The Pornification of America: How Young Girls Are Being Groomed by Sexual Predators
John W. Whitehead – What can we do to protect America’s young people from sexual predators?
John W. Whitehead – What can we do to protect America’s young people from sexual predators?
John Vibes – “Never Declaw a Cat. It’s an Amputation, Not a Manicure.”
Brendan D. Murphy – There are other options than drug treatment in many cases of apparent “mental illness.”
Dr. Mercola – Google is manipulating public opinion through their search engine so they can change the results of elections and more.
Elias Marat – An Indigenous community in Australia is seeking to prevent Christian missionaries from visiting their region.
John Vibes – This week, a Peruvian indigenous group won a lengthy court battle to save their land from oil exploration.
GreenMedInfo Research Group – Health officials find a strong link between early instances of childhood trauma and adult chronic diseases.
Malavika Vyawahare – Madagascar launched a national drive that aims to plant 60 million trees in the coming months.
Caitlin Johnstone – Stepping into the world as a small person is like stepping completely unarmored onto a battlefield with live ammunition.
Olivia Rosane – China, the world’s No. 1 producer of plastic pollution, announced major plans Sunday to cut back on the sale and production of single-use plastics.
Matt Agorist – Akon is using his fame and changing the world.
John Vibes – Some independent schools are teaching children skills like coding or gardening along with highlights from the traditional curriculum.
Roger Wepf – Rich visual parallels between Indigenous artworks and microscopic natural structures reveal unexpected and intriguing similarities.
Sergey Baranov – As human flesh is heading to your menu, you may want to take a moment to think about the degree of insanity we are witnessing in the western world today.
Michael Snyder – If you want to waste your life, a great way to do that is to spend tens of thousands of hours watching television.
Jonathan Miltimore – We don’t know a lot about the Thought Police, and some of what we think we know may actually not be true since some of what Winston learns comes from the Inner Party, and they lie.
Matt Agorist – The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act would remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).
Elias Marat – “Nothing we say or do can make up for what occurred on that night of infamy. It will forever be a scar on our history,” a former mayor said.
Jessica Corbett – One scientist said that “if this continues, the forest may no longer be able to sustain itself,” which would seriously hamper efforts to limit global temperature rise and avert climate catastrophe.
Jake Johnson – “Nothing says you’re ‘against endless wars’ like announcing that you want to send U.S. troops ‘to wage WAR’ in Mexico.”