
Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake? – 6 Examples of Media Manipulation

Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer Waking Times The world of television and modern media has become a tool of de-evolution, propaganda and social control. Since the reign of Edward Bernays and the rise of the Tavistock Institute in the early 20th century, nearly unlimited resources have been applied to understanding how to manipulate the human psyche

Life at Three Degrees Out of Phase

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that resonates at the core level. It’s a doorway to a place colloquially referred to as “everyday life” where an array of vibrations loosely define the boundaries of right and wrong. It’s an illusory

Brain Washing, Social Control and Programming – Why You Should Kill Your Television

Personocratia, Contributor Waking Times  Media Control Schooling plays a big role in programming the population, but the most potent and prevalent educational tools are the mass media. These are devised to reach a large audience via the broadcasting of information through natural means (spoken or written language, posters) or technological ones (radio, television, cinema, the Internet).

Architects of Society and the Power of Division

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, There is much talk in the news about people taking sides on a certain issue, and if one believes the headlines, such talk is creating wide division within the masses. But what is division, and why should we care? An Ancient Tool For The Masses In the following

It’s Okay To NOT ‘Fit In’ With Society

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times Do you feel like you sometimes don’t ‘fit in’ with society? Have you ever caught yourself looking at all of the unhealthy food in someone else’s shopping cart at the grocery store? When you see people blindly following others, does it make you feel a little uncomfortable? Are

Why Vaccines Aren’t Paleo

Dr. Kelly Brogan, M.D. and Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Didn’t the modern miracle of vaccines eradicate the plague and pestilence our Paleolithic ancestors succumbed to? Think again… Paleo-oriented researchers, foodies, and clinicians seek to honor a wisdom in evolution that has been forsaken in the modern food era. The human genome is best expressed

Immortality as Consciousness

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times As portions of the One, we are immortal. We have chosen to ‘play’ in space-time, the earth plane of Limitation. Caught in temporal mortal forms, our human body, veiled in the illusion of separation and Samsara, the cyclical ocean of death & birth, we fear our impending inevitable death.

Ayahuasca and Iboga – Messengers of Truth from Mother Earth

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times “The history of Western culture in the last two thousand years could be seen as the “Empire of the Mind conquering the exterior world and extinguishing the interior one, with the result that we have atrophied our spiritual connection.” –Rak Razam The world is deeply out of balance in these

What is the Shift?

Vidya Frazier, Guest Waking Times For thousands of years, humanity has inched its way toward greater spiritual maturity. Most human beings have been caught in the dense karmic energies of the earth plane, lifetime after lifetime, and have made very slow progress. Only a few lone individuals from time to time have reached what’s been

The Hummingbird Pyramid is Discovered in La Maná, Ecuador Among 17 Ancient Temples

Alex Putney, Guest Waking Times A monumental discovery was recently made south of La Maná, Ecuador on November 17, 2013 while exploring low mountains along the Calope River. The megalithic ruins of an ancient temple have been partially exposed by the dynamite blasts of roadworkers and the erosive action of water, uncovering large sections of

The Esoteric Symbolism of the Cross

Julian Websdale, Contributor Waking Times The cross is an archetype found in all cultures, mostly in a magical context, where it has power as the route to enlightenment, and as a symbol of the inner solar power. The cross is unique in its all-inclusive symbolism, which covers cyclic or vortex patterns, the Sun god, the

10 Urban Farming Projects Flourishing in Boston

John Deike, EcoWatch Waking Times Urban agriculture and the local food movement are flourishing as farms and gardens continue to pop up across Boston’s inner-city sprawl. To highlight the green movement, Food Tank created a top ten list of the city’s most innovative urban agriculture projects. 1. Berkeley Community Garden, a community of 140 farmers in Boston’s South End,

Scientific Verification that Solitary Confinement is Torture

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times Something has gone terribly wrong with criminal justice in the United States and our once inspiring nation has now become a frightening police state. While occasionally we do hear a  story of a police officer committing an unusually kind act, unfortunately the national media is dominated by stories of

Gnostic Palms and the Eye of the Handshake

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that you hold literally in the palm of your hand. It boasts neither a whimsical shape, nor beckons attention as an oddity of design. Even to the most discerning eye it’s without specific form

Serving the System – How Free Are You, Really?

Alen Mischael Vukelić, Contributor Waking Times The system teaches us that we are dumb creatures who just don’t get it. Somehow we are always too late, too slow, too uneducated to fulfill the guidelines that are put there in front of us. It teaches us that we are incapable of observing the world in which

The Quest to Free Up Free Energy

Brad Olsen, In5D Guest Waking Times “If these new energy technologies were to be set free worldwide, the change would be profound. It would affect everybody. It would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that has happened in the history of the world.” ~Dr. Brian O’Leary (Ph.D. in Astronomy, UC-Berkeley), NASA

It’s Time to Banish Hope and Belief

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times Here’s a good exercise that will help alter your conscious awareness and put punch and clarity where slosh once existed. Don’t even use the words “hope” or “believe”. Every time you’re tempted to say, write or even think these debilitating, nebulous concepts, replace “I hope” or “I believe” with “I

The Purpose of Life

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times “It is in the finest reach of man’s consciousness that God abides or reveals himself most fully.” –K.K. Nair/Krishna Chaitanya The above sentence, written by the brilliant and renowned Indian scholar K.K. Nair/Krishna Chaitanya, expresses to me the most profoundly beautiful of thoughts. For after all is said and

The Hidden World of Faerie

Elva Thompson, Guest Waking Times “Come fairies! Take me out of this dull world,? For I would ride with you? Upon the wind and dance ? Upon the mountains like a flame.” – W.B. Yeats Time is speeding up, the sand in the hourglass of our lives is flowing, and our everyday existence is a challenge,

Valentine’s and a Rose for Emily

Julian Wash, Contributor  Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that words can hardly express. It’s a path that leads to a place euphemistically referred to as nowhere. It’s a journey of still reflection and quiet repose that entwines the shadows of yesterday with

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