Change Your Life With These Top Superfoods

Flickr-chia seeds-T.TsengCarolanne Wright, Guest
Waking Times

Let’s face it. When we are feeling run down, muddled, overweight or unwell, it’s difficult to achieve our goals or live life to the fullest. Traditionally, Asian cultures believe nutrient dense food is one of the most powerful allies for attracting positive experiences into our lives. Whether concerning prosperity or solid relationships, joy or success – a healthy body and mind are key. Below are eight edibles that can help transform your life for the better.

Stunning Top Superfoods

Camu camu

The best source of vitamin C on the planet, camu camu is a spectacular, health promoting superfood. Daily use of the berry will keep the immune system strong, improve eyesight, maintain ligaments, tendons and collagen while reducing inflammation. It also protects the skin from aging and supports brain as well as liver function.


Containing 300 percent more anthocyanins and 150 percent more polyphenols than any other food or drink known to man, maqui berry is one of the most stunning foods you can enjoy. Cancer, inflammation, diabetes, fevers and diarrhea are curbed by the berry. Maqui also encourages a healthy heart, high energy levels and weight loss. It helps to minimize the effects of aging and promotes a radiant complexion too.

  • Fatty fish

    Cold water fish like sardines and Alaskan salmon support a stable and clear mind – vital for living our dreams, productivity and making sound decisions. Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, consuming fish balances our mental states and can help with depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. These nutritious oils are also a boon for heart health.


    Long shunned as a high fat, health harming food, coconut has risen above the misinformation and has achieved its rightful place as a superfood. Coconut water is an excellent source of electrolytes which support energy and hydration. And blood sugar levels stay balanced and the digestive system is kept humming with the high fiber meat. Teeming with lauric acid, coconut oil fosters balanced thyroid function, weight loss and energy.


    Used in traditional medicine around the world, graviola trees are found in Africa, South America and Southeast Asia. Extracts taken from the leaves, twigs and bark have demonstrated many exciting properties in lab tests – one of the most dramatic findings involved the reduction of pancreatic and breast cancer tumors. Inflammation, parasites, bacteria and viruses were also curtailed. Graviola fruit is classically known to calm the nerves, lower blood pressure and soothe depression. A word of caution: Excessive consumption is neurotoxic and can trigger similar symptoms to Parkinson’s disease.


    Raw, organic cacao is one of the finest feel good, energy enhancing, heart health boosting foods you can add to the diet. Bursting with antioxidants, magnesium, iron, zinc and chromium, this nutrient dense and delicious superfood defeats anemia, hypoglycemia and poor immune response. Theobromine and phenethylamine (PEA) substantially lift mood, energy and libido.

    Goji berries

    Packing a number of amazing nutrients like amino acids, human growth hormone (HGH), polysaccharides, vitamins and minerals, goji berries are a powerhouse of nutrition. The fruit improves eyesight, shields the liver and heart, slows aging and reduces free radical load – effectively reducing the chance of degenerative diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s.

    Chia seed

    Known as “running food,” ancient Aztec warriors recognized the incredible benefits of this remarkable seed. Packed with protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, chia supports digestion, cardiovascular health, detoxification, endurance and vitality. It also provides a nice boost of sustainable energy as well.


    About the Author

    Carolanne enthusiastically believes if we want to see change in the world, we need to be the change. As a nutritionist, natural foods chef and wellness coach, Carolanne has encouraged others to embrace a healthy lifestyle of organic living, gratefulness and joyful orientation for over 13 years. Through her website she looks forward to connecting with other like-minded people who share a similar vision.

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    **This article was originally featured at Natural News.**

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