
ADHD is the New Education

Jon Rappoport – The unhinging of the young mind from any semblance of accomplishment and continuity goes beyond the agenda of outfitting children to be worker-drones in a controlled society.

Psychedelics, Consciousness & the Birth of Civilization

Graham Hancock – The “spirit world” and its inhabitants are real, that supernatural powers and nonphysical beings do exist, and that human consciousness may, under certain special circumstances, be liberated from the body…

Smashing Atoms… for God

Julian Rose – For most people it remains the case: we were given free will and we chose to be slaves.

Who I Write For

Jon Rappoport – I write for people who aren’t afraid of having power.

Black Holes and the Journey of the Soul

Bibhu Dev Misra – Legends and ancient myths talk of a “Spirit Trail” or a “Road of Souls” in our galaxy, along which the souls of dead people travel to a mystical underworld.

To See The Cage Is To Leave It

Aimee Gordon – Humanity has unwittingly volunteered itself into its relinquishment of authentic freedom, through the subjugation of our species to the unauthentic experiences of the era of ‘instant-gratification’.

Hope Shining Through the Cloud

Soren Dreier – Since nobody seems comfortable, with just letting the time pass without filling it up with ‘stuff,’ we go a bit astray maybe.

Fall of a Thousand Suns

Kevin Curran – In 2007, a team of twenty-four scientists presented evidence that massive comet fragments exploded over North America 12,850 years ago, killing millions of creatures and people.

The Deliberate Trashing of Planet Earth

Zen Gardner – Underground bunkers or not, the rapid deterioration of our environment is leading toward a dead planet if their machinations aren’t halted some time very soon.

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