Don’t Ever Give This Vaccine To a Child

Flickr - Vaccine Needle - Andres RuedaDave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

The HPV vaccine marketed under Gardasil, Silgard and Cervarix is possibly the biggest vaccine hoax in the last century. HPV vaccines are nothing more than a worldwide exercise in profiteering at the expense of children’s health. Due to the overwhelming amount of side effects associated with the vaccine, health agencies are now encouraging health professionals not to report adverse reactions, a clear indication that something is very wrong.

The HPV vaccine is one of the 5 vaccines I strongly recommend to avoid. There are truthfully no safe vaccines. There never was and never will be with the current misrepresented data and unproven assumptions that have spanned over a century in the making. However some are far worse than others.

In 2011, the Annals of Medicine exposed the fraudulent nature of Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines such as Gardasil and Cervarix. Key messages the researchers reported include a lack of evidence for any HPV vaccines in preventing cervical cancer and lack of evaluation of health risks.

Vaccinations such as HPV are not preventative, they do compromise safety and physicians will never provide accurate explanations of vaccine risks and benefits because they do not know themselves. Physicians can only rely on the information from vaccine manufacturers and since long-term pharmacokinetic effects which study the bodily absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of vaccines and their ingredients are never examined or analyzed, a Physician can never fully inform of patient of ANY benefits or risks.

  • False Data and Junk Science 

    Gardasil’s manufacturer, Merck, states on their website that Gardasil does more than help prevent cervical cancer, it protects against other HPV diseases, too. Merck further claims that Gardasil does not prevent all types of cervical cancer. Similarly, the CDC and the FDA claim that the Gardasil vaccine is an important cervical cancer prevention tool that will potentially benefit the health of millions of women and based on all of the information we have today, CDC recommends HPV vaccination for the prevention of most types of cervical cancer. All four of these statements are false and at significant variance with the available evidence as they imply that Gardasil can indeed protect against some types of cervical cancer which has never been proven.

    At present there are no significant data showing that either Gardasil or Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline) can prevent any type of cervical cancer since the testing period employed was too short to evaluate long-term benefits of HPV vaccination. The longest follow-up data from phase II trials for Gardasil and Cervarix are 5 and 8.4 years, respectively, while invasive cervical cancer takes up to 20 -40 years to develop from the time of acquisition of HPV infection.

    As adverse side effects from the new vaccine continue to mount, the opposition to the vaccine has grown. A lead researcher, Diane Harper, a scientist and physician who has spent 20 years developing the vaccine for human papillomavirus, says the HPV vaccine is not for younger girls, and that it is “silly” for states to be mandating them. ( – March 2007)

    Adverse Effects

    Here are just a few of the potential side effects caused by the HPV vaccine:

    • convulsions [which are serious reactions with risks of serious brain injury];
    • grand mal seizures and convulsions;
    • deafness
    • circulatory collapse;
    • blood problems, leading to unexplained bruising or bleeding
    • acquired colour blindness;
    • fainting or brief loss of consciousness
    • Guillain Barre syndrome
    • head banging;
    • lymphadenopathy
    • chronic fatigue syndrome
    • foaming at mouth;
    • transient blindness;
    • transient deafness

    Mercola reports on 213 women who took Gardasil and suffered permanent disability. Multiple-sclerosis-like symptoms and neurological complications, including seizures, paralysis and speech problems, are being reported by increasing numbers of girls and women following Gardasil vaccination.

    A class-action lawsuit has been filed in Australia against drug maker Merck by a young woman who suffered autoimmune and neurological health problems following injections with the HPV vaccine, Gardasil

    Between May 2009 and September 2010, 16 deaths occurred after Gardasil vaccination, along with 789 reports of “serious” adverse reactions; 213 cases of permanent disability; and 25 cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome. Between September 1, 2010 and September 15, 2011,yet another 26 deaths were reported.

    Suppression of Adverse Events 

    The Medicines Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency [MHRA] encouraged health professionals not to report adverse reactions. This was done in formal advice issued in the name of Chief Executive Professor Sir Kent Woods telling health professionals that reactions can be “psychogenic” — or in simpler terms a figment of 12 year old schoolgirls’ imaginations and nothing to do with the vaccines.

    Next the data from over 6000 reports of suspected adverse reactions was systematically altered resulting in the MHRA declaring the vaccine safe when it was not.

    The MHRA staff also fixed the final figures to make the rate of adverse reactions appear lower by substituting the number of doses given for the number of children receiving the vaccine. Tampering with statistics by basing rates of adverse reactions on doses given reduced the numbers of adverse reactions per child by three times. This is because each child was to receive three doses of the vaccine. So whilst 6 million doses may have been given that represented only around one third of that figure in children receiving the vaccine — resulting in the rates of adverse reactions reported being calculated as 300% lower than they were per child.

    In other words if all children received all three doses then the crucial figure was not the number of doses but the number of children who suffered reactions compared to the total number of children.

    This type of tampering with statistical evidence happens all over the world. Canada and the United States also largely manipulate data so that adverse reactions for vaccinations are not properly recorded or reported.

    What Are The Facts?

    Consider some of the facts related to cervical cancer and the HPV vaccine:

    • Cervical cancer is not a major health issue for women under good gynecological care.
    • HPV vaccines may protect against four strains of high-risk HPV but the duration of effectiveness is not clear; best estimates to date are from 4 to 6 years
    • HPV vaccination does not eliminate the need for traditional cervical cancer screening
    • Prior exposure to vaccine-relevant strains of HPV can increase the risk of cancer by 44.6% if injected with Gardasil and 32.5% if injected with Cervarix
    • HPV is not transmitted solely via sexual contact, there are multiple other ways to have been exposed
    • There are already well over 300 reports to VAERS of abnormal pap smears post-vaccination
    • HPV does not cause cervical cancer, it is the persistant infection, not the virus, that determines the risk
    • 93% of women initially infected with a particular strain of HPV will not show the same strain four menstrual cycles later
    • Most cervical cancer deaths in the United States, and developed countries, are people who are not under regular OB/GYN care.
    • The National Cancer Institute has no data on which HPV genotypes are prevalent in the United States.
    • A CDC study showed that HPV types 16 and 18, the two HPV vaccine-relevant strains, are NOT the prevalent types in American women.
    • Three published papers on HPV prevalence in the U.S., indicated that types 62, 84 and 52 are the most prevalent. None of these are targeted in either approved HPV vaccine, and type 52 is an accepted high-risk “carcinogenic” strain of HPV.
    • If a person has prior exposure to vaccine-relevant HPV prior to injection, the vaccine provides no benefit, but does provide potential risks.
    • If a woman is infected with HPV-16 in January, HPV-18 in July, and HPV-31 in December, her cancer risk is zero. Even though these are all high risk types, they are considered transient. It takes repeated infection by the same type to perhaps pose a risk of cervical cancer.
    • Even when a woman has persistant infection by the same type, if her lifestyle is healthy (she does not smoke, does not take oral contraceptives, does not have multiple sexual partners, does not have a compromised immune system) her risk of cervical cancer is still minimal.
    • HPV is not necessarily a sexually transmittable virus–you can get it other ways.
    • American women currently spend $10 billion on unnecessary colposcopies (cervical biopsies) every year, primarily because the currently used HPV tests frequently display false positive results.
    • A study conducted by Harvard School of Public Health estimated that 95% of cervical biopsies in the United States are not necessary.
    • If a young woman is considering taking an HPV vaccine, it is critical that she know if she has been exposed to HPV, and if so, what genotype.
    • Nothing has been proven to be more effective at controlling cervical cancer than pap smear technology.
    • To date, the efficacy of HPV vaccines in preventing cervical cancer has not been demonstrated, while vaccine risks remain to be fully evaluated.
    • Current worldwide HPV vaccination practices with either of the two HPV vaccines appear to be neither justified by long-term health benefits nor economically viable, nor is there any evidence that HPV vaccination (even if proven effective against cervical cancer) would reduce the rate of cervical cancer beyond what Pap screening has already achieved.
    • Cumulatively, the list of serious adverse reactions related to HPV vaccination worldwide includes cervical cancer itself.
    • The almost exclusive reliance on manufacturers sponsored studies, often of questionable quality, as a base for vaccine policy-making should be discontinued.
    • the presentation of partial and non-factual information regarding cervical cancer risks and the usefulness of HPV vaccines, as cited above, is neither scientific nor ethical.

    Decline Continues In HPV Vaccine Completion Rate Thanks To Informed Parents

    Thanks to the wealth of information available on the HPV vaccine fraud, the proportion of insured girls and young women completing the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine among those who initiated the series has dropped significantly — as much as 63 percent — since the vaccine was approved in 2006, according to new research from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston.

    The study, published in last year’s issue of Cancer, revealed the steepest decline in vaccine completion among girls and young women aged nine to 18 — the age group according to medical officials that should receive the vaccine in three doses over six months — a message that has been drilled into parents for just over five years. It’s a sign that parents are listening and completing their own research on the dangers of HPV vaccination despite Doctor’s recommendations.

    Alternatives To Vaccination For HPV

    From Chinese herb medicine and dietary therapy practice, the following herbs/foods are used to treat HPV infections:

    Zi Cao, Radix Arnebiae seu Lithospermi; Green Tea, Camellia Sinensis; Huang Lian, Rhizoma Coptidis; Yi Yi Ren/Job’s Tears, Semen Coixis; Zi Su Ye, Folium Perillae; Ling Jiao/Water Caltrop, Trapa Bicornis; Carrots,Daucus Carota; Huang Qi, Radix Astragali siu Hedysari; Shan Yao/Chinese Yam, Rhizoma Dioscoreae; Huang Bai, Cortex Phellodendri; Dong Gua/Winter melon, Benincasae; Hei Dou/Black Bean, Radix Glycinae; Ma Chi Jian/Purslane, Herba Portulacae; Ban Lan Gen, Radix Isatidis.

    There are many more herbs with anti-HPV effects, but these need to be prescribed by Chinese medicine practitioners for safe use.

    Food therapy can help to boost the immune system and clear HPV. It can be used singly or alongside Western medicine for HPV prevention or infection with or without visible lesions, or vulvar, vaginal or cervical intraepithelial dysplasia and cancer. The following recipes can be used.

    Tea of Coix Seed and Water Caltrop (2 servings)

    60g Coix seeds *
    3 Water Caltrops **
    Soak Coix seeds in 2 cups water in a pot overnight. Peel off the hard shell of Water Caltrops and cut into chunks. Place Water Caltrop chunks in pot with Coix seeds and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until Coix seeds become soft (about 30 minutes).
    Administration: Eat 1 serving, 2 times daily for 1 month.
    (Caution: do not eat pork.)
    * Coix seed, also known as Job’s Tears, is a food-herb that looks similar to barley.
    ** Water Caltrops is variety of water chestnut.

    Coix Seed and Carrot Porridge (2 servings)
    30g rice
    30g Coix seeds
    1 medium carrot
    Instructions: Soak Coix seeds in a pot with 4 cups water overnight. Cut carrot into small chunks. Place rice and carrot chunks into pot with undrained Coix seeds. Bring water to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer gently, partially covered, until Coix seeds and rice are very soft and liquid becomes thicker (about 30 minutes), stirring occasionally to keep rice from sticking. Serve porridge warm.
    Administration: 1 serving, 1-2 times a day for a month.

    Water Caltrop Porridge (2 servings)
    100g round grain rice
    30g water caltrostarch
    Instructions: Place rice in to a pot, with 3 cups water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer about 15 minutes. Add water caltrostarch to pot, continue to simmer until rice is very soft (about 30 minutes), stirring occasionally to keep rice from sticking. Serve porridge warm.
    Administration: eat 1 serving 1-2 times per day

    Astragalus Porridge (2 servings)
    30g astragalus root
    30g Coix seeds
    30g rice
    15g red beans
    Place astragalus into a stainless steel pot with 4 cups water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer about 20 minutes. Strain out the herb and use the resulting decoction as a broth for the next step. Put Coix seeds, rice, and red bean into the broth. Simmer until those ingredients are very soft (about 60 minutes), stirring occasionally to keep rice from sticking. Serve porridge warm.

    Coix Seed, Winter Melon, and Semen Euryales Soup (4 servings)
    50g Coix seeds
    50g semen euryales
    500g winter melon
    100g pork chops
    Soak Coix seeds and semen euryales in 4 cups water for over one hour. Wash pork and winter melon, cut to small chunks. Bring Coix seeds and semen euryales to a boil, add pork chops and winter melon. Reduce heat and simmer until the pork chops are soft. Add salt for taste. Serve soup warm.
    Administration: eat 1-2 servings per day

    Along with the above dietary therapy, it is also recommended to drink green tea every day, quit smoking, avoid contraceptive pill use, avoid overwork, and do regular hip baths with a green tea leaf decoction or prescription herbal solution.

    Maintain a strong immune system through a healthy lifestyle so as to ward off potentially dangerous viruses. The great majority of HPV strains are harmless. Please review all the evidence before deciding to vaccinate your child with HPV. It’s prevention we just don’t need.

    About the Author

    Dave Mihalovic is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.


    Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of WakingTimes or its staff.

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