Consciousness is the Technology That Will Stop the War Machine

war machine

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Afghanistan. Iraq. Lebanon. Now Syria. Why does the US corporate government seem hell-bent on controlling this part of the world? The answers that first come to mind are the obvious ones: it would obviously be hegemony over oil, which finances cabal cartels and illegal drug trafficking. These in turn finance more wars and false flag events like an endless feedback loop of terror, meant to impress fear upon our unwitting minds. There are other insidious truths beneath the surface though, and once revealed, these shed light on the US mafia’s obsession with this particular patch of the planet.

The Federal Reserve’s Connection to the Never-ending War in the Middle East

Foremost, we must rhetorically ask: Are the true intentions of the US corporate government every really known? ISIS generates up to $1 billion annually from Afghan heroin. That’s just the traceable money. Then, there’s the Rothschild Khazarian mafia, including the Bush and Clinton clans, who help to perpetuate the 1913 buy-out of our country by a few select families through the creation of the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act. Under this act, a bank, which creates money out of thin air on computer screens, can then lend money to other countries at ridiculous rates of interest, committing the worst version of usury. If they can’t pay it back, government goons make them slaves. If a country should resist repayment, they simply kill their people.

  • Usury to Pay the War Machine

    There are many abominations caused by usury, in and of itself. Notwithstanding, we buy poisoned GM food and water to try to cut cost, to pay the User; we have monetized basic human needs while absolutely pissing on the planet, also to pay the User; or we work harder and harder to pay off debts that simply grow ever larger, to pay the User –  but I digress.

    Should you think this Afghan/Iraqi/Syrian/Lebanon obsession is simply about oil and controlling the latest evil dictator, I offer this bit of information. We, as in our military acting on behalf of the US mafia, stole several billion dollars from the Iraqi people when we first occupied Iraq. The reparations that were promised to this war-torn country were never given. (If you want to see just how badly the US mafia pillaged Iraq, watch this video.)

    We didn’t just steal their money and their oil, we killed our own people and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people as well in the process. Who profited from this massacre? The banking families did. They always finance both sides of the war. This is evidenced in the military contracts given out to Halliburton (more specifically, its spin-off KBR) and Raytheon, like a dentist giving out lollipops to children. Military contractors made a tidy $138 billion profit from the war (before the latest attempts to put US soldiers there yet again.) Contractors also made millions from ‘rebuilding’ the country. A report on military contractors tasked with rebuilding the country after we ruined it, highlights massive-sale waste and incompetency.

    When these mafia banking families found oil, they made an extreme effort to activate relationships in the Middle East, that then the U.S. government followed. For example, in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, they gained access to oil money, and then recycled it into Latin American debt and other forms of lending throughout the globe. This led the U.S. government. Our foreign policy was dictated by the Mafioso.

    These Mafioso are controlled by powers that are likely not even from this planet.

    Iraq’s oil is now disappearing into Turkey via ISIS. Supposedly, a captured Islamic State militant told Sputnik news, a Russian news outlet, that Turkey is involved in illegal oil deals with the Jihadist group up to the hilt.

    Is it truly a surprise that U.S. Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, admitted earlier this year that there would be U.S. boots on the ground in Iraq in order to “help defeat the Islamic State group, which has strongholds in the north of the country and in neighboring Syria?”

    War for Our Consciousness

    This is not a war just about oil. It is a war about money and power. More than that, it is a war for our consciousness. What if there was a technology that could render Mind Kontrol, pedophilia rings, and other tools used by the dark side, null and void?

    Sure, it is all about oil, drugs and money, but it could also be a war about something even more valuable. In order to understand what else is at stake, we have to go back a few several thousand years. We have to go pre-9/11 to even get to a modicum of the truth about why we keep invading Iraq, Syria and the surrounding areas.

    Beyond the Oil Trillions is an Ark

    Supposedly the Ark of the Covenant, also known by Christians as ‘Noah’s Ark’ and by mystics as a non-earthly technology device that allows for inter-dimensional travel by opening a wormhole, specifically by raising the consciousness of the person who sits upon it, was once held in Ethiopia. A few years ago the Ethiopian Orthodox Church said that the Ark was stolen. It is said to have been relocated to Iraq. 2,500 tablets corroborating stories around the Ark’s existence were also found there. Of course, there are many tales of where the Ark may have been relocated, including one suggesting Vladimir Putin has taken it into space, or to Antarctica, all of which should be taken with a grain of salt.

    However, the true power of the Ark of the Covenant, which is likely just a form of technology used by advanced civilizations to travel unhindered through space/time, is also a likely key to revealing how our own civilization can unchain itself from the shackles of the cabal.

    William Henry who has studied ancient mystic Christian art as it specifically relates to the Ark of the Covenant, tells us:

    “But when you go over to Christian art, yeah, you will see a cloud. You will see him [Jesus] standing on a cloud, like the Buddhist cloud-riders, for example, but more often than not, there’s a precedence for his ascension taking place in a blue sphere, where he is even portrayed as a blue being. And then he is ascending into the stars through this blue sphere, or returning to Earth in this blue sphere. It’s clearly some kind of a transportation vehicle.”

    Henry explains that Jesus is depicted seated upon a small box, or stool, which is thought to be the Ark, or a wormhole accessed by a transcendent consciousness. It was also depicted in ancient Egyptian art at the Temple of Hathor at Dendera and the Temple of Horus.

    Worm-Hole Ascension

    Henry also explains that we all have the inherent ability to activate our own ‘worm-hole,’or light body, which would allow us complete dominion over ourselves, but in a different, non-earthly form than that which we currently experience. Even without an Ark, we can, by elevating our consciousness, activate the same technology that the cabal so perniciously covets. If we were all to experience a connection to a higher, more pure realm where a more perfect version of ourselves dwelt, we would no longer war, famine and perish.

    Through simple practices like meditation, eating cleanly, acting kindly, and having concern for others over ourselves, we can attain the same radiant body, termed by the Christian gnostics, or rainbow body, as named by the Tibetan Buddhists. Any technology which would allow people to travel astrally, or access other timelines, would obviously be worth trillions, and more to a devil-worshiping cabal, but here’s the secret: the Ark represents a technology you can develop within yourself without any external accouterments.

    I am not saying that grace is not involved. I am also not saying that other, more ascended beings, won’t help us once we are on a clear path to obtaining this light, or ‘radiant’ body, but we cannot be distracted by Iraq. By Syria. Turkey, either. Don’t be conned by yet another war in the Middle East (or anywhere else), or by trying to figure out why that war could really be raging. All you have to do is set yourself free. Like a butterfly leaving its chrysalis, fly high. This is the transfiguration. It’s our time.

    Read more articles from Christina Sarich.

    About the Author

    Christina Sarich is a staff writer for Waking Times. She is a writer, musician, yogi, and humanitarian with an expansive repertoire. Her thousands of articles can be found all over the Internet, and her insights also appear in magazines as diverse as Weston A. Price, NexusAtlantis Rising, and the Cuyamungue Institute, among others. She was recently a featured author in the Journal, “Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and Healing Arts,” and her commentary on healing, ascension, and human potential inform a large body of the alternative news lexicon. She has been invited to appear on numerous radio shows, including Health Conspiracy Radio, Dr. Gregory Smith’s Show, and dozens more. The second edition of her book, Pharma Sutra, will be released soon.

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    This article (Consciousness is the Technology That Will Stop the War Machine) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Christina Sarich and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement. Please contact for more info.

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