Special Forces Veteran Tells the Truth About Joining the Military
Isaac Davis – More of the world’s youth will called to duty by the traitors and cowards who make peace an impossibility.
Isaac Davis – More of the world’s youth will called to duty by the traitors and cowards who make peace an impossibility.
Bernie Suarez – Is a delusion no longer a delusion because a business agreement that binds us together for a common cause?
Dr. Rita Louise – No written record exists attesting to the grandeur of Göbekli Tepe. There are no stories, myths or legends referring to it. The site and its inhabitants have been forgotten, lost in time.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Anarchists are crazy enough to think they can change the world, which is precisely why they will.
Jay Dyer – Make no mistake about it, we are only a few years away from the dystopian future of The Running Man.
Valerie Tarico – Christians depict Jesus in a form that best suits their own culture and purposes, so where does his image come from?
Peter Patrick Barreda – The revered psychiatrist Carl Jung believed the mandala held a special significance as a template for the human psyche.
Jon Rappoport – “What exists outside a psychic prison defined by rabid consumerism, limited and false science and peer pressure?
Gregg Prescott – The only people who NEED money are the same people who made us their economic slaves.
Daniel Dowling – Artists are powerful because of their inherent grasp of emotion and of feeling. Please use this to produce music that inspires and elevates.
Bernie Suarez – How dangerous is TV? Spread the word. Turn off your TV and do without it. After a few months you’ll look back and you won’t believe you watched TV in the past.
Richard Smoley – If astrology does work, how does it work?
Waking Times – Watch this brilliant short film about people awakening to the reality that their world is falling apart.
Brendan D. Murphy – New paradigms are in the making—culture is being civilized (transformed) in a way that few generations on this Earth have ever had the opportunity to witness.
Sergey Baranov – Is the fear instilled on us by the government slogans: ‘’Say No to Drugs’’, effective?
Ethan Indigo Smith – Nuclear arms cannot bring peace, and nuclear energy cannot bring sustainability. With the M.A.D.ness of nuclear experimentation constantly looming, there can be no peace.
Spoony Quine – Why do Americans go out of their way to remove this part of human anatomy, when the rest of the world does not?
Pao L. Chang – Religion is one of the most powerful tools to use for enslaving our minds and souls, because it manipulates us to think that we are weak and powerless, and need to rely on a savior to save us.
Julian Rose – Like religion and like the Mafia, democracy has provided a formula which offers protection for those who prescribe to a skewed system of control by the few.
Jay Dyer – If you’ve ever sensed the flimsy, thin veneer of what parades itself as the good ole US of A, and felt a bit like you’ve been sold a fake, then David Lynch’s Twin Peaks is a series you must see.