
Imagine… A World Without Traffic Lights

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times Some features of our society are so ubiquitous that we never pause to consider their impacts on our life, for better or for worse. Take traffic lights, for example. Very few of us alive today can remember a time when the movement of people through an urban area was

7 Books That Will Change the Way You See the World

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer Waking Times “You want weapons? Go to a library. Books are the best weapons in the world.”  –Doctor Who Books have a way of capturing us that movies and documentaries simply cannot compare to. The worst thing you can do is limit yourself to reading only a few books. The best

Pineal Gland – Portal of Higher Dimensions

Dr. Terry Willard, Guest Waking Times One of the most won­drous parts of our phys­i­cal body is the Pineal Gland.  It is also called the epi­ph­ysis cere­bri, epi­ph­ysis, conar­ium or the “Third Eye.” It is a small endocrine gland in the ver­te­brate brain. It pro­duces sero­tonin and mela­tonin, hor­mones that affect mood and mod­u­late our wake/sleep pat­terns and sea­sonal func­tions. Its shape resem­bles a tiny

Child Prodigies and the Assault on Creativity

Andy Dilks, Staff Writer Waking Times When you think of a child prodigy, you usually think of an exceptional young talent which has been recognised in a person’s early life and nurtured by those around them, who encourage their latent abilities to blossom and grow. Mozart, of course, springs immediately to mind – a rare

Psychopaths in Charge – Maybe They’re Not Human

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that condones violence under certain circumstances. To this end, we find ourselves going along with the most egregious of things, not least of which is war. Here we find not only a consensus

The Truth Will Set You Free: Time Does Not Exist

Hans Meijer, Contributor Waking Times Why Time Does Not Exist When we ask ourselves why we think time exists, most of us would say: because we see everything changing, always. And so it is: everything in and around us is constantly changing, from beginning until the end. The question is, however: is the reason for

Our Adventure in the Matrix

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times Within each and every one of us is the God-given ability to access a myriad of realities in various dimensional realms, as many have discovered for themselves. When we began our adventure in and through the Cycles of Time, we knew who we were, a portion of the all

Able Reset and the Download

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that allows for spiritual growth and transformation. In contemporary terms, we’re able to “download” or “upload” depending on whether we choose to hear a ripple or create one in the vast stillness of the

Theosophy and Meditation

Julian Websdale, Contributor Waking Times One definition of Theosophy says that theosophical thought is ‘based on the direct and immediate experience of the divine’. Other definitions refer to a ‘mystical insight’ as the basis of theosophical teachings and beliefs. Those two statements refer to the same thing. The intellectual content of Theosophy is more than

16 Signs That You’re a Slave to the Matrix

Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer Waking Times Today’s world is a strange place. We are inundated with signals from early on in life, encouraging each of us to walk a particular path, establishing blinders on us along the way to discourage us from looking for alternatives to what the herd is doing or thinking. Life is

Paleo-Sanskrit Subtitles Adorn the Murals of Lascaux Cave

Alex Putney, Guest Waking Times Lascaux Cave, in southern France, comprises a series of linked subterranean galleries with several large, colorful murals painted by highly skilled Paleolithic artists over 18,000 years ago. The cave entrance was discovered and cleared in 1940 to reveal exquisite galleries in an extraordinary state of preservation. Decay due to moisture and

Steeped in the Matrix in the Shadow of Indifference

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that can transition the mind from vibrancy into a banal state of cognitive dissonance. Here we find the shadow of indifference and the trappings of complicity. But what is the path of the slow

5 Strategies for Keeping Your Sanity in This Insane World

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times Some of us have achieved a balance of sorts in these dark times, and have grown to be able to view the world as it is, honestly acknowledging all of its suffering, yet somehow maintaining a healthy connection to happiness and inner peace. In part, that’s really what this website

Search for the Mind of God

Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince, New Dawn Waking Times Stephen Hawking famously ended his 1988 bestseller A Brief History of Time with the statement that, if and when physics finds its long-sought grand unified field theory “we would know the mind of God.”1 Although since then he has reportedly regretted the phrase, and famously announced in 2010 that

An Introduction to Awakening

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times The waking up process is a very personal experience. Once we become aware of the existence of a fabricated world we thought to be real and that our true nature is anything but what we’ve been told, there’s no turning back. It may appear to be a lonely path, but

This is the Kali Yuga

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times The Sanskrit word Kali, which denotes the fourth cycle of time, the Kali Yuga, has no connection with the goddess Kali [kAlI]. These two words are ‘spelled’ meaning written quite differently in the Devanagari and therefore should not be confused. The Kali Yuga refers to the apocalyptic demon Kali

On the Eve of Construction

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times I love the sound of construction. I always have. Not the industrial sound from the kind of massive, offensive structures made with other-worldly looking machines, but the intentional, gentle kind. Small structures going up, improvements on homes, road repairs, even tending to gardens whether it’s tree pruning or small rearrangements.

Higher Knowledge: Enriching & Enabling Factor

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor Waking Times  Most people would agree we all want to live in a kinder, more humane world. A world where there is respect for human life, economic resources are shared, and the old and infirm are treated with dignity.  In each of these areas there is room for improvement. Economically many

Vedanta – The Science of Self Discovery

Frank Huguenard, Staff Writer Waking Times At the heart of Hinduism is a spiritual and philosophical framework known as Vedanta. To understand the distinction between the two, it’s important to understand the origin of the word Hindu. When the first explorers from Persia traveled to India (then known as Bharat), they came across the Indus

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