Dancing with the Hologram

Hologram holographic universeZen Gardner, Guest
Waking Times

You have to admit, even if all of this is a construct for some seemingly unknown purpose, this is an incredible world we’re inhabiting. This spontaneous creative Force we’re engulfed in and intrinsically interwoven into is absolutely spectacular despite all the obstacles we encounter.

That there’s an invasive parasitic force at work trying to gum up the works and usurp this magnificent design and claim whatever weirdness it simulates as some sort of alternative reality is absolutely ludicrous, yet this is the contest humanity and our planetary existence finds itself in.

What is wonderful and should be the center of our focus and attention is the magnificent power of true Creation and its stunning beauty, intricacy and unlimited potential. We’re only just discovering its wonders, but as we do Creation itself becomes more manifest in new and amazing ways as we respond in conscious awareness and resultant responsive actions.

This so dwarfs the puny efforts of these measly low density control freaks that no one should ever fear or be awed by their furious temporal psychopathic designs no matter where they come from or how much they scream and try to intimidate humanity.

The jig is up. We’ve awakened from slumber and the tide of iniquity is being shoved back into their wicked faces and readily busting up their phony façade, no matter how elaborate or real the false construct they’ve erected may appear to be.

  • The Regenerative Power of Our Fractal Universe

    Just as our very bodies miraculously heal and rebuild themselves, so Universe keeps unfolding and regenerating life ceaselessly and unstoppably. Whatever transpires in this temporal existence we find ourselves in, we are born with an innate knowing that all is ultimately well and truth reigns eternal.

    And is astoundingly wondrous.

    Just look at your hands, look into someone’s eyes, study a tree or an animal, look at the sky, the mountains and the sea. This is one amazing place we have the privilege to inhabit, even if only for a short while. We cannot ever forget or minimize that. Despite the storms of life and all of its obstacles and challenges, we are imbued with the same creative force we have the honor to witness at work around us, day in and day out, hour by hour, minute by minute.

    Therein lies our very strength. To sense the overwhelming love behind this magnificent Creation, including ourselves, is our everlasting fountain of peace and joy. Nothing can take that away from any of us.

    That is, unless we allow something to. The decision lies with each of us individually. Not collectively. We each can, and must, make that simple commitment to not allow anything that robs us of our connection to Source and our standing fast in that knowledge.

    Fractal Magic Surrounds

    Just look at the fractal nature of Creation, the amazing regenerative geometric patterns from the inconceivable macrocosm to the infinitesimal microcosm of the very smallest of particles. They scream wonder and awe at every possible level. That even settled science is awakening to the fact that consciousness and empirical discoveries are intrinsically interwoven is one manifestation of the awakening age we are blessed to be a part of.

    That sages have known this for eons naturally comes to the fore, bringing worlds of understanding into a magnificent confluence of new found awareness for a surging number of awakening people worldwide.

    Couple this with the growing discoveries of ancient archeological finds and the release of suppressed historical truths, and the fractal nature of the awakening comes into view in a very practical manner. That the powers that shouldn’t be have openly announced their concerns about a massive global political awakening is another such outcropping.

    The evidence is everywhere, and simply a natural progression in this time of revelation, the very apocalypse foretold by many, yet a word twisted to mean our destructive end when in fact it’s a massive awakening of humanity. The crumbling of the matrix is just another symptom of the revealing, the revelation of Truth and the infinite, unstoppable power of the Universe to which we are all not just connected, but living crystals of resonance pulsing with this same enormous power of eternal Creation.


    Cycles Within Cycles and Our Opportunity of the Ages

    I find it fascinating how many things work in cycles, be they ages, also known as epochs or yugas, or even repeating themes and lessons throughout history. We’ve been given so many clues to help us find our conscious footing in this strange world we’ve landed in. Sure we’re up against massive efforts to close our hearts and minds through generations of social engineering and cauterizing lies and violence, but that’s part of the challenge and apparently important to our growth cycle.

    While I’m absolutely inspired about the worldwide awakening we’re witnessing, what concerns me is that so many still don’t understand the magnitude of the opportunity before us. We’re so close to rolling the humongous boulder of a very real critical mass of revelation and thus liberation of humanity on to the heads of these entities and their construct, yet many still do not yet get the enormity of this opportunity of the ages to end their cycles of deceit and destruction.

    Many such opportunities for awakening have happened in the past. Most civilizations, at least from recent recorded history, only used their new found understandings of the workings of the Universe to assert more and more human control over others and our planet, instead of returning to natural cycles based on love and cooperation. Power mad usurpers seem to have eventually infiltrated and taken control of just about every so-called civilization. From what we’re learning about Atlantis and Lemuria it appears that was the case there as well, as with ancient Vedic history, where their societies ended with horrific catastrophic destruction apparently wrought by their own hands in that same disturbed competitive power mad control paradigm.

    Arise or Repeat – A Time to Choose

    Some cycles are meant to be broken. Just because they repeat doesn’t make them right. It’s much like the law of karma and reincarnation. Many have apparently come back to this plane to have another go at getting the point of being here. It makes sense and from what I’ve learned has a lot of validity.

    However personally, I don’t subscribe to the inevitability of anything. While Universe is way too wondrous, powerful and creative to be caught up in any type of destructive loop, we apparently create such loops by our own reactive design, all based on individual decisions on whether we’re going to go along with the collective herd or wake up and become who we truly are.

    The social constructs simply follow and repeat themselves, just as old patterns of control and subservience do in our current societies. It appears to be a matter of fact at some base level, for reasons deconstructed by many an enlightened researcher.

    The awareness of these cycles and their inherent nature are profound when taken to heart, not just to the head. Can we break out? Are we being told to be resigned to such a fate, when in fact we can escape this great mandala of control and repeated insanity?



    We’re not just meant to be free, but already are. Therein lies perhaps the most powerful Truth available to humanity. We already are who we are seeking; we have everything we need, we have every answer supposedly sought by the outside projection of life and its search for meaning.

    We are it. We already possess every skill and ability needed to manifest the true world of love and cooperation. All that awaits is awakening these inherent gifts we each were born with.

    Take this for what you will, but for me it is fact. It is a truth so profound and powerful that it has been suppressed for countless centuries by those who seek to dominate humankind.

    It’s time to arise. It’s time to manifest who we each truly are. It’s clearly an individual decision but one that must be made. Consciously, and with heart and determination.

    The time has come.

    Arise. It’s literally now or never. And always has been.

    And now more than ever. Keep heart, keep love, keep true.

    The awakening is upon us – let’s help it manifest and proliferate with reckless abandon!

    Love forever,



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