
FUKUSHIMA: A Nuclear Catastrophe of Epic Proportions

Cosmic Convergence, Guest Waking Times Never before in the modern era has humankind been confronted with a nuclear disaster the likes of Fukushima. Truly, Japan has become the location of the greatest nuclear catastrophe in history, one that has defied countless attempts to resolve it. Although it was once imagined to occur in China on the

How Courageous We Are

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Almost forty years ago, when my second son was young, I started having dreams of an atomic bomb exploding. One time it was in a playground… another time I could see it in the distance. In every dream my son would be in my arms, my precious little baby, and

Alien Intervention and Souls: A look into the Reality of Human Life

Debbie West, Contributor Waking Times The reality of the existence of ancient extra terrestrials is becoming more apparent by the most recent findings presented by scientists and archaeologists. Notably, among the most recent and significant is The Ancient Alien Question by Phillip Coppens, Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo, The Sirius Documentary by Dr. Steven Greer, the

Wu Wei

Stuart Wilde Waking Times Wu Wei is accepting life and not forcing it. It is being aware of the ebb and flow of the seasons, aware of the spirituality of all things, aware that in the great abundance of the God-Force, there is no time. It is knowing when to act, and not acting until

The Age of Confusion – Mass Manipulation, Propaganda and Frequency Prisons

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times March 17, 2011, the UK Guardian published a report warning that social media is being manipulated. Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media – Military’s ‘sock puppet’ software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda “The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social

The Hive Mind and The Invisible Thread

Marc Oromaner, Contributor Waking Times “We’re all connected.” It’s the ubiquitous mantra of new-agey types. Chances are if you’ve ever watched Oprah, were a fan of the TV show Lost, or have read just about anything I’ve written, you are very familiar with this concept. Along with its close cousin “everything happens for a reason,” it’s

The Hermetic Universe

Michael Hayes, New Dawn Waking Times Ever since my formative years, when I first began to think in concepts, I have always been confounded by the mystery of human existence. By and large we all tend to take this consciousness of ours for granted, but for me it has always been a source of wonder.

The Musical Universe

Andy Dilks, Guest Waking Times What is it about music that moves us in so many different ways? The rhythm begins and we slide onto the dancefloor, gyrating to the beats; a guitar strikes a chord and we throw ourselves into the crowd, surfing across a sea of hands; a favourite song comes on the

Building Paradise in the Age of Decay

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Rebecca Solnit wrote a book entitled A Paradise Built in Hell, and her work could not be more timely than in this age of the Kali Yuga.  A New York Times review said of this work, “it is an investigation not of a thought but of an emotion: the fleeting, purposeful joy that

Everyday Spirituality – Life as Prayer

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor Waking Times There is growing interest and dialog concerning differences between traditional religious teaching and a form of spiritual practice termed: everyday spirituality or spirituality of the market place. Surprisingly, the usefulness of spiritual practice in everyday life is an ancient teaching, and lies at the heart of human development systems

The Importance of Resourcefulness to Our Spiritual Future

Lewis Herridge, Contributor Waking Times The dictionary definition of resourceful is as follows; Able to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult situations. It is also closely connected to the words ingenious, ingenuity and inventiveness. All words of which, describe the power of creative imagination, a characteristic that defines our very human experience. It is

Evolution, Frequency and Vibration in the Bible

Marc Oromaner, Contributor Waking Times Ever since Darwin published his infamous On the Origin of the Species in 1859, science and theology have been at war over the theory of evolution. The irony is that evolution and all its aspects—natural selection, survival of the fittest, genetic mutations—all appear in the Bible as clear as day. In fact, even

Life and Death and Love

Osho, Osho Times Waking Times Death is already happening. Death is an absolutely necessary process for life to be. It is not the enemy, it is the friend. Death is already happening. Whether you face it or not, whether you look at it or not, it is already there. It is just like breathing. When

Karma Yoga

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times I haven’t been writing that much lately. I decided to go stealth for a bit. So I contemplated a while under the Bougainvillea. Sometimes the best way to plug-in into the vastness of the universe is to go introvert, which pretty much could support the reality I subscribe to: It’s all

Symbols & Psyche: Exploring Gateways to Realms of Knowledge, Power & Understanding

James Wasserman, New Dawn Waking Times The Muggle world is filled with symbols. From Coke cans to McDonald’s arches, IBM computers to Apple Macintoshs, from flags to emblems and medals, to the endless variety of product packaging, modern culture is brimming with images. Open the Yellow Pages of your phone book – with the emblematic

Colony Earth and The Rig Veda – Ritual, Spiritual Wisdom and Evolution

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times Note: This is the second part of a II part series by V. Susan Ferguson. Please review part I, here.  I have taken the off-world position of reading the Sanskrit texts through the eyes of an ancient astronaut, and interpret them through the filter of the more current science

The RA Material – Living the Law of One

Debbie West, Guest Writer Waking Times The Law of One States: You are everything, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One. From 1981 to 1983, contact was made to an extra terrestrial entity known as Ra

Major General Smedley Butler – The Military Industrial Complex’s Original Whistleblower

Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer Waking Times After marking the 12th anniversary of the terrible events of 9/11 and remembering the over 3000 lives that were lost, the American people find themselves embroiled in endless military conflict without clear objectives, without a clear definition of who or what we are still fighting, and without respectable leadership.

What Was the Sphinx?

Robert Temple, New Dawn Waking Times There has never been a satisfactory answer to what the Sphinx actually is or was. Anyone who goes to Giza can see for himself or herself that there is something ‘wrong’ with the Sphinx. It only takes an instant. The body is gigantic and the head is just a

Colony Earth, Advanced Science and The Rig Veda

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times Note: This is the first part of a II part series by V. Susan Ferguson. Please review part II, here.  Earth is only one of hundreds of colonies in our galaxy, which is home to 100 billion alien planets. Now is the time for this self-evident truth to be accepted!

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