We’re All Complete Little Bits of God

Flickr-spark-GrossalberIda Lawrence, Contributor
Waking Times

I don’t ever want to see another person hurt in love… in fact, I don’t ever want to see another person or animal or piece of the earth hurt at all, in any way. The energy of injustice and betrayal, conflict and injury, entrapment, deception, terror and fear of death, is food for the emotion suckers… and they are well fed nowadays. It is through the emotions that an individual can be drained of inner power, so the emotional system is a really vital one to look at.

We don’t want to be ‘emotion-less’, we don’t want to be ‘emotion-controlled’, and we don’t want to be food for the energy vampires, so what do we do?

It seems we have been trying a lot of options: avoidance, affirmations, positive thinking, distractions, justification, creative imagining, forgiveness, understanding… and there it still is. We’re in a hurtin’ world, and sometimes in a hurtin’ place in our relationships too.

I’ve been thinking about how we can deal with the emotional from an ‘overstand’ position. I like the feel of the word ‘overstand’ more than the word detach, because ‘detach’ seems so uninvolved and even cold – kind of a ‘what happens is God’s will’ feeling. We’re all complete little bits of God… what is our will?

From the personal to the global, we find our hearts confronted. We might say well, that’s life in 3-D. It is, but actually, life in 3-D is pretty full-on intense right now. If the scope of this is a divine war, which I believe it is, then we have a role to play in easing suffering. In a very real sense, we Are the will of God. Everyone is. So whatever the battlefront, we are called upon to be soldiers.

  • As consciousness expands, the heart opens, and we begin to feel. I know many of us feel the suffering of family and friends, and of the collective… the earth, the animals, the people. It comes into our hearts not as emotion, but more as an awareness that contains pain. I imagine we all have a process through which we deal with it. My personal process is to acknowledge that it is there, and then give thanks… yes, I can feel. I’m so grateful to be connected to the heart of the ‘other’. That’s a first step.

    Since we’re connected to the people and animals and life, our awareness, warm heart, and gratitude for consciousness may possibly mitigate the suffering of others just a little. That is a hope that we can harbor. Overstanding offers protection for our own emotional system as well, as gratitude and love can form a barrier, or if not a barrier, at least have a transformative effect on the incoming emotional assault.

    Concurrently with the process, it helps to keep in mind, in a Knowing sense, that the higher beings, and perhaps our own transdimensional higher self, overstand us as well. This is not fantasy. Evolved energies do exist, as do devolved ones.

    There are as many battlefronts as there are soldiers, but the point of all of our battles is that the light comes in. Whether we are being kind to someone, or uncovering a deception, or bringing the earth back to life, or helping someone to heal, or doing the all-important work of self-knowing and self-healing… we are bringing the light in.

    People talk about gratitude a lot, and the word can be diminished, but yes, it’s the word for the feeling. We are grateful for the light in our heart/mind; reverent in fact, as it is our divinity. We protect it, adhere to it, and shine it into spaces that are a little denser or darker than we are. This is not the bleeding heart, or the angry heart at work, it is simply the chalice… the container of that incredible, fecundate mix of sorrow and joy that is able to hold its position in battle and give birth to new possibilities.

    Are we overestimating the power of the heartless? I’ve often thought that we are, even as we watch them face exposure and the crumbling of their ‘best laid plans’. People say that the only thing that is real in this illusory world, is love. But soldiers don’t fight with love… they Are love… and they fight with truth. Love and truth are one and the same, and truth wins over the illusion every single time.

    About the Author

    Ida Lawrence is an author, blogger, copywriter and editor based in Atlanta, Georgia. She has contributed to and edited two books on racial justice and human rights, and numerous articles on human rights, self-empowerment and related subjects. Her latest book is entitled The Warrior’s Way to Heaven on Earth. Ida has also published a companion book of blog favorites from http://talk2momz.com/.

    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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