Does Our Emotional State Affect Our Physical Health?

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Barbara Colby
All Things Healing

It’s a complex time of involution (a shift). Things that are bombarding our global society today are comprised of the natural environment, creative ideas, an active social movement, ethics, education, and healthcare. Alternative practices in healthcare have become a major factor in present day focus and are becoming a projectile force influencing the days ahead. For centuries, thinking that the body can be healed without pills or machinery has been touted as “off-the-wall,” quackery, and highly suspect.

Both medicine and science view the human body as a tangible organic machine. This machine is run by the mind, but also by the power of the intangible energy of emotions. This composite is fueled by the energy of good physical health. Eastern philosophers, metaphysicians, and those of great ancient wisdom, defined the power of the inner nature of man. They viewed the human being as connected to the universe in its entirety; thus acknowledging the power of a spirit-soul-mind-body connection.

The Indian poet, Abindranath Tagore, explains it this way “Man has a feeling that he is truly represented in something which exceeds him. The spirit is what Eastern philosophers referred to as the ‘inner nature’ of man.”

  • Consider this-when our thoughts do not parallel our truths; an estrangement takes place between our spirit and our body. That means for many years we learned to live by the truths we were taught. These truths of others, whom we thought knew better than we; subsequently, we began to live by these “other truths,” decided not to challenge what we believed in and who we were. This in turn created a wedge that was instrumental in what we characterize as the energy known as stress. Herein Article – ARE YOU IN THE KNOW is the beginning process for a health breakdown in the body.

    Medical investigators like Dr. J.P. Henry, Professor of Psychology at the University of Southern California; plus researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have found that the power of emotional imbalance (stress) is at the basis of a series of events involving the brain and endocrine system. Passive as well as aggressive emotions will trigger different effects.

    Passive emotions, such as grief or despair; or a feeling of loss, abandonment, or failure, activate and influence the adrenal systems of the body. This means that if hormones are secreted in excess, and this excess happens too often or too long, the immune system will begin to break down.

    Aggressive emotions, such as anger, impatience, or the feeling of being threatened also triggers action in the adrenal system. your heart rate, blood pressure, and fatty acids in the blood will increase, leading to migraines, hypertension, heart disease and stroke. All bodily responses break down, which in turn makes the body vulnerable to a situation in which it cannot defend itself against attack.

    Our world has become one of economic instability with accumulated burdens that life places upon us. It would only be a miracle that kept the body from breaking down. The notion that any type of disease or disorder might begin in such a subtle area called ‘the spirit,’ is not in the realm or scope of science or orthodox medicine. Had I not discovered this thinking, after a life-threatening surgery, and a near-death experience, and was able to arrive at a new level of awareness; I would not be living a full, happy, illness free life.

    I had to learn to put judgments aside and become open so I could learn my truths. Had I not been able to do this, the undiscovered territory I came upon would never have been reached, and the peace of mind, contentment, and dream I found could never have existed for me. The root of the changes affecting our new global world comes from a higher consciousness, and a desire to create a new and better reality.

    The goal of healthcare is to promote our need to feel better, look better, live longer, and heal our body through more natural methods. In the future, our changing attitude toward good health and the feeling of well being will be the impetus that creates a new path away from conventional medicine, toward utilizing alternate choices. The future is no accident; it comes from condensing what you see, hear, believe, and read. One reason trends emerge is from the basis of changing attitudes. Additionally, the drivers of needs, demands, the economy, global barriers being lowered, and influences of lifestyle changes, and cultural offerings in the marketplace, supports the foundations of future strides in healthcare within the universe.
