The Prince of Darkness Meets His World Elite
V. Susan Ferguson – Hovering over the city, the Prince of Darkness sat in his black helicopter.
V. Susan Ferguson – Hovering over the city, the Prince of Darkness sat in his black helicopter.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – The menace of the past was that men became slaves; the menace of the present is that men become automatons to corporations hell-bent on profits at any cost
Valerie Tarico – In a world that is teeming with humanity, armed with pipe bombs and machine guns and nuclear weapons and drones, we don’t need defenders of religion’s status quo…
Waking Times – Is the age of free energy upon us? Will some of this technology escape and go open source?
Sam Mitriani – Before the 19th century, there were no police forces that we would recognize as such anywhere in the world.
Joshua Krause – Here are five of the most devastating global events that our ancestors managed to survive.
Waking Times – Many of the best books are available online to read for free. Check out this list of 100 legal places to find free literature.
Zen Gardner – Religions don’t have a corner on the market. Perhaps all of us have been cult-ivated in some way.
Marco Torres – Children are being trained and almost indoctrinated into a world where “the norm” is to fear everything and everyone…
Susan Raven – Our ancient ancestors were in constant communion with the Soul of the Earth and her elemental helpers, and acted accordingly in response to their messages…
Sigmund Fraud – Maintaining the suspension of disbelief in the illusion, however, is often more comforting than acknowledging the magician’s secrets.
Mike Sygula – Refusing to open your mind to new ideas, however bizarre they might seem, is arguably the most serious impediment to human progress.
Zen Gardner – Why the deliberate confusion? For us to draw awake and aware conclusions would mean the inevitable fall of their power structure.
V. Susan Ferguson – The Discs of Life made life on planet earth possible. No intra-planetary colonizers of a galaxy could hope to achieve life on an unknown atmosphere without such technology…
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – We live in a culture that’s suffocating under the stifling cross-stitched blanket of state and corporate power, and there is a single word sewn onto that two-sided blanket: Fascism.
Ethan Indigo Smith – Anyone who says that people cannot change things, that we are powerless to the control systems that already exists, does not realize they are in a system that began as imagination, an idea, which came about through influence…
George B. Trinkaus – Tesla was a humanitarian idealist consumed by a passion to save the world from poverty and war, and a superhumun inventor who had the uncanny to visualize the operation of machines in his head.
Mike Sygula – Is this what the world should look like? Absolutely not. We need to act to change this mentality. We have to make wiser choices and educate others.
Ida Lawrence – Spiritual lessons have been around a long time and we’re just now beginning to understand what they mean on a far greater scale…
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – A society based upon fear, apathy and hatred sets up a system which is fundamentally incapable of producing health and happiness