Could This be What a Black Hole Really Looks Like?
Sofia Adamson, Contributor
Waking Times
What does a black hole actually look like?
We now know a great deal about the physics of black holes and the effects that the implosion of a star can have on the matter and energy surrounding it, but we’ve never actually seen one. In fact, black holes can not be directly observed by any of the telescopes we use to measure light, x-rays, or electro-magnetic energy emitted by other objects in outer space. Their existence has been calculated in part by examining the formation of dense clusters and space matter surrounding the singularity.

Black Hole Gobbles a Star – NASA
Since the the first theoretical notions of a space object so dense that it could attract other objects in 18th century, and the presumption by Einstein that light could be bent even though it had no mass, scientists have produced many theoretical models and renderings of what one may look like.
An extremely dense region of space, created by the death of a star, a black hole is a super-concentration of mass with a tremendous gravitational pull and electro-magnetic field. So strong is its pull on surrounding space that it sucks in other stars, planets, space matter, consuming even surrounding light and electro-magnetic energy until its density becomes so great that it begins to warp the time and space around it.

Black Hole – Image Source: NASA
An upcoming Paramount Studios film, ‘Interstellar,’ directed by Christopher Nolan, features a stunning simulation of a black hole in outer space, using the most accurate-to-date computer models in rendering an intriguing look at the mysterious black hole. The image combines over 800 terabytes of information to provided by theoretical physicist Kip Thorne, renowned for his work in astrophysics and gravitational physics, and incorporates his theories on how light may actually bend once it has crossed the event horizon of a black hole.

Astrophysicist Kip Thorne’s diagram of how a Black Hole distorts light. Source
The special effects team included Paul Franklin who worked with Thorne to incorporate his models of how black holes warp surrounding time and matter, using the processing power of their massive graphics renderers to put the data into visual perspective:
“We found that warping space around the black hole also warps the accretion disk… So rather than looking like Saturn’s rings around a black sphere, the light creates this extraordinary halo.” -Paul Franklin [Source]
The results of the year long effort have produced the most scientifically accurate to date model of a black hole, which can be seen in the movie, however, a captivating still shot of the black hole can be seen below…

Image Source: ‘Interstellar’ Paramount Studios
The stunning images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope have transformed our perception of how our humble little planet stands out in the sheer magnitude that is the universe around us. Our sense of wonder along with our ability to visualize and imagine that which we cannot see and do we continue to press forward in our collective journey as human beings.
About the Author
Sofia Adamson is a contributing writer to with a keen appreciation for matters of science and the spirit.
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