Join the Worldwide Covid Walkout November 3!
Neenah Payne – An international walkout is planned for Nov. 3rd to protest Covid measures, lockdowns and vaccine mandates.
Neenah Payne – An international walkout is planned for Nov. 3rd to protest Covid measures, lockdowns and vaccine mandates.
Matt Agorist – None of them are of the age to consent to take a jab and they were all offered up to the pharma giant as guinea pigs by their parents.
Dylan Charles – We are hard wired for social conformity, and it’s one of the most dangerous aspects of the human condition.
Cynthia Chung – Huxley makes it crystal clear that he considers the world to be overpopulated, and that science and progress cannot be free to advance without limits.
Dr. Mercola – Just how much freedom are you willing to lose?
Ben Norton – Western governments in the NATO military alliance are developing tactics of “cognitive warfare,” using the supposed threats of China and Russia to justify waging a “battle for your brain” in the “human domain,” to “make everyone a weapon.”
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Nietzsche was able to tap the depths of the human condition like no other philosopher before or after, because he practiced self-overcoming.
Dr. Mercola – We’re now in the middle of another mass psychosis, induced by relentless fearmongering coupled with data suppression and intimidation tactics of all kinds.
Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D. – The published evidence is conclusive: The risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19 in healthy children is almost nil (statistical zero).
Matt Agorist – Ochsner Health has admitted fault after a child was administered Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine at school — without his parents’ permission.
David Marks – The possibility that U.S. government psychological operations, or PSYOP, have been engaged to sway the public to accept COVID vaccines should be investigated thoroughly.
Blaise Edwards, M.D. – I beg physicians to get back to basics, investigate the real literature and take a stand. Society needs us to do this.
Brandon Smith – If science and morality are on the side of the covid cult then we wouldn’t need to coerce people.
Dustin Broadbery – As we approach a winter of discontent and global food systems go from bad to worse, there’s trouble in paradise.
Tyler Durden – The jab – which doesn’t prevent transmission of Covid-19 will be available at pediatricians, local pharmacies, and possibly even at schools.
John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead – We can continue to exist in a state of denial. Yet there is no denying the ugly, hard truths that become more evident with every passing day.
Caitlin Johnstone – The oligarchic empire is working harder and harder to bolt down our minds in service of its agendas.
Tim Hinchliffe – The World Economic Forum (WEF) is looking to establish a “great narrative” following the great reset agenda with the upcoming launch of the “Great Narrative” initiative.
Cynthia Chung – No wonder that the Tavistock Institute and the CIA became involved in looking at the effects of LSD and how to influence and control the mind.
Megan Redshaw – Nebraska healthcare providers can legally prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID, so long as they obtain informed consent from the patient.