Twin Telepathy: Is there a ‘Special Connection’?
Guy L. Playfair – Is there a special bond between twins? Can they read each other’s minds? Are they telepathic?
Guy L. Playfair – Is there a special bond between twins? Can they read each other’s minds? Are they telepathic?
Melissa Melton – Did you know there are over 2.3 million cell towers and antennas blanketing the United States right now?
Pao L. Chang – Reality is thought construction composed of units of consciousness. In other words, it is a thought field that is self-aware.
James Corbett – For decades now, we have been told to be afraid of the long-term effects of manmade carbon dioxide on our climate.
Waking Times – Based on the accumulation of research demonstrating the health effects from wireless radiation, “the debate is over” on wireless.
Susan Raven – Our ancient ancestors were in constant communion with the Soul of the Earth and her elemental helpers, and acted accordingly in response to their messages…
Anthony Gucciardi – Marijuana and its use has been studied over the course of the last few decades more so than even many leading FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs…
Soren Dreier – We both hope and believe, and if we channel those powerful spiritual tools into the undistorted power of intention, we can put the spiritual wrecking ball to the walls and the source code of the matrix.
Josh Richardson – Time does not actually exist and Quantum Theory proves it. There are things that are closer to you in time, and things that are further away, just as there are things that are near or far away in space.
Dr. Mercola – It’s important to realize that chronic inflammation is the source of many if not most diseases, including cancer, obesity, and heart disease, which essentially makes it the leading cause of death in the US.
Kelley Bergman – The most proliferating geoengineering techniques are focused on ways of reducing the sun’s rays by blocking them spraying chemical compounds into the atmosphere…
Pao L. Chang – Geneticists have discovered that the human genome consists of not only genes, but also a highly complex genetic switch system, composing of millions of genetic switches.
V. Susan Ferguson – The Discs of Life made life on planet earth possible. No intra-planetary colonizers of a galaxy could hope to achieve life on an unknown atmosphere without such technology…
George B. Trinkaus – Tesla was a humanitarian idealist consumed by a passion to save the world from poverty and war, and a superhumun inventor who had the uncanny to visualize the operation of machines in his head.
Catherine J. Frompovich – With all the documentation, which represents not even one-tenth of what’s probably out there, who do you think are the conspiracy theorists?
Dr. Mercola – Contrary to popular belief, depression is not likely caused by unbalanced brain chemicals; however there are a number of other biological factors that appear to be highly significant.
Josh Richardson – TM’s effectiveness is the same whether you believe it will work or are completely skeptical.
Sayer Ji – The CDC’s own research has found that the long denied vaccine-SIDS link is real.
Alec Cope – Astrology claims that stars and movements of the planets have a supposed influence on events and on the lives and behavior of people…
Uri Dowbenko – Eliminating humanity altogether also appears to be one of their goals as they seem to believe that the “Humanity Experiment” for all intents and purposes is finished.