Fracking and the Manipulation of Our Water Supplies

Paul A. Philips, Guest
Waking Times

On visiting supermarkets you see them stacked, row after row, brand name upon brand name we’re spoilt for choices… but it can indeed be quite costly when added up after a while… It’s better to choose the glass option as opposed to plastic which leaches out toxic chemicals such as Bisphenol A which could affect health when taken frequently and long-term…

I’m talking about bottled water supplies, which leads to my question, why should we have to buy bottled drinking water?

I remember as a child in the 60’s the idea of someone charging for water in bottles would have been quite laughable. To this day I still have a somewhat sinister regard for the fact that we’re being charged for water and not without reasoning: There is in fact something covertly sinister and devious going on.

  • Before explaining, the first thing to realize is that there are indeed a number of people who have educated themselves enough to realize that they don’t want to choose drinking tap water with fluoride and other chemical impregnations. But why should we have to choose the more expensive bottle water option and put up with the chemical treated tap water? Surely, it’s up to us to do something about this?

    In a four-month public comment period, 99 percent of the 65,000 Scots who responded expressed opposition to fracking. (Photo: Friends of the Earth Scotland/Flickr/cc)

    A Question

    In recent times why has the dangerous process of fracking technology been allowed to carry on?

    Fracking technology is a process whereby hydraulic pressure blasts some 40,000 plus gallons of water containing over 600 toxic chemicals to fracture shale rock allowing the rock’s contents gas and oil to be extracted. A large percentage of this toxic chemical water containing methane, formaldehyde, mercury, uranium, lead and carcinogens is never recovered. It then finds its way into the nearby groundwater and can pollute wells, thus polluting our water supplies.

    And that’s not all. As well as environmental damage the reckless insanity of fracking has been linked to earthquakes and ill-health with people and animals living in nearby areas because of the above mentioned pollutants.

    Yes, the fracking corporations can have their way by buying off the politicians and people connected to give it the okay to go ahead… but staying on the subject of water as I’ve already said there’s something far more sinister and devious going on. This links tap water to fracking.

    Orchestrated by the world’s ruling elite, water, one of the most essential to life commodities is deliberately and secretly becoming more and more precious to obtain.

    Take the US state of California. People are aware that the water shortage is far from over…However, whether living in California or elsewhere, most people haven’t yet woken up to the realization that water shortages are being secretly orchestrated because certain people in high places through major corporations want to own the rights to water the supplies.

    Remember the Nestle CEO saying this?

    “Water Is NOT A human right, and should be privatized” 

    As the saying goes, when you control the water supplies you can control the people.

    So I would say that the reason for fracking with its water polluting deadly toxic chemicals going by unchecked is that it puts the people in a situation whereby their local water supplies in wells and taps… is not longer useable so they have no other choice than to go to the stores and buy the corporation’s water supplies.

    Think of the astronomical amounts of money the manipulators of all this could make from the quantities of water needed from folks all over the world in their everyday lives!

    We do indeed need to get active here to stop this insanity. Spread the word as to what’s going on here, lobby politicians, get people to come together and take action… Then there’s the cheap technology option of using desalination plants for those living on coastlines where seawater can be treated. The plant can be powered up by the tides acting as generators. The desalination occurs through electrolysis … All this can be done on a shoestring budget.

    Then, for self-sufficiency, there are other water obtaining options… 

    What action could you take?

  • About the Author

    Paul A. Philips is the author of

    This article (Fracking and the Manipulation of Our Water Supplies) was originally created and published by and is re-posted here with permission. 

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