Concerning the Integration of Past Experiences

Truth SunriseJulian Rose, Contributor
Waking Times

Nothing which becomes manifest ever disappears. It becomes integrated into the great body of ethereal  matter we call ‘the collective unconscious.’

If we try to sublimate our painful and less happy experiences, they will simply reappear at our time of passing, and play their role in determining the work still required of us in the next cycle of reincarnation.

But we can lay all before the omnipotent compassion of Source and ask to be aided in our process of psychic and emotional healing. Healing and integration are two indivisible parts of one whole.

Pushing away that which we feel disinclined to face up to, actually makes that thing stronger.

It’s an interesting irony. But once we accept that we have to take responsibility for our actions – all of them – then we start the process of defeating the demon at our door.

  • It’s a process which responds positively (not unlike our digestive systems) when what we choose to ‘take-in’ is in harmony with that which is good, fair, honest and healing. If we deem ourselves superior (or inferior) to such a commitment, and pursue a path of self acclimation and/or shallow conformity with the trends of the day, then only trouble awaits us as the passage of life unfolds.

    Neither is it about attempting to nullify and demolish ego. We all need some ego, but in correct proportions. Abolish ego altogether, and you will find yourself stranded in a world which largely operates according to egoic principles, and will have only yourself to hold responsible for your demise.

    It has always been and will always be, about balance. Balance is the art of living. The Art of living.

    Now the balance to which I refer is not about refusing to take a moral position while sitting on the fence in the middle of a field – where on one side GM crops are being planted – and on the other organic farming is in progress. That, of course, is the opposite of balance. Failure to act when faced by obvious wrong is in the end, a criminal act.

    I chose the famous statement by Einstein to head the introduction to my book ‘Changing Course for Life‘…

    “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

    A profoundly true judgment.

    The real balance that we aim for in our daily lives involves weighing up the contents of each predicament which confronts us, and arriving at a solution which provides the most positive outcome possible.

    Now this cannot be achieved without actively engaging in the deliberate use of lateral, holistic thinking. We have this problem or challenge right up ahead – it seems to stymie us – no obvious answer as to how to overcome it. Yet, shift the whole thing into a broader more universal context, stand back and look at it anew, and suddenly a solution presents itself.

    Balance is a dynamic thing. It involves seizing hold of something, engaging it in a very direct way and then walking the tightrope wire which passes right down its middle –  transforming it into that which is no longer a problem, but a creative and positive act of transformation and change.

    Yes, my friends, that is indeed the Art of living. There is absolutely nothing we cannot achieve once possessed of this skill. And it is a skill. Like all things wise and wonderful, one must beaver away at the material one has in hand in order to mold it into a thing of beauty and resonance. Nothing great comes without pursuing it with conscious, sustained effort, in this third density existence.

    So it is with the integration of our past experiences. That which haunts us from our past will fail to spook us any longer provided we decide to go at it in the spirit of a valuable challenge. To say to ourselves “OK, I mucked that one up big time, but actually I now see that the actions I took were the one’s I decided upon out of my own free will. Perhaps I needed to go through this experience owing to some necessary learning curve without which I would not have had the chance to recognize some vital home truths. And I begin to see, that it is in fact these truths that enable me to now go forward and to become freed of old phobias.” I am not referring to early childhood years, as  in those years we are not in a position to take a controlling position over our lives.

    Turning that which is perceived as a block into that which becomes the opposite is one of the most life affirmative experiences one will ever have. And once one has got started, there is no reason why there should not be an infinite number of such transformations during our life times. We are, after all, blessed with infinite consciousness, but cannot know this until at least some element of it becomes manifest. And it won’t become manifest except by squaring up to the greatest challenges that life presents us.

    So those who are currently going through the mill, take heart, your oppressor may well turn out to be the source of your salvation.

    Many describe how the source of their pain and confusion comes from childhood experiences.  There is a tendency to blame our parents for our own shortcomings. To see one’s self as crippled by the circumstances of one’s early years and to fall victim to the notion that one can’t overcome these shortcomings.

    But in truth, this is not so. It is not mere whimsy to suggest that we may well choose the circumstances of our birth. That, as I described above, we landed up where we needed to land up in order to have another chance to successfully overcome previous unmet challenges. We have many chances to redeem ourselves in the greater scheme of things.

    It is the nature of cosmic Lila to eternally offer the chance to each of us to overcome our weaknesses and progress on the beckoning road of conscious awareness. But no one, except a poser, has suggested it will be an easy ride, laid out for us on a silken road of love and light.

    We have ‘free will’. It is, I believe, a contract that the Supreme made with man right from the beginning. We were given all the means required to make our lives into that which resonates with divine exigence. Our Creator will not interfere or intervene in doing this job for us. Not even if one prays from sunset to sundown for his intervention.

    READ: Calling Forth the Great Revolution by Julian Rose

    But he will make it known that he resides within every being who seeks him. And that one can and will be guided on one’s chosen path, so long as one is sincere, is drawn by the magnet of truth and is able to calm oneself enough to listen, and respond, to the voice of intuition.

    Conditional upon following this course, is to find it in one’s self to honour one’s parents. Even when they have caused us to suffer. Because they themselves no doubt suffered the short comings of their childhood – and so on into the past – ad infinitum. The great majority most probably knew no better than to dictate the terms of parenthood that they felt to be the most fitting of their time.

    We do both them and ourselves a disservice by failing to free ourselves from the resentment that often surrounds a dystopian upbringing. The true integration of past experiences starts with dropping the old baggage and breathing a great sigh of relief at having done so. However, I do recognize that in some particularly harsh childhood circumstances, the scars may take a long time to heal. Even a life time.

    This does not negate the fact that everything we do and have experienced in our lives remains with us; but once we have come to terms with our greatest difficulties, that which has weighed us down slowly takes a back seat, fading into the background. The pain can’t simply be wished away; but it can be quietly and profoundly accepted and integrated into our ongoing evolution towards true awareness. So done, it will no longer bother us. Compassion will fill that void.

    Then we can set sail on our adventure freed from the dead weight of our old, self imposed, false beliefs. An adventure in which we alone are at the helm. An adventure which will make or break us – and if it breaks us it is because that is what was needed to continue onwards. Be brave.

    About the Author

    Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, international activist and author. Contact Julian at to find out more. He is President of The International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside, and is the author of two books with some very powerful perspectives: Changing Course for Life and In Defence of Life.

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    This article (Concerning the Integration of Past Experiences) was originally created and published by Julian Rose and is re-posted here with permission. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

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