Free Online Yoga Instruction at

Editor’s Note:  Yoga is without doubt one of the most transformational and life enhancing practices that one can do to find peace of mind and health in this crazy world.  Unfortunately, however, Yoga classes have become prohibitively expensive for many in some areas, and are hard to find in other areas.  Today, Waking Times is proud to feature an introductory article written by Paul Cooper of, a fantastic website that offers high quality Yoga instructional videos online for free, where anyone with access to the internet can receive excellent Yoga instruction.  While it is best to work with a seasoned instruction who personally address the specific needs of the student, the ability to practice Yoga for free online is a unique and special gift.

Paul Cooper
Waking Times

Yoga continues to grow in popularity around the world (except in India, of course, where it originated). As someone who’s old enough to remember the aerobics craze in the 80s, I’m guessing that yoga is trending so strongly because it nurtures the mind as well as the body. As work becomes more and more stressful, a form of exercise that is also meditative and calming is more appealing than ever.

  • With a view to bringing yoga to more people around the world, was founded by my close friend, and yoga teacher extraordinaire, David Procyshyn, in 2008. It hosts a library of hundreds of high-definition online yoga instructional videos. This yoga site is unique because it  combines quality–outdoor settings, professional sound, great instructors–and the absence of a monthly fee for access. The videos are all free.

    We’re still fairly new, and people are still discovering us, but they’re always impressed and surprised by what’s being offered at It’s been especially nice to receive kudos and kind words from people who can’t afford to pay for yoga and from people in other countries who don’t have the capacity to use a credit card to purchase classes.

    How do you access the site? Just go to our web page, and you’ll see the most recent classes displayed below the slideshow. If you’re new to yoga, check out our beginner’s yoga page where we have collected all of our introductory videos. For a complete list of all the videos in our library navigate to our Yoga Class Videos page. Classes are arranged from newest to oldest. You can filter the list by difficulty, class length, style and instructor, and you can also view a list of our most popular classes to help you make your choice.

    In addition to standard yoga classes, we also host videos of yoga poses, short yoga exercises, yogic breathing and yoga anatomy instruction, and audio meditations.

    We suggest starting out slowly if you’re new to the yoga experience. You’ll see that the classes are rated by level: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. The advanced classes are intended for highly fit and flexible people, usually practitioners who’ve been doing yoga for a couple of years or more, and they can be surprisingly difficult. So always be careful and take it easy.

    Yoga rewards persistence! It gets you in shape, but it also has profound psychological benefits, which are often more rewarding than just having a healthy, fit body.

    There is no restricted video content whatsoever, but you do need to sign up to leave a comment or to rate one of the videos. We get lots of people signing up every day, and all of their comments are collected on our community page and our testimonials page. To sign up, just click the big blue, ‘Join DYWM’ button on the home page. Hope to see you there soon.


    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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