You Don’t Need a Leader – Lead Yourself

Sylvain Lamoureux, Contributor
Waking Times

I read and read and read many things. I watch, I listen and I always find it amazing how easily people can be led to believe, repeat and defend something regardless of logic or fact. It matters not how intelligent one is or assumes, how old they are, for they have been told by reputable sources that X is true. Now, “reputable sources” could be questionable, and X may not actually be true but if it “Feels” true, then it must be. Part of that feeling is the part of our program which is open to drama and conflict, for separation is the name of the game and division is the main strategy.

The mainstream media (MSM) does its part in this separation as it seems to convince people that they are divided. Be it in politics, wars, education, culture, media, the list is endless; everything and everyone is divided. Countries, races, cultures, families – all divided and Time Magazine names Trump Man of the Year with the tag-line “President of the Divided States of America”. Now, if that does not TELL you that we are divided, I don’t know what does for what you “feel” about that is all which is important and you should feel divided.

So fickle are the egos of today, as they easily remember the most recent and most hurtful events which are fed to them (real or imagined) but refuse to see any good or learn from the experience. There are no nuances left, simply duality: love/hate, good/bad, real/fake, normal/abnormal etc. and if you are not with them, you are against them; all the better for separation in their world of us versus them when us and them are really just me.

  • This seems to work especially well with the i generation (but not exclusively) with their devices continually connected to everyone yet no-one simultaneously, keeping themselves constantly available yet distant. They feel connected to what is happening through the same media outlets online as offline. I guess all that “trust” fed to them through the years while parked in front of their babysitter paid off, along with the possible self-realization that what they know and perhaps makes up who they think they are (identity), may be lies; difficult to admit, yet necessary to evolve (my wishful thinking perhaps).

    This Generation has access to information like no other in history; they could know it all if they chose to, yet they simply repeat self defeating mantras like “no one can know it all” and the like in order to talk themselves out of everything. I have always said that there are a thousand reasons to not do something that it usually overshadows the one reason TO do it. But these programmed egos believe that they know it already or at least some expert has already the answer so why bother? Why research something which won’t change anything in the long run?

    If you could find out the objective reasons / consequences of War, would you still support the multitude of industries which consist of the Military Industrial Complex or the Politicians and a system which enables it? Would you still support the dropping of Peace and Democracy bombs in other countries “for their own good”?

    If you could find out the objective reasons / consequences of Poverty, would you still support anything which has to do with the Banking, Insurance, Monetary Systems, IMF, World Bank, Usury based systems? Would you support a system in which Money equals Life?

    If you could find out the objective reasons / consequences of Health and Food crises, would you still support the Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Chemical and everything associated with them? Would you still support something which forcibly injects, prohibits, bullies, fines, arrests and cages those which want to have control over what goes into their bodies?

    If you could find out the objective reasons / consequences of Resource Extraction and Pollution, would you still support Mining, Oil, Auto and the multitude of its enablers along with the many others which support the rape of the planet? Would you still idly watch as they displace communities, rip the top off of mountains, ravage the rain-forests, pollute the oceans and the air and poison our very essence of life: WATER?

    If you could find out the objective reasons / consequences for the Police State, would you still support your Media which perpetuates the fears, the Populous which reacts to those fears, the Government which provides a security solution to those fears, the Technology Companies which deliver said solutions (NSA anyone), the Goons (which supposedly are human) which come out to enforce (if not kill) and the Prison Industrial Complex which eagerly awaits people like animals to put into their cages? Would you still be inclined to “snitch” the next time you “see something” (that includes the school indoctrination)?

    If you could find out the objective reasons / consequences why we fail to communicate would you still support your programmed ego? Would you finally see that this is all just an orchestrated game and that we are not even players?

    I suppose that all those questions above should really have stopped at “Would you?” for why would you go out and find objective truth when belief in “subjective truths” feeds the programmed ego; for anything can be “true” in your mind and you are never wrong?

    Is this where we are at? I noticed the “Fake News” meme being spouted by MSM and had to laugh as it simply is a game of “I know you are but what am I”. Perhaps Idiocracy is a documentary after all and the worst is yet to come. After all, if 5th graders are in charge of almost all of the communications medium on the planet, what chance is there unless everyone can suddenly see through it?

    Does a great mind born today have a chance to fulfill its “intended destiny” (being smarter than the average bear) or are the chances greater that it will be forced to comply and forget that thought, objective thought, can identify problems and begin discussions to invoke solutions which could propel the advancement of humanity?

    Shall we continue to spin the wheel in this game of life or can we at least attempt to see that the way that we have organized our social constructs is not sustainable (hehe, yes, I did use it), that this is no present way to live so why would we wish to perpetuate it forward for future generations and that we are all complicit in getting to where we now stand? So let us be complicit in finding solutions.

    Time to break free of that tether which seems to have hold of most and it is time to SEPARATE from a GAME with no future.

    About the Author

    Sylvain Lamoureux is simply a man which wants to think but is thwarted at every turn.

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    This article (You Don’t Need a Leader – Lead Yourself) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Sylvain Lamoureux and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

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