A.I. – Virtually Giving Our Humanity Away
Zen Gardner – Humanity is quite creative when it comes to abdicating its power and authority.
Zen Gardner – Humanity is quite creative when it comes to abdicating its power and authority.
Phil Watt – Science is taking a serious look at the extraordinary psychic human experiences.
Michael Whitehouse – The golden ratio is a well known mathematical number which is found throughout nature, including space.
Jake Anderson – Environmentally-minded nations of the world increasingly embrace alternative energy sources.
Heather Callaghan – Who really knows what’s happening to California’s fracked water supply?
Catherine J. Frompovich – Analog electric meters are proven to be safe, so why are they pushing smart meters on us?
Dr. Mercola – The health of the body’s microbiome is essential.
Barbara Minton – Evidence is mounting that humble little vitamin E plays a big role in preventing breast cancer.
Lana Straub – Take a closer look at what has been left behind after the drilling.
Sayer Ji – Turmeric holds tremendous promise for deadly viral infections, including ebola.
Infographic – Here’s an infographic that explains how the positions of the astrological planets in the sky affect nearly every aspect of a person’s life.
Smart meters are proving to be extraordinary surveillance devices.
Kristen Anderson – The more we look into this, the more we realize the importance of healthy digestion.
Phil Watt – Thees three areas of scientific study are shaking up our worldview.
Chrstina Sarich – Could scientists being searching for the wrong thing at CERN?
Julie Fidler – Not only may antidepressants not attack the root cause of depression, but they could also be dangerously and permanently altering brain function.
Christina Sarich – A new technology available for farmers could replace Monsanto’s carcinogenic glysophate.
Amy L. Lansky – Our collective energies can produce amazing material things, but also magic.
Sayer Ji – Millions use aspirin everyday without knowing how dangerous it is.
Catherine J Frompovich – Weather Geoengineering, Chemtrails, Aluminum and Alzheimer’s.