Changing in the Face of Change

Flickr - sunrise - AndréiaZen GardnerGuest Writer
Waking Times

Things change more than we think. Way more and in more ways. Even when we’re aware of the underlying reality of constant change, we reference new changes by our memory and perception of old changes. Those are based on previous reference points. And they’re all in transition.

We’re judging change by points of attachment. That cannot be very accurate. Nor fully conscious.

I’m continually shocked to realize how attached I am to my various “points of view” while thinking I’m not. But that’s how the mind is wired and what we’re up against.

The Subtle Reflex

Simply put, everything’s shifting. And in shifting ways. In a shifting perception of change. What I realized I was comparing to was an emotional imprint. I was looking back to different periods of time in my life in comparison to what I’m going through now. Consciously conjuring up old impressions in contrast to a current experience.

All relative.

And for whatever reason. Understanding, nostalgia, encouragement, comparison. There’s so much that flows through our minds as we seek meaning and definition.

I realized how I frequently use old imprints to gauge comparative changes. Not necessarily bad in themselves as there’s no doubt something to learn, but I shouldn’t compare to times in my life when I was relatively unconscious. That’s the catch.

  • On top of that, these current vibrational changes are completely new, as am I. Recalling old imprints only reinforces my attachment to them. Good reminders of my unconscious past, but nothing more.

    Conscious Climbing

    Another analogy might be a rock climber who won’t fully let go of his gear attached to the lower rungs he made in his ascent. He’ll only get so far. As you go higher your perspective shifts phenomenally, but it won’t get to those really inspiring views if he won’t let go of those lower footholds that got him started.

    And psychically these memory reference points are embedded in emotions and memory clusters. Very similar to the crystalline knots a massage therapist works out of muscle tissue that then have to be flushed from the system.

    Memory can be an anchor. Beware.

    But never stop climbing.

    Letting Go in a Shifting Reality..or Not

    It’s all good…if we let go into this shifting reality. A lot of people are fighting it. I’m seeing it in people I’m close to, and hearing this happening to folks from many sources. We knew the shift was hitting, but as we get further into it and our noses are closer to the details it starts getting very personal.

    I should hope so. But when it hits it can be a stinker.

    It’s again like the mountain analogy where it’s easy to see the full mountain range from afar but up close to the big climb and vast range of mountains you get all caught up in the foothills and the real climbing work begins as you bear down on the climb ahead. A total change of head.

    It’s really a lifestyle shift. Or it should be. That’s what grabs the stubborn souls by the throat. Practicality. If someone doesn’t budge and they keep refusing to acknowledge the evident Truths around them and then yield to those Truths by consciously making the needed changes in their lives, it can be pretty tough.

    These include disengaging from the system more, letting go of unfruitful and hindering relationships, adopting a healthier lifestyle both physically and mentally, and preparing spiritually and practically for the upcoming economic and social storm.

    Those who refuse to see this will not be peaceful people or happy campers. You can spot them by their stress levels, and a fundamentally angry, confrontational attitude. They also vigorously put down anyone pointing out these evident Truths being made manifest.

    You know who they are. Hopefully this will help spot them faster and better, as we don’t need to be subjected to their demeaning behavior or tainted information.

    Defying the Control System

    There’s really no reason not to disengage from the matrix, at least in stages. Those imaginary handcuffs of the mind are weaker than cooked spaghetti. It’s the habitual fear programming that keeps people from doing the obvious.

    That’s the design, to paralyze humanity.

    One of the real toughies has to do with relationships. There are many a couple who have diametrically opposed attitudes and perspectives, leaving very lonely and isolated individuals feeling lost in spiritually unfulfilling situations that wear on them pretty heavily. People do wake up all the time, but that type of situation I find particularly saddening and I know it’s taxing on the individual as well as collective consciousness.

    There’s no blanket solution, everyone has to go according to how they’re led. But if you’re in one of those relationships, always do everything you can to keep strengthening your spiritual convictions and conscious awakening. Some local meet up groups can be very encouraging. The internet of course is the meeting place for most of us. I’m very blessed with an amazing mate who has gone through much of the same stages of awakening as myself and we now share every nuance together and can really talk about anything and everything.

    I’ve also developed many wonderful relationships via the internet that’s an expanding, amazing community of awake, aware and loving souls that I’m so very privileged to know. I know that’s the case with many other people.

    Our little email communities are the seed and fruit of the awakening.

    Keep on and keep growing!

    A Time of Change and a Time to Choose

    But overall, it’s a challenge, especially for those caught in compromised situations. Reach out to those in need. Don’t necessarily meddle, but be there for their encouragement and a listening ear.  Just letting someone know you understand and care is so very powerful. As things take shape in people’s lives, more choices present themselves and as consciousness raises we’ll all know what to do, or not to do.

    The awakening cannot be thwarted.

    More often than not ours is to simply defy the system programming…disobey, disconnect, disengage, from anything they throw at us.

    The rest will follow.

    No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it is not the same river, and it is not the same man.

    There is nothing permanent except change.


    Much love, Zen

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