Chemtrails Exposed: The Research Corporation for Science Advancement and the Origins of the New Manhattan Project
Peter A. Kirby, Contributor
Waking Times
Recently uncovered evidence indicates that the New Manhattan Project – otherwise known as ‘geoengineering’ – goes back further than previously thought.
As the name ‘New Manhattan Project’ implies, the author was previously under the impression that this ultra-massive, super-secret scientific project (the biggest of all time, in fact) only went back to the mid-1940s; directly after the end of the original Manhattan Project. Your intrepid author has recently found evidence suggesting that the New Manhattan Project should be called the Old Manhattan Project because it now looks like its roots actually go back about 35 years earlier.
The findings presented here have everything to do with an organization called The Research Corporation for Science Advancement and the origins of The Research Corporation for Science Advancement (Research Corporation) have everything to do with the life and work of one Frederick Gardner Cottrell (1877-1948).
Today the Research Corporation for Science Advancement has a website, a Twitter feed, and a Facebook page.
If you don’t know what the New Manhattan Project is, please refer to the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project available exclusively at Amazon.
Frederick Gardner Cottrell
In the early 1900s Frederick Gardner Cottrell pioneered the field of large-scale, electrostatic removal of coal fly ash from the emissions of coal-fired electrical power plants. This is relevant to the New Manhattan Project for a few reasons.
It is relevant because it has been scientifically proven beyond a reasonable doubt by Dr. Marvin Herndon and his peer-reviewers all over the world that the substance with which we are being routinely sprayed today is coal fly ash. You see, coal fly ash is the smoke that rises from burning coal. It’s a toxic waste by-product of the electrical power industry. There’s a big, cheap supply of it all over the world and if they don’t spray it into our atmosphere, it costs the electrical power companies big money to properly dispose of it. The low cost and ready availability of coal fly ash makes it suitable for geoengineering purposes because geoengineers are talking about spraying tens of thousands of megatons of toxic substances such as this from airplanes ANNUALLY. For more about coal fly ash, please refer to the author’s 2017 article “Chemtrails Exposed: Coal Fly Ash and the New Manhattan Project.”
Not only that, but electrical power companies have a long history in weather modification, and the New Manhattan Project is a global, second generation weather modification project. Specifically, electrical power companies have for many decades openly sprayed silver iodide from ground-based generators in order to make it snow. The runoff from this artificially nucleated snowpack then fills up their mountain reservoirs and is subsequently used to generate hydroelectric power. How much does the Pacific Gas and Electric Corporation love you?
Furthermore, when coal fly ash is electrostatically removed from the exhaust system of a coal-fired power plant, a mini-New Manhattan Project takes place. This is what originally inspired the author’s investigation here. You see, today’s coal fly ash is removed from a power plant’s exhaust system using something called an electrostatic precipitator. These electrostatic precipitators collect fly ash by first electrically charging the airborne ash particles, then attracting them to oppositely charged plates where the ash is then taken away. This is analogous to how, in the course of today’s New Manhattan Project, atmospheric particles are electromagnetically ionized (charged) and then manipulated. This use of electromagnetic energy is the defining aspect of the project and, strangely enough, we see it replicated in this NMP sub-operation of fly ash sequestration. Frederick Cottrell was the American pioneer in the field of electrostatic precipitation.
So, let us learn more about this intriguing Frederick Cottrell character, whose life’s work was so inextricably intertwined with air pollution and, most pertinently, coal fly ash air pollution. Like your author, Cottrell was born in the San Francisco Bay Area. This is his story.
Frederick Gardner Cottrell was born in Oakland, CA in 1877. As a boy, Cottrell marveled at the swift proliferation of applied electrical power. At the age of 19 he received a Bachelors degree in chemistry from the University of California and subsequently became a chemistry teacher at Oakland High School. He then traveled abroad to the Mecca of science, Germany. During this time he also traveled extensively throughout Europe as well as throughout the eastern half of America, visiting just about all of the big scientific universities while meeting and studying under many famous European and American scientists. Upon his return to America, from 1902 to 1911 Cottrell taught physical chemistry at UC Berkeley. Cottrell was gregarious, universally well-liked, and an extraordinarily sharp scientist.
In America, Cottrell traveled to many universities which have since been implicated in the production of the New Manhattan Project such as: The University of Chicago, Cornell, Harvard, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Most notably, though, on his return journey Cottrell also visited Schenectady, New York; the home of W.R. Whitney’s General Electric Laboratories which was just beginning its long and storied history in the realm of industrial scientific discoveries. In fact, General Electric and Whitney would go on for many years trying unsuccessfully to sign Cottrell as an employee. As readers of this work already know, General Electric appears to be central to the production of the New Manhattan Project.
In 1906 Cottrell first successfully collected and removed unwanted airborne particles with electrical precipitation as part of an industrial process at a DuPont plant engaged in the manufacture of acids and explosives in Pinole, CA. It was not to improve the quality of the breathable air, though. For DuPont, Cottrell found a way to eliminate certain arsenic mists which were a by-product of their industrial processes that were causing production difficulties. Elimination of the arsenic mists during the production of sulphuric acid allowed the DuPont plant to produce their goods much more efficiently. It was during this time that Cottrell drew up his first two successful U.S. patents pertaining to electrical precipitation and a new industry was born.
Once Cottrell had successfully demonstrated his new and improved methods of electrical precipitation, one of Cottrell’s friends, a man by the name of Harry East Miller was sure that Cottrell ‘had something’ and promptly incorporated and became the primary funder of something called the Western Precipitation Company.
The parent corporation of the Western Precipitation Company was something called the International Precipitation Company. The International Precipitation Company held the patents while the Western Precipitation Company was the operating unit. Miller, Cottrell, E.S. Heller, a well-known San Francisco attorney, and Berkeley professor Edmund O’Neill were the original shareholders with seed money investment coming from all except Cottrell. An additional early loan was secured from the Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank.
After returning to Pinole to perfect and definitively demonstrate their improved methods, Western Precipitation’s first real job came in 1907 at the Selby Smelting and Lead Company in Selby, California. This job was all about cleaning up the ambient air.
The troubles at the Selby Smelting and Lead Company were not uncommon. Ever since the Industrial Revolution and all throughout the 19th century, much of the industrialized world (especially Europe and the industrialized centers of America) struggled with poor air quality due to the emissions coming from local factories. At Selby, the downwind residents of Solano County were reporting foul odors, reduced agricultural production, corroded metals, and other significant environmental problems due to the pollution coming from the Selby plant. It got so bad that the residents of Solano County had banded together back in 1905 to petition for an injunction against the Selby plant’s offending emissions.
When officials at the Selby plant heard about Western Precipitation’s successful demonstration of their improved methods at nearby Pinole, they immediately looked to Western Precipitation for a solution to their problems. Western Precipitation’s efforts at Selby were ultimately successful, the air quality in Solano County was restored, and the Selby Smelting and Lead Company continued operations there. It was a win win.
In the years following the successes at Pinole and Selby, Western Precipitation solved emissions problems at industrial facilities such as large copper smelters and cement factories.
In July of 1910, at the first annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Francisco, Cottrell held his first major public discussion of his work in the field of electrical precipitation and his speech was well received both domestically and abroad. A variety of air pollution-producing industries as well as civic organizations gave inquiries. Cottrell’s International Precipitation Company was well on its way to prosperity.
In 1911 Cottrell resigned from his position at the University of California at Berkeley and took a job as a physical chemist with the U.S. Bureau of Mines. He took the job because the then director of the Bureau, a man by the name of Joseph A. Holmes, was cultivating an expanded role for the newly created Bureau. One of Holmes’ initiatives was that of organizing efforts related to ameliorating the problem of pollution caused by the burning of coal. Holmes saw air pollution from the burning of coal as an issue for the Bureau of Mines because coal is a mined substance and the organizations burning said coal had intimate business relationships with the miners. Cottrell’s experience in electrical precipitation made him a natural fit.
The Research Corporation for Science Advancement
It was not long after his arrival in Washington, D.C. for his job with the Bureau of Mines in June of 1911, when Cottrell started taking steps towards forming the Research Corporation, as it was originally called. With help from Holmes, the Director of the Bureau of Mines, as part of this process, Cottrell began negotiations with the Smithsonian Institution to let them take over ownership of his patents pertaining to electrical precipitation. It was suggested that the Smithsonian Institution could use funding from the royalties generated by the business development of International Precipitation Company’s patents to fund scientific efforts which had the potential to improve Americans’ daily quality of life.
You see, unlike Bill Gates, George Soros, or so many others, Cottrell was a real philanthropist. He actually wanted to use his patents to foster development of the greater good. He may have been naïve, but his intentions were good.
Cottrell soon returned to the San Francisco Bay Area where he went about organizing a Bureau of Mines office and laboratory in San Francisco. Also at this time, he and his business associates (Miller, Heller, and O’Neill), as a preliminary step to handing their patents over to the Smithsonian, signed over both the Western Precipitation Company and the International Precipitation Company (without patents) to one of Cottrell’s former pupils named Walter A. Schmidt, who became the manager of both the International Precipitation Company and the Western Precipitation Company.
By this time, there was huge interest and activity associated with the Cottrell group’s new technologies and the job offers were coming in from all over the world. With the signing over of the companies, Cottrell and his associates received only modest compensation. With the disposition of his businesses, Cottrell plunged into his work at the Bureau.
In December of 1911, the Regents of the Smithsonian decided to accept Cottrell and associates’ offer with a caveat. The Regents of the Smithsonian advised that a stock corporation be organized which was to take title of the patents. The Regents advised that the Smithsonian Institution be directly represented in this new corporation by the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution – at the time, a man by the name of Charles D. Walcott (1850-1927). From this arrangement and from the royalties generated by the International Precipitation Company patents, the Smithsonian Institution, they suggested, would stand to benefit financially. This suggested corporation would later be formed as the Research Corporation.
At the time of the Smithsonian’s decision, Cottrell happened to be back east again in Washington D.C. attending an important meeting. Being that the Smithsonian’s Executive Committee was ready to act, Cottrell extended his stay.
After attending the executive session of the Smithsonian’s Board of Regents where they announced their decision pertaining to Cottrell’s patents, Walcott (Secretary of the Smithsonian) and Cottrell adjourned to a restaurant across the street where they ran into Arthur Dehon Little (1863-1935). The presence of Arthur D. Little is important to our discussion because his eponymous corporation (a research organization, no less) was later to do lots of serious work in the vein of the New Manhattan Project. From little acorns mighty oaks grow. Little was a staunch supporter of Cottrell’s efforts to establish this new corporation – he even suggested the name Research Corporation. Little offered lots of other advice and volunteered to steer Cottrell towards the ‘right’ people. It was Little who put Cottrell in touch with T. Coleman DuPont (1863-1930) who enthusiastically took a seat on the nascent Research Corporation’s board of directors. Little took a seat on the first board as well. Du Pont stayed on the Research Corporation board of directors from 1912 to 1930 while Arthur D. Little remained as a Research Corporation board member from 1912 to 1921.
The newly christened Research Corporation needed more members of the board to oversee their important work. For upwards of two months following the Smithsonian’s decision, Cottrell and Bureau of Mines chief Holmes communicated with about one hundred men from many different vocations in order to find directors for the new Research Corporation. They eventually decided upon 14 well-known men from academia, government, and industry, including a man named Elihu Thompson (1853-1937) who was the founder of something called the Thompson-Houston Company. The Thompson-Houston Company was one of the precursors of the General Electric Company which has only the most serious implications for the New Manhattan Project. Thomson was also the president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1920 to 1923. Another original board member was one Charles A. Stone (1867-1941) who was a trustee of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This is significant because the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is another organization highly implicated in the science history of the New Manhattan Project. Smithsonian Secretary Walcott took a seat on the Research Corporation board as well. By early February of 1912, the Research Corporation’s original board of directors had been chosen and its Articles of Incorporation were ready to be filed.
Although years later the Research Corporation bought back all of its stock, members of its original board initially paid for founder’s stock which filled the nascent Research Corporation’s coffers and gave the corporation its seed money needed for starting operations.
Over the years, many other luminaries of the New Manhattan Project have served on the Research Corporation’s board of directors including: Karl T. Compton (1887-1954), James R. Killian Jr. (1904-1988), Alfred Lee Loomis (1887-1975), and Vannevar Bush (1890-1974). All four of these men have strong implications for the New Manhattan Project with Loomis and Bush possessing only the strongest. Alfred Lee Loomis was a Research Corporation board member from 1930 to 1933, then again from 1948 to 1959. In 1938 the Research Corporation awarded a grant to Vannevar Bush. Vannevar Bush was a Research Corporation board member from 1939 to 1946.
On February 16 of 1912 the Research Corporation was incorporated under the laws of the state of New York, a one-room office was leased at 63 Wall St., and a manager by the name of Linn Bradley was hired. Cottrell returned to his office work for the Bureau of Mines in San Francisco. A prospectus was printed up and, in order to increase revenue, Bradley went about finding new contract opportunities.
Back in the San Francisco Bay Area once again, Cottrell applied the principals of electrical precipitation to weather modification. This is significant because, as noted earlier, the topic of our study, the New Manhattan Project is, largely and in its essence, a global weather modification project. Specifically, Cottrell experimented with the electrical dissipation of low-lying fogs. Here Cottrell was following in the footsteps of Sir Oliver Lodge (1878-1955) who had successfully performed similar experiments in London many years earlier. This type of weather modification activity, utilizing a charged wire to cause the coalescence of fog, is duly noted in the historical weather modification literature.
Cottrell and his wife moved to Washington D.C. in November of 1916, where they then lived for the next 28 years.
The International Precipitation Company and its subsidiary the Western Precipitation Company flourished under Walter Schmidt’s management. Immediately following the end of hostilities in Europe, Schmidt returned to rejuvenate International Precipitation’s business there. In the course of doing so, he joined forces with Sir Oliver Lodge’s Fume Deposit Company to form the British firm Lodge Cottrell Ltd. To this day Lodge Cottrell Ltd produces and services industrial electrostatic precipitators, mostly outside of America.
In the first two years of its existence, the Research Corporation got its revenue almost entirely from the fees associated with their engineering consultancy work pertaining to the design, installation, and maintenance of electrostatic precipitators. In the first few years of its existence, the Research Corporation mostly went about building up cash reserves.
During this time there were large precipitators being built around the country. By January 1915, about three years after its creation, the Research Corporation had $65K in cash and $100K in secured notes, subsequently, the previously issued founders’ stock was bought back in that same year.
In 1920 Cottrell briefly served as the chief of the Bureau of Mines for 8 months. Beginning in 1921 Cottrell also served as the chairman of the National Research Council’s Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. The National Research Council was funded by the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations, among others. This put him in touch with Rockefellers and Carnegies – two family names highly correlated with the New Manhattan Project.
With the exception of an early grant to Cottrell as part of a company promotion, the Research Corporation didn’t really start giving out money for the advancement of science until 1923. In 1923 the Research Corporation made their first real grant when they paid $5K toward the atmospheric sounding rocket experiments of the American rocketry pioneer Robert H. Goddard (1882-1945). This was an investment in the atmospheric sciences as sounding rockets are used to gather atmospheric data. From the beginning, the Research Corporation was funding projects highly relevant to the New Manhattan Project. As we will soon see, many others were funded later.
At the Research Corporation, the way it worked was that Howard Poillon ran day-to-day operations while Cottrell was largely responsible for developing new inventions and ideas, accepting new patents, and the granting of funds. Cottrell’s official status was that of a paid consultant.
Another early recipient of Research Corporation money was Ernest Orlando Lawrence (1901-1958): Manhattan Project scientist and the father of the cyclotron. In 1931 the Research Corporation made the first of many grants to Ernest Lawrence for the development of his cyclotron.
In late July of 1931, after Lawrence had successfully produced a million-volt proton with an eleven inch accelerator, Fred Cottrell encouraged his friend from UC Berkeley to ask the Research Corporation for funding. Before the end of the month, Lawrence was in New York, asking the Research Corporation for $10-$15K. Cottrell came along to personally introduce Lawrence and plead his case before the board of directors. The Research Corporation was impressed with Lawrence and they decided to make a $5K grant, even though they had to go to the bank and borrow the funds because they were in the throes of the Great Depression. William Buffum of the Chemical Foundation followed up with a promise of another $2.5K.

On different occasions between 1931 and 1940, the Research Corporation gave to Lawrence’s work at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory: $5K, $1.8K, $2K, $2K, $3K, $1K, $5K, $1.7K, $7.5K, $5K, and $50K. That’s a grand total of $84K, or, conservatively, about $1.5M in today’s dollars.
The Research Corporation, as the assignee, also applied for one of Lawrence’s patents for him. Their collaborative patent “Method and Apparatus for the Acceleration of Ions” covers methods of the cyclotronic production of radioactive substances discovered by Lawrence.
Cottrell’s biographer Cameron writes, “In the thirties, when the period of intensive study of atomic energy began, the earliest diversified support and encouragement of the development of the techniques of nuclear physics in America came from Research Corporation.” He also writes, “The Lawrence patent had, by 1949, been licensed free of royalties to twenty-eight universities and scientific institutions to build cyclotrons. More than that, it was income from the precipitation patents that helped in several instances to build or operate these cyclotrons which the corporation licensed.”
Along with funding Lawrence, the Research Corporation funded other early cyclotron work at: Columbia University, the University of Rochester, the University of Chicago, and Cornell University.
The Research Corporation also funded Robert Van de Graaff’s (1901-1967) electrostatic generator, also known as a Van de Graaff-Trump accelerator after the Donald’s uncle, John G. Trump (1907-1985). Van de Graaff’s work was conducted at MIT. Cameron writes, “[The Van de Graaff group of patents on the electrostatic generator] were assigned to Research Corporation under a general agreement with Massachusetts Institute of Technology and in turn were ultimately licensed back to the High Voltage Engineering Corporation formed by Van de Graaff and his associates.” Van de Graaff’s associates included John Trump. As readers of this work already know, John Trump was the MIT professor who looked over Nikola Tesla’s posthumously confiscated documents.
In 1938 it was reported that the Research Corporation had donated funds to Columbia University in order to support their program of supplying, “artificial radioactive materials for use as tracers in biochemical processes.” Today the New Manhattan Project uses atmospheric radioactive tracers along with satellites to actively map atmospheric activity.
At some point during this time, the Research Corporation moved out of its original offices on Wall St. and moved into offices in the steeple of the Chrysler Building in Manhattan.
In the early thirties, the Smithsonian had established a laboratory for Cottrell’s use. In this laboratory Cottrell installed a man by the name of Chester Gilbert who was formerly the president of the American Coal Corporation. At the Smithsonian laboratory, after receiving an anonymous donation of $6K, Gilbert initially investigated the production of lime-gypsum plaster based on some Research Corporation patents. Gilbert’s lime-gypsum work led him to work pertaining to the use of coal fly ash. This work put Gilbert and Cottrell among the pioneers in the field of coal fly ash utilization, a field that continues to this day. Gilbert and Cottrell figured that coal fly ash could be processed and then used as a filler in cements and plasters. They also went about processing coal fly ash for use as a household cleaning powder.
The author of Cottrell’s biography, Frank Cameron describes the Research Corporation’s Smithsonian laboratory in a very interesting way. Cameron describes the Smithsonian laboratory as analogous to a phenomenon germane to weather modification and the atmospheric sciences: nucleation. Curiously, when referring to the laboratory where Gilbert and Cottrell performed pioneering work in the field of coal fly ash utilization, Cameron writes, “They [Gilbert and Cottrell] did not foresee it as the mote, the speck of dust around which Cottrell’s ideas and those of his protégés, like so many particles of moisture, would begin to coalesce to form the drop of rain.”
It may have been during this time that Gilbert, Cottrell, or other pioneers in the field of coal fly ash utilization noticed or figured that the smoke from coal-fired, electrical power plants causes precipitation. It had been noted for many years previously that explosions and smoke from burning fires cause precipitation. Maybe the Research Corporation and their Smithsonian laboratory attempted to determine the validity of these claims by doing a study about whether or not, under the appropriate atmospheric conditions, the smoke from coal-fired electrical power plants can be scientifically proven to cause precipitation. It is known today that if coal is finely pulverized before combustion, then many of the resultant fly ash particles will be the optimum size for atmospheric nucleation (.1 micron). Maybe they even collected some of this coal fly ash from one of their electrostatic precipitators and dumped it out of an airplane to see if it caused atmospheric precipitation. Just sayin’. And if the reader is aware of just how many of the author’s speculations have turned out to be directly over the target, then the reader should be just listenin’.
As the years went on, the Research Corporation’s electrostatic precipitator business grew and grew. In 1928 Research Corporation had 43 contracts in hand to build and install electrostatic precipitators. In 1941 Research Corporation had 95 contracts to build and install electrostatic precipitators. In 1942 Research Corporation had 130 contracts.
During WWII something called the Research Construction Company, which was formed by the Research Corporation, served as a ‘model shop’ for MIT’s Radiation Laboratory. Under contract to MIT, the Research Construction Company produced over $12M worth of radar apparatus. In their book commemorating their centennial anniversary, the Research Corporation for Science Advancement tells us, “Research Construction Company made small production runs for immediate military needs. Successful prototypes were turned over to government contractors for mass production.” This is significant because the wartime MIT Radiation Laboratory has serious implications for the New Manhattan Project. For more information about the MIT Rad Lab, please refer to the author’s 2017 article “Chemtrails Exposed: Truly a New Manhattan Project.”
Cottrell eventually returned to Berkeley and died in his chair during a morning meeting of the National Academy of Sciences on the campus of UC Berkeley in November of 1948. Cameron writes, “About nine-thirty he slumped in his chair, his head back, an audible rattle in his throat.
“He died among friends. Hildebrand, of the university’s chemistry department, helped Farrington Daniels lay him on the floor, and it was thought that death had come instantly. A doctor arrived and after the body had been removed it was the sentiment of those attending that Cottrell would have wished the meeting to go on.
“The session continued.”
The Research Corporation for Science Advancement writes of significant developments in the post-war era, “In 1954, as a result of [a] change in the tax law, Research Corporation reorganized its precipitator business as Research-Cottrell, a wholly-owned but taxable subsidiary.” The authors continue, “From 1957 to 1967 Research Corporation was supported mainly by the earnings of its commercial precipitation subsidiary, Research-Cottrell, and royalties from inventions in its patent portfolios.” “By the mid-1960s, further federal efforts to limit nonprofit control over commercial activities prompted Research Corporation to lower the percentage of its ownership in the precipitator business, and Research-Cottrell became a publicly held company in 1967.
“The [Research Corporation] Foundation’s endowment was established during the second half of the twentieth century, coming primarily from the Research-Cottrell stock offering. Research Corporation finally divested itself of all of the precipitator firm’s stock in the 1980s.” “The Foundation’s precipitator business, Research-Cottrell, survives as Hamon-Research Cottrell, a public corporation headquartered in New Jersey that is a major provider of air-pollution control technology.”
The Research Corporation has historically given many grants to scientific studies conducted in areas relevant to the New Manhattan Project. The Research Corporation has consistently funded work in the areas of: plasma physics, astrophysics, microwave spectroscopy, radioactive tracers, atmospheric physics, electromagnetic fields, particle physics, meteorology, ionospheric research, nucleation, biology, and more.
Famous scientists implicated in the New Manhattan Project such as Merle Tuve (1901-1982), Isidor Rabi (1898-1988), and CalTech’s Lee DuBridge (1901-1994) have all been Research Corporation grantees.
In 1965 Alfred Y.F. Wong of the University of California at Los Angeles’ Plasma Physics Lab received $6K for work in, “Experimental studies of fundamental plasma physics.” Again in 1972 Wong received $10K from the Research Corporation. The following year Barrett H. Ripin, Reiner L. Stenzel, and the aforementioned Alfred Wong of UCLA got $10,200 to study ion beam-plasma wave interactions.
This is the same Alfred Y.F. Wong who went on, in the 1980s, to found and direct the High Power Auroral Stimulation (HIPAS) ionospheric heater in Alaska. The HIPAS ionospheric heater was a precursor to the infamous High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) antenna. Further, my science advisor tells me that weather modification work prominently mentioned by Vice Admiral William F. Raborn, Jr. was conducted at the HIPAS facility.
This is the same Alfred Y.F. Wong that got busted for fraudulently producing phony invoices pertaining to U.S. government contract work. He pled guilty, was sentenced to 5 days behind bars, as well as six months home detention, and was ordered to pay nearly $1.7M in restitution.
Wong is currently listed on UCLA’s website as a Professor Emeritus of ‘Exp. Plasma & Environmental Physics.’
For more about Vice Admiral Raborn and his implications for the New Manhattan Project, please see the author’s previous article “William Raborn and the New Manhattan Chemtrail Project.”
Oddly enough, the cover of the Research Corporation for Science Advancement’s 2008 annual report features a question mark made of clouds high above the Earth, appearing as though it has been written in the sky by aircraft. In this same report they reveal that the so-called Scialog program, which they originally disclosed in the previous year’s annual report, is all about tackling ‘global climate change.’ Oddly enough as well, so is the New Manhattan Project.
In their 2009 report they refer to global climate change as a ‘looming challenge.’
In their 2010, 2011, and 2012 reports, they note that Cherry A. Murray served on their Presidential Advisory Committee. For the fact that Cherry A. Murray is the former Director of the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, the author has identified her as a person of interest in the New Manhattan Project. You know that the original Manhattan Project became the Atomic Energy Commission, which, in turn, became the Department of Energy, right? Murray also was the principal associate director for science and technology at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) from 2004-2009. LLNL is the author’s number one choice for a New Manhattan Project command center location. Murray got her B.S. and Ph.D. in physics from MIT.
In their 2010 and 2011 reports, their then president and CEO James M. Gentile identified himself as a climate zealot as he characterized climate change as a daunting challenge to be overcome.
A managing director of Brown Brothers Harriman, G. Scott Clemons sits on the Research Corporation for Science Advancement’s board of directors. This is significant because of Brown Brothers Harriman’s affiliation with the Bush family as well as the fact that Brown Brothers Harriman acquired another producer of electrostatic precipitators known as Dresser Industries in 1928. For more about Brown Brothers Harriman, the Bush family, and Dresser Industries, please refer to the author’s 2018 article “Chemtrails Exposed: Dresser Industries and the New Manhattan Project.”
Other interesting individuals from organizations such as: The Chase Manhattan Bank, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the Aeronautic Division of the Ford Motor Company, the Carnegie institute of Technology, MIT’s Radiation Laboratory, CalTech, and something called Energy Global all have sat or currently sit on the Research Corporation’s board of directors.
The Research Corporation has always funded what we call ‘basic science.’ These are the small, highly specific studies that produce results which are often in turn used as the building blocks of much larger scientific efforts. Over the years, the Research Corporation has funded thousands of basic science studies.
Furthermore, we know that one of the 3 ways that the Research Corporation has funded itself over the years is from corporate stock dividends – the other two being patent royalties and electrostatic precipitator engineering services fees. For many decades now, the Research Corporation has maintained an investment portfolio consisting mostly of the dividend-paying stocks of large, American companies.
Doesn’t it make sense, then that the Research Corporation would fund basic science studies which might produce new discoveries helpful to the corporations that fund the Research Corporation? This is probably what has been taking place.
Given this, doesn’t it also make sense, then that, over the years, the Research Corporation may have funded basic science studies which produced new discoveries which were then used as building blocks of the New Manhattan Project? The Research Corporation has owned the dividend-paying stocks of companies like General Electric, Boeing, and Standard Oil which all have strong implications for the NMP. As noted earlier, one of the Research Corporation’s founding members, Elihu Thomson was also a founding member of General Electric and General Electric appears to be the most instrumental corporation in the NMP’s history. Furthermore, we have seen many people strongly connected to the NMP also working for the Research Corporation such as Alfred Lee Loomis, Vannevar Bush, and Arthur D. Little.
For the production of the New Manhattan Project, use of an operation like the Research Corporation would be very advantageous. The New Manhattan Project, being that it is the biggest scientific project in history, has necessarily required gargantuan boatloads of basic scientific studies. And here is a self-sustaining organization that, for over 100 years and to this day, due to the efforts of Frederick Cottrell, produces an endless amount of this stuff. It’s even better than making the taxpayer pay for it!
It is hoped that this article provides more clarity about the biggest scientific effort in Human history and that our continuing investigations of coal fly ash air pollution will illuminate us and contribute to relieving us of our burdens. As these investigations have repeatedly found, when one investigates coal fly ash air pollution, one finds the New Manhattan Project. It’s funny how that works, isn’t it? Let’s keep moving in this direction. Thank you, Dr. Herndon.
Bibliography (in order of first appearance)
“Chemtrails Exposed: Coal Fly Ash and the New Manhattan Project” an article by Peter A. Kirby, published by Activist Post, July 24, 2017
Cottrell: Samaritan of Science a book by Frank Cameron, published by Doubleday, 1952
“Frederick Gardner Cottrell 1877-1948” a National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoir by Vannevar Bush, published by the National Academy of Sciences, 1952
100 Years of Supporting Science Innovation: Research Corporation for Science Advancement: 1912-2012 a book by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement, published by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement, 2012
US patent #1,948,384 “Method and Apparatus for the Acceleration of Ions” by Ernest O. Lawrence
An American Genius: The Life of Ernest Orlando Lawrence, Father of the Cyclotron a book by Herbert Childs, published by E.P. Dutton & Co., 1968
“Chemtrails Exposed: Truly a New Manhattan Project” an article by Peter A. Kirby, published by Activist Post, March 13, 2017
Research Corporation annual reports 1950-2018
“Former UCLA Physics Professor Agrees To Plead Guilty In Federal Contract Fraud Case And Pay Nearly $1.7 Million In Damages” a press release by the Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney’s Office, Central District of California, published by the United States Department of Justice, May 9, 2013
“William Raborn and the New Manhattan Chemtrail Project” an article by Peter A. Kirby, published by Activist Post, May 24, 2017
The Research Corporation (1912-1952): Dedicated to Progress in Education and Science a booklet containing a transcript of a speech by Dr. Joseph Warren Barker, published by the Newcomen Society, 1952
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About the Author
Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA author and activist. Check out the newly updated and expanded edition of his ebook Chemtrails Exposed. It’s still only 99¢, but not for long.