk, Ritabhuk. Here’s a distillation of this extremely important health wisdom, should you wish to put this essential eating style into daily practice.

    “Hitabhuk: who eats only that which is beneficial, not harmful;
    Mitabhuk: who eats never in excess; and
    Ritabhuk: who eats in keeping with season (time of the year).”

    This sacred sutra, as it is known, truly expresses the most vital recommendation anyone can receive where it concerns the mitigation of Hyper-toxicity Syndrome (HTS). This assumes that one who suffers from this New Millennium Malady has already removed all of the environmental co-factors which contributed to the prevailing forms of toxicity. To accomplish this with certainty, an audit must be performed throughout each environment in which one lives, works and plays. Identifying each and every source of toxic contamination, as well as their respective vectors of dissemination is critical.

    How do we do this with any degree of integrity? Because there are so many possibilities, it is essential to create a checklist and keep a short diary, especially for those with HTS. For those who are already aware that we live in a veritable soup of exposures, the task is quite easy and only takes a little time and focus. Hyper-Toxicity Syndrome – Part II will take up this matter more fully.

    In view of the fact that each individual possesses their own unique biochemistry, genotype/phenotype, lifelong eating habits, exercise and sleep patterns, psychological profile, emotional temperament, mental disposition, karmic blueprint, etc., this endeavor of reclaiming your health is quite yours to undertake. Everyone who manifests HTS does so differently. No two cases are alike; but they all share the same basic risk factors. Likewise, everyone manifests similar symptoms, but in varying degrees of severity, frequency and length of time.

    Furthermore, because each individual’s profile is so unique, there is no one-size-fits-allapproach. This can make the sleuthing, as well as the healing, process a little challenging. One person’s medicine may be another’s poison. What may be an elixir for one might be toxic or allergy-producing for someone else. Therefore, it is incumbent upon those who walk this journey to seek out high integrity sources of information. Especially from those who draw from a deep well of anecdotal experience, do we see great wisdom. Having a broad and deep knowledge base, as well as a relevant experience set, are also very helpful.

    At the end of the day, it will ultimately be YOU who is responsible for taking charge of your healing process. As God does help those who help themselves, faith and prayer is the other wing of this bird which will help you fly again.[2]

    May you enjoy great health,
    The Health Coach

    GMO Free Food Storage

    [1] IndiaDivine.org – The Story or Koruk

    [2] Self effort and grace are both required in the real School of Self-healing. Neither can do it alone; both can achieve the highest states of wellness when working together in unison. Each is a wing without which the bird will not fly.

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    All content found at The Health Coach and Waking Times is for information purposes only. Therefore, the information on this website is not a substitute for professional medical care and should not be construed as either medical diagnosis or treatment. All information contained herein ought to be considered within the context of an individual’s overall health status and prescribed treatment plan.

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