Breakthough Alzheimer’s Treatment Fully Restores Memory Function
Jeff Roberts – For years, scientists have worked diligently to find a counteractive treatment for the common neuro-degenerative disease, but mostly with no successful avail.
Jeff Roberts – For years, scientists have worked diligently to find a counteractive treatment for the common neuro-degenerative disease, but mostly with no successful avail.
Pao L. Chang – This will show you that we already have the technologies to create cars that do not run on gasoline.
Katherine Carroll – Nano-robotics is gaining momentum in health care and other niche markets, but what does this mean for your privacy?
Brendan D. Murphy – Some scientists had taken the absurd position that consciousness is an illusion. But the question remains.
Keith Holden – Research on the placebo effect proves the amazing power of the mind in health and healing. How can you use this to improve your life?
Robert Torres – Are computers from the future already traveling back in time to communicate with the present?
Zakaria Bziker – How Long is History According to Islam?
April McCarthy – Is cracking your knuckles therapeutic or harmful to your joints?
Lorraine Chow –These shocking photos will hopefully serve as vivid reminders of how we should properly dispose of our e-waste.
Brendan D. Murphy – Torsion fields are generated by spin and/or by angular momentum; any object or particle that spins produces torsion waves and possesses its own unique torsion field.
Graham Hancock – The “spirit world” and its inhabitants are real, that supernatural powers and nonphysical beings do exist, and that human consciousness may, under certain special circumstances, be liberated from the body…
Dr. Mercola – A wealth of research shows marijuana does indeed have outstanding promise as a medicinal plant, largely due to its cannabidiol (CBD) content.
Jed Shlackman – Nothing is truly solid or stable, everything is energy in some state of motion, i.e. vibration.
Heather Callaghan – Drugs like alcohol, street and prescription, and cigarettes are considered “numb-ers” in traditional natural health and mind-body circles because of their emotional suppression.
Sayer Ji – What if the simple act of doing yoga could heal your diseased heart?
Khris Krepcik – You are an etheric being of light. The quality of your light is affected by the quality of what surrounds you and by the quality of your own inner feelings and traits.
Mae Chan – Low levels of the sunshine vitamin is liked with significant cognitive impairment and widespread chronic pain.
Marc J. Seifer – There are a number of key differences between Tesla’s view of the world as compared to that of Albert Einstein.
Mike Gaworecki – “These videos prove Chevron knew full well their ‘remediated’ sites were still contaminated before the trial in Ecuador had even finished…”
Marco Torres – Propagandists have infiltrated every segment of academia and social media to confuse consumers who seek accurate information about health…