What No One Is Saying About The Lockdowns
James Corbett – If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart and in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world.
James Corbett – If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart and in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world.
John Vibes – The road runs very close to the monument and is a hotspot for traffic because it is so small, and not equipped to handle the growing population of the region.
Stacy Malkan – Dozens of studies link aspartame, which is found in many kids’ favorite foods, to cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, mood disorders and more, yet FDA insists it’s safe.
Daisy Luther – Remember back in the old days of, say, 2019, when conspiracy theories were just some fringe tinfoil hat thing?
Matt Agorist – Because the government does not act on logic and reason and instead makes knee jerk reactionary measures that almost always end in loss of freedom, the citizens are growing weary of their actions.
Dylan Charles – It’s not weed or psychedelics, but TV that’s causing harm.
Elva Thompson – Crazy times, folks. It seems we have entered the twilight zone. A twisted ‘whirled’ of extreme polarisation and conflicting value systems.
Matt Agorist – Depending on which echo chamber you receive your news from, you are being told that Joe Biden won the election or that the election was stolen from Donald Trump.
Phillip Schneider – It is time to stop running away from our problems and say no before tyranny takes a foothold.
Tyler Durden – Meet your new self-appointed Overlord.
Spiro Skouras – If you didn’t get your latest shot, individuals may face travel restrictions. Or, you may not be able go to work, or your payments may be frozen until you comply.
Daisy Luther – The government is encroaching on your dinner table.
Dr. Mercola – Plastic baby bottles release up to 16 million plastic particles for every liter of fluid; the hotter the temperature, the greater the number, reaching 55 million per liter at hot temperatures.
Dylan Charles – Could you be talked into murder?
Antony P. Mueller – The World Economic Forum’s webpage about the “Great Reset” proclaims that “the Covid-19 crisis” presents “a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery.”
Tyler Durden – Researchers in Denmark have just published a revolutionary new study.
Matt Agorist – The world was becoming informed.
Dr. Mercola – The science does not support universal mask wearing recommendations
Jon Rappoport – Committing these crimes is
a walk in the park for public health agencies.
John W. Whitehead – This is what happens when you empower the police to act as judge, jury and executioner.