Hungry for Beauty

Flickr-beauty-jane rahmyCharlotte Whitelock, Guest Writer
Waking Times

We are living in a time of global starvation. According to World Hunger, 13% of the world population are hungry and malnourished. Even more startling, is the global starvation of the soul. People are forced to rummage in the metaphorical rubbish bins of the Matrix, for the next fix, to fill the hole that will never be filled by the system. People are searching for something. Is it love?….beauty? Maybe, if it is only covered by addiction and temptation. How can you search for something when you don’t know it exists. Pure love.

To give an analogy: when I finished a detox, my body felt so clean that the thought of eating junk food made me feel ill. But we are surrounded by junk of all kinds, and those temptations can easily reel you back in like a fish on a hook. Before you know it, you are back on the junk train and that crisp vitality seems like a distant memory. It is the same with the world and deep soul love. If are always distracted by addiction, how can you know true love even exists. The system pulls you off course, it wants to control you, it wants you all to itself.

So the energetically malnourished are knocking on all the wrong doors – there is no button on the TV control that says ‘Heavens Gate’, there is no ‘Inner Peace Channel’. Filling the supermarket trolley with coloured packets has become a substitute for nurturing the inner self. But when these doors seem like the only options, what do you do? The obvious spiritual path for most people has become twisted and corrupted at a deep level: Religion, for many people is yet another tangled web, though it can provide a framework of strength for some, if that’s what floats your boat. The New Age movement doesn’t seem that appealing either, with its elitist vibe. But you don’t even have to be ‘spiritual’, just a true Human Being.

Where I live in the UK, tension is high. You can only squash so many people onto a little island, tow them around by the nose a bit, and rinse them dry (a lot) without them getting a teeny bit antsy. Yet the Human Spirit is a wonderful thing

  • In spite of everything the system throws at us, nothing can stop a cheerful chap talking to a passing neighbor, from expressing his joy of being alive. Despite working in the belly of the Matrix, nothing will stop the overworked Nurse from rising at 4.00AM to tend to the sick and needy, with a smile. That is a hard thing to do when you live in a country where Summer is merely a slightly warmer version of Winter!

    ‘Spiritual’ people are everywhere, if you look for them: People who are alive, connected and breathing, who have a heart and care. Not necessarily sitting in a lotus position chanting, maybe just the little old lady next door who would love you to try her freshly made coconut cake.

    Maybe that is the way for the globally starved. The Human Spirit will succeed in the end. It is strong, it can be strangled by the system but people wont keel over altogether. Thankfully there is a new light weaving its way through the world, creating a brighter future. In the meanwhile, look for the beauty in others, what Soren Dreier calls ‘The Heart People’: “The Heart People are bringing water to the desert people caught in the matrix”. Like aid workers, subtly, humbly, softly…one smile at a time. With kind words, caring intent and the fun-loving spirit radiating out from their souls!

    Maybe if/when the Matrix crumbles and the distractions are removed, people will turn inwards and look for that deeper love, that was sat in their hearts all along, the internal Wellspring. Without the addictions to feed, maybe that hunger for beauty and thirst for soul love will have a chance to rise up. After all, isn’t it that hunger and thirst that drives our journey to wholeness?

    Dive through your heart: Feast, drink and be merry!

    “You are the truth, the light, the way.” Stuart Wilde

    About the Author

    Charlotte Whitelock is trained in various therapies including Hypnotherapy, Stress Management, Laughter Yoga and Massage. She runs a blog called Blissful Life, which was set up with the intention of helping people to feel good and find a bit of peace and joy in our hectic world. Please visit her blog at and her main site at

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