Do We Really Live in an Elaborate Mental Asylum?
Sigmund Fraud – How are you adjusting to this profoundly sick society?
Sigmund Fraud – How are you adjusting to this profoundly sick society?
Julian Rose – The world the elite have planned for us is a 100% dystopian nightmare.
Matt Agorist – As pharmaceutical companies across the globe all conclude the development of their vaccines in a near-simultaneous manner, government health agencies are rushing to approve them for distribution.
Don Via Jr. – The litigation filed in an Indian court is a countersuit to a lawsuit that has been filed against SII by one of the volunteers who participated in a trial study for the developmental Covisheild.
Elias Marat – Investors can now trade water futures for the first time ever, as fear about the worldwide scarcity of water grows.
Dylan Charles – When these dynamics are in play at the mass level we become obedient and self-policing.
Matt Agorist – Sadly, it’s not just the homes that were lost in the raid.
Dr. Antony P. Mueller – Individual liberty is at risk again. What may lie ahead was projected in November 2016 when the WEF published “8 Predictions for the World in 2030.”
John W. Whitehead – It’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers all over again.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Obedience to authority is a disease of laziness and indifference.
Matt Agorist – Many politicians, companies, and advocacy groups across the planet are celebrating the fact that governments have moved to fast-track the approval of COVID-19 vaccines from various companies.
Matt Agorist – The most recent call for censorship comes from Francesco Rocca, president of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Matt Agorist – On Friday, the House voted 228-164 to decriminalize marijuana and and expunge nonviolent marijuana-related convictions.
Elias Marat – The United Nations has finally recognized the medicinal value of cannabis, voting to remove the plant from a list of dangerous drugs.
Tyler Durden – On Wednesday the Department of Defense released the first images of a COVID-19 vaccination record card.
Dr. Mercola – 1.4% tested positive for antibodies at the end of the month-long study compared to 1.8% of controls .
Phillip Schneider – Flu cases are expected to be lower this year because of the coronavirus, spurring some to believe that covid numbers are being inflated.
Matt Agorist – The war on drugs is finally coming to an end.
Elias Marat – “We’ve been going 40 years with a policy that costs billions of U.S. dollars with zero success and so much cost and destruction.”
Elias Marat – Mexico is hurtling toward legalizing cannabis for a variety of uses, opening up the Latin American country to becoming the largest legal marijuana in the world.