The Fractals at the Heart of African Designs
Video – An aerial photo of an African village reveals fractals in the layout of the village. Is this mere coincidence or something else?
Video – An aerial photo of an African village reveals fractals in the layout of the village. Is this mere coincidence or something else?
Christina Sarich – NASA Chief Scientist states: “We’re on the verge of things that people have wondered about for millennia. Within all of our lifetimes we’re going to understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system.”
Jon Rappoport – Psychiatry purports to describe actual states of mind, and it coalesces and freezes those descriptions in such a way that people believe these states of mind exist. They don’t.
Meme – Surgeon reveals how much extra weight you could be putting on your spine performing this one simple common activity.
Arjun Walia – A new study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience has discovered a genetic link between mental illness and creativity.
Video – Mathematics legend Benoit Mandelbrot discusses the extreme complexity of roughness and the way that fractal math can find order within patterns that appear to be extremely complicated.
Anna LeMind – New experiments suggest that reality may not even exist without an observer.
Brendan D. Murphy – The focus of our awareness creates simple moments in time when it becomes possible to jump from one reality to another.
Arjun Walia – Healing intention has been proven scientifically to a measurable effect. Here are 5 examples of miracles that have been observed in the field of medicine.
PBS – For many years scientists have sought for Tesla’s missing papers with no apparent success. It is conceivable that Nikola Tesla took great knowledge about weaponry with him the grave.
Kelly Brogan, M.D. – The ultrasound has slipped stealthily into the experience of nearly every pregnant woman alive today. But is it safe for expectant mothers and their babies?
Buck Rogers – Like other suppressed medical technologies, color therapy was stamped out by the government.
Sayer Ji – The ancient practice of smudging is proving to be clinically beneficial.
Dr. Matthew Buckley – How do our bodies defend themselves against parasitic infections, and what role to pesticides play?
Brett Wilbanks – This often neglected muscle is our most psychologically significant muscle.
Dr. Mercola – Promenant physician’s are changing their stance on medical marijuana.
Dr. Rita Louise – Are we, as human beings, really just glorified machines? The ancients didn’t think so.
Waking Times – An 1899 interview Nikola Tesla in which he says a great deal about his personal life.
Warren Woodward – Recent developments in the understanding of the safety of smart meters.
Sayer Ji – A failure of science to positively identify a problem does not mean that a problem does not exist.