Divine Illumination (Video)

YouTube – mattpresti

All words read herein are from the various works of Walter and Lao Russell. This unit explains Divine Illumination and Cosmic Consciousness both spiritually and scientifically. Divine Illumination, the ultimate goal of all mankind, when understood and practiced, will bring about a real and true “civilization” of world brotherhood and sisterhood between all mankind. The supreme mystics mentioned herein, are to give the example of what man can become through the knowledge and inspiration of the kingdom of heaven within himself.

We do not endorse or support any single religion or belief system. We are simply stating that every man is as connected to the Creator as much as these supreme mystics of antiquity. To the degree that you desire the light of illumination is to the degree you may express that power in your own creations and in your very being. This is the spiritual light of mind which the “profane” may in no way approach or enter into. Be pure of heart. Seek, and you will find.
