The Co-Evolution of Bees and Flowers: An Electric Symbiosis Not to Be Interrupted with Pesticide Chemicals

Flickr - Bee - digital cat Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times

If you are still spraying your nursery flowers and plants with neonicotinoid insecticides, you are likely interrupting an age-old dance carried out between bees and flowers. Not only are bees dying from the use of these dangerous chemicals, but the act is interrupting a long and beneficial history between the two.

According to Professor Daniel Robert from the University of Bristol’s School of Biological Sciences, bumble bees carry a positive electrical charge that helps them find flowers, which are charged negatively, in a field or garden. Science is just discovering how sophisticated a bee’s communication is with the world around it, and this is just another example of how biotech arrogance can’t trump nature’s incredible intelligence.

Flowers acquire a negative charge since they are grounded in soil, and the fast-beating wings of a bee, acquire a positive charge as they stir up surrounding air with more than 200 beats per second of their tiny appendages. The positive charge builds up on their bodies the same way that it does when we walk across carpet can then create a spark when a grounded metal or body is touched. Even though bees don’t generate a spark, scientists have found that the hairs on a bees body ‘stand up’ when it approaches the electrical field of a flower. The bee also memorizes this electrostatic force and returns to areas it experiences the electrical field of flowers. Over time, this allows the bumble bee to determine which flowers to visit, and thus help pollinate.

  • Bees are also sensitive to ultraviolet light that is emitted from flowers when they are ripe and ready, overflowing with the essence of life – pollen and nectar. This light is really just stored energy from the sun and stars in our universe. A typical quasar contains 3.6 × 1039 of power, a miniscule amount of energy that is present in all living organisms.

    Bees can even sense a flower’s fragrance, and can determine if other bees have depleted the flower’s nectar supply through a mutual charge exchange. A flower’s electric field is reduced slightly when another bee visits it, and when the flower becomes depleted of pollen another bee knows that flower is ‘tapped out.’ Essentially, the weaker the electric field, the more bees have already landed on that flower, so it sends a message to other bees of the potential of that particular flower for pollen and nectar gathering.

    Flowers only replenish their electrical charges (and thus their nectar, and pollen) slowly through their overall structure – so you can imagine what happens when we douse our plants with chemicals that impede a flower’s electrical force field.

    Neonicotinoids are absorbed into a flower’s plant stem and leaves, and are even present in its pollen and nectar. The residues of neonicotinoids are often lethal in one dose, but surely they also interfere in a flower’s ability to have a high negative charge by which bees find them in order to collect their pollen and help pollinate other flowers and crops.

    We are similar to the flowers, says Dr. James Oschman, and need to be grounded into the earth where negative charges accumulate due to lightening strikes in the ionosphere. This is why grounding – or walking barefoot on the earth can help to reduce the positive charge build up in the body which is associated to ill health. The earth is alive with an unlimited source of ‘free electrons.’ When we connect to the earth with bare skin, it re-stabilizes electric fields in our own bodies, re-setting our entire body from an electric point of view – helping our brains to communication between cells. A balanced electromagnetic charge is essential.

    “Although astrocytes have been considered to be supportive, rather than transmissive, in the adult nervous system, recent studies have challenged this assumption by demonstrating that astrocytes possess functional neurotransmitter receptors. Astrocytes are now shown to directly modulate the free cytosolic calcium, and hence transmission characteristics, of neighboring neurons. When a focal electric field potential was applied to single astrocytes in mixed cultures of rat forebrain astrocytes and neurons, a prompt elevation of calcium occurred in the target cell. This in turn triggered a wave of calcium increase, which propagated from astrocyte to astrocyte. Neurons resting on these astrocytes responded with large increases in their concentration of cytosolic calcium.”

    When biotech messes with the chemical structure of flowers, it confuses bees, and this may be another reason the pollinators are all dying off. Our bodies are no different. When we ingest herbicides and pesticides to great degree, they interfere with our electrical-chemical signals and ruin our health.

    Consider this article which details what happens to the central nervous system including the brain with prolonged exposure to organophosphates. Essentially, it leads to neuro-degeneration caused by an enzyme that acts on acetylcholine neurotransmitters, resulting in ADHD and Gulf War Syndrome, to name a few outcomes.

    We are next in line for our ‘wires’ to be crossed from pesticide and herbicide use, and the killing off of bees and flowers is a clear sign that nature is being stressed to its limits. The subtlety of an electric universe should not be overlooked, and Mother Nature is wise beyond any multi-national corporation. It’s time we pay more attention.

    About the Author

    Christina Sarich is a musician, yogi, humanitarian and freelance writer who channels many hours of studying Lao TzuParamahansa YoganandaRob Brezny,  Miles Davis, and Tom Robbins into interesting tidbits to help you Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.

    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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