God Particles from the Galactic Core

Galactic Core - galactic_core_by_uribaaniV. Susan Ferguson, Contributor
Waking Times

Is the Galactic Center in our Milky Way sending our beloved Earth the healing energies she requires to realign in harmony with Cosmic Law? Chandra X-ray Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts and Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama report in Astronomy magazine that the center heart of our galaxy, known as Sagittarius A* has recently shown a ten-fold increase in its flaring:

A new study reveals that Sgr A* has been producing one bright X-ray flare about every 10 days. However, within the past year, there has been a ten-fold increase in the rate of bright flares from Sgr A*, at about one every day. This increase happened soon after the close approach to Sgr A* by a mysterious object called G2. [Source]

What our eyes may perceive as empty sky space is more a crowded densely packed shooting gallery for trillions of highly charged energetic wave particles as rays — a pulsating ocean in the vastness of interplanetary space. Some of us can ‘see’ these energies in the sky above us. The emerging science of space physics reveals the ubiquitous complexities of Cosmic Rays, which are of two types: the Galactic Cosmic Rays, GCRs high energy particles originating outside the solar system, and Solar Energetic Particles, SEPs emitted by the Sun. Galactic Cosmic Rays may originate within or outside the galaxy, thus the energies that come into our heliosphere are from our Sun, the Heart of the Milky Way and beyond.

There are highly complex interactions of particles in the intersteller medium of interplanetary space that travel from the Galactic Core, the Sun and planets to nourish our Earth. Our Earth’s magnetosphere needs these energies, a sort of metaphorical ‘milk’ from the various parts of the Milky Way to feed her magnetically, keep her vital and alive.

  • “The magnetospheric activity and dynamics require power that is extracted in the interaction between the magnetosphere and the solar wind.”  – Dynamic Magnetosphere

    This ‘milk’ is comparable to semen for our planet, the electric universe twin polarities that enliven our heliosphere via the various Galactic Cosmic Rays, GCRs the high energy background population incident upon the heliosphere uniformly and isotropically — while in the inner heliosphere, the galactic cosmic radiation is modulated by solar activity; Solar Energetic Particles, SEPs accelerated in solar flares; Energetic Storm Particles, ESPs particles accelerated at interplanetary shocks; and Corotating Interaction Regions, CIRs. [Space Physics/MB Kallenrode].

    Universal Cosmic God-Laws

    Any true science would reflect the Cosmic Laws that bring the universe into being — God-Laws. There would naturally be a correlation between metaphysical laws that are the eternal substratum of the manifested universe and the physics of the external manifested realms. Any imbalance would inevitably demand a return to harmony. Theoretically, if you know the basic God-Laws, then the various applications of other sciences will fit harmoniously into them. Knowing the one substratum leads you to understand them all, at least in principle.

    The metaphysical principles that govern our own inner reality, the mechanics of enlightenment, our spirit or astral body with its seven chakras, the three gunas, the mysteries of five-sense perception, and our eternal interconnectedness to the All, will resonate in harmony with the physical sciences to the degree that these sciences express the Universal Cosmic order, the Laws of God. Any true real science must be founded upon and in complete harmony with primordial metaphysics.  Linear thinking is a limitation we need to leave for a more complete inclusive holistic thinking in harmony with Universal Cosmic God-Laws.

    Infinitesimal Whirls in the Woven Universe

    Bruce Cathie quotes the genius inventor Nicola Tesla from an unpublished article:

    “Long ago he (man) recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance of a tenuity [a rarified state] beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or Luminiferous Ether, which is acted upon by the life giving prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into Infinitesimal Whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the Force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.”

    This statement from Tesla sounds as if it has been taken verbatim from a Sanskrit text! Cathie himself says, “Matter is nothing more than a complex matrix of wave-forms locked together by harmonic resonance.” [‘The Energy Grid’]

    Rene Guenon has written extensively about the disconnect in modern times between the primordial metaphysical principles and what he terms the profane sciences: “…most of these sciences, even insofar as they still correspond to some reality, represent no more than simple debased residues of some of the ancient traditional sciences.”

    Guenon explains that numbers have lost their real meaning. He states that our contemporaries are ignorant of what number truly is and understand number only its strictly quantitative sense, reducing number to “calculation in the narrowest sense of the word, that is, to a mere collection of more or less artificial procedures, which are in short only valuable with respect to practical applications to which they give rise.” According to Guenon, only geometric form can be legitimately considered to constitute the true body of a number. This is in “accordance with the fact that all ’embodiment’ necessarily implies a ‘spatialization’.” The science that is exclusively quantitative distances itself further and further from reality.

    The Inter-Connected Substratum

    The Universal Cosmic God-Laws are the substratum of the manifested realms. In other words, the appearance of the solidity of material forms in varying densities rests upon a metaphysics that reflect the eternal harmonics found in primordial God-Laws. This explains why so many theoretical sciences can be seen in the Rig Veda, and also why there are so many varying translations. In my rendering of the Rig Veda, I am able to discern the mechanics of electricity, electromagnetism, plasma physics, and magnetic fusion technology — right along with the inner enlightening esoteric ancient Wisdom-Knowledge in these ancient hymns because of eternal harmonic resonant correspondences between the inner ‘invisible to the five senses’ realms and external apparent manifestations.

    Fierce Winds coming from the Heart of our Galaxy

    Sagittarius A* is a very compact, highly luminous unresolved radio source that lies at the exact center of our Milky Way Galaxy. “Astronomers are convinced that Sagittarius A* is a single body. It is estimated to be about a million times as massive as the Sun, making it the most massive celestial object in the Galaxy.” A fierce wind of cosmic ray electrons and protons is said to generated by a relatively small region in Sagittarius A*. These winds are rushing outward at speeds close to the speed of light and their “particles emit electromagnetic radiation ranging from low frequency radio emission to high energy gamma ray emission.” [Dr. Paul LaViolette]

    LaViolette questions the theory of a black hole being at the center of our galaxy and reports that “all evidence to date suggests that gas is not being drawn toward the Galactic center but is being pushed away, outward. He says that the ancients did not see the Heart of our galaxy as a region of annihilation, but “as one of matter and energy creation, a cosmic wellspring giving birth to all the matter in the Galaxy.”

    The World is Spirit Clothed in Sound

    The Rishi Dîrghatamas tells us something very similar in the ancient Sanskrit text the Rig Veda:

    Rig Veda I.164.28

    Rishi Dîrghatamas: Prevailing over everything, plasma clouds are, although silent to our human ears, violent roaring shriek sound — sound that permeates the offspring, the forms created in the heliosphere and beyond. He compares the electric universe mechanism to the blinking of the eyes, an on-off switch.

    Rig Veda I.164.29

    The stars in the Milky Way, by this silent sound moving, it thundering scattered cries, softly regulated responding sound, that is covered over; resting above it, falling to dust, sprinkles below indeed making mortal man who must die, shine forth with reflection, consciously, becoming, toward a concealed place, the covered sound beaten, revealed.

    The Sanskrit word Savitâ expresses the continual expansion of Galactic Cosmic Rays that are generated within the center of every galaxy, every galactic core. These rays carry God-Consciousness, the encoded universal laws, Rta, Satya, Dharma that are the substratum of all manifestation. Rishi Dîrghatamas is invoking these energetic particles, which yield easily everything necessary for splendid life on any planet, from healing bodily forms and plant life, to an expanded consciousness, enlightenment and Oneness with the Creator, to free energy such as electricity and advanced technologies.

    For those who have the ears to hear…

    Silent sound wave-particle emissions from the Galactic Heart Core are filled with God-Consciousness. Potencies of milky-virile-semen as Wisdom-Knowledge, the silent particles of sound are perpetually, continually in an everlasting timeless eternity sprayed forth, in violence, forced outward in profusions shining glittering, sprinklings of wave particles throughout the galaxies into our heliosphere. Those who within the concealed place in the Heart hear the sound, the silent sound revealed — they Become. The Galactic Cosmic Rays are eternally offering us universal God-Consciousness. Let us be ready!

    About the Author

    V. Susan Ferguson is the author of Inanna Returns, Inanna Hyper-Luminal; her own commentary on the Bhagavad Gita and the Shiva Sutras; and Colony Earth & the Rig Veda. Her website is Metaphysical Musing.


    The Dynamic Magnetosphere, Editors: William Liu and Masak Fujimoto; Springer, NY, 2011.

    Space Physics, An Introduction to Plasma and Particles in the Heliosphere and the Magnetospheres, by Dr. May-Britt Kallenrode; Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

    The Energy Grid, Harmonic 695, The Pulse of the Universe, by Bruce L. Cathie; Adventure Unlimited Press, Illinois, 1990, 1997.

    The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus, by Rene Guenon, 1946; translated by Michael Allen & Henry D. Fohr; Sophia Perennis, Hillsdale, NY, 2003, 2004.

    Earth Under Fire, Humanity’s Survival of the Ice Age, Paul A. LaViolette, PhD.; Bear & Company, Rochester, Vermont, 1997, 2005.

    Image Source: http://uribaani.deviantart.com/art/Galactic-Core-151712402

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    This article (God Particles from the Galactic Core) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to V. Susan Ferguson and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement. Please contact WakingTimes@gmail.com for more info. 

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